Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Boylan, Satanic Agent of Darkness, insults the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ.

The blasphemy of the paranoidal satanist.

Yes, the "appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary" at Fatima, Portugal around 1917 were actually visitations by a Star Person, apparently a female Pleaidean Teacher, who was surrounded by a powerful aura/energy field which the Catholic peasant children took to be a "halo" like in the pictures in their catechism book.
The simple peasant children assumed that the pretty lady who suddenly appeared was Mary the mother of Jesus.
The Pleiadean Teacher told the children to give a message to the local priests and bishop (with hopes he would pass it on to the Pope and eventually other world authorities. ) The primary message was a warning that the terrible World War I then raging on had to stop, and that Humans had to change their aggressive territorial ways. This message was ignored by the Church authority and by then end of WW I, 20 million had died and another 20 million were wounded.

in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.