Monday, April 27, 2009


On this week's PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY HOUR, my guest was author and
professional direct-voice channel, Michael Ellegion:
http://www.achiever vortex-progressi ve-tech/index. php

Michael and I talked about the ET presence that has infiltrated and
compromised our society, our government, the military/industrial complex,
and our religions. I'm talking specifically about what are called "The
Archons". The Archons are the Greys and the Reptilians, which invaded Earth
approximately 3600 BC and are mentioned in detail in the Nag Hammadi texts
found in 1947. The Nag Hammadi texts were written by the Gnostics, a
dominating world religion in ancient times. The key component thats missing
with the Archons is their lack of compassion, which melds well with the NAZI
culture of the rise of 3rd Reich as well as today's rise of the 4th Reich.
According to my research, what crashed at Roswell in 1947 was a NAZI Haunebu
craft built at a secret installation by the German NAZIs down in Argentina.
The incredible discovery by our military was that this craft was flown by
the Greys. A transfer of technology began at that point between our
industrial sector and the deep secret "black op" sector.

You can't make this stuff up folks! Its for the most part BEYOND Human
understanding and imagination, and you'll only get the BIG picture on VNN!


William S. Alek, Chief Director, President