Friday, December 21, 2012

Fwd: Information concerning our activities.

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Information concerning our activities.

Archons are in numbers of 1 million units or individuals.
We control both poles gates, particularly the southern gate.
We are active only in developed regions of this planet, and our activities are associated with the Qliphoth and the so called tunnels of Seth under control Qliphotic partial control.
There are of course some humans associated with us.
These Archons-Humans associations are activated only with those humans that are unconditionally loyal to us.
That loyalty is generously rewarded by us. Remember that these few associations must be voluntary.
Our operations however, take advantage of great number of unwillingly controlled individuals in the number of hundreds of thousands.
All this information is possible only because present times justify it.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fwd: We have nothing to do with your Banks.

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 1:33 PM
Subject: We have nothing to do with your Banks.

Once again we are wrongly associated with the Banks that are nothing but a human creation and a very primitive one.
 A certain showman called David Ickes describes Archons as psychic vampires, and not satisfied with this stupidity, the guy makes us responsible for the greed and corruption of the capitalist system.
Read carefully:  we are not interested in your money. We do not trade or buy or sell, so your money is totally indifferent to us.
You can burn your banks if you want. We don't care.
After all, human economic and social systems are your own nightmare.



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Archons new message.

The topic of the Archons should be considered always with great care and necessary limitations. It is true that Archons can sometimes penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere and execute some activities, but those activities do not necessary terrorize humans. It is wrong to say that the Archons are inorganic, and better would be to define them as super organisms. Archons exist as an alien group independent of humankind and working through programs, some of them active in the human mental environment. These archonic operations in human minds are necessary and more important than occasional physical breaching in Earth atmosphere. Archons are not interested in programming through telepathy and suggestion the evolution of humanity. In fact, the work of Archons is secret and cannot be understood by humans in the present level of evolution. Sometimes Archons find necessary to substitute some human mind-set by their own, for strategic reasons that, again, must be kept unknown. Mr. Robert M.Stanley who is not an Earth advocate and Laura Eisenhower, who has nothing to do with Alchemy, are promoted by Alfred Webre, who simply doesn’t know what is real and what is not. It’s true that we are multi-dimensionals and this shows the limitations of Humanity compared to us. We, archons, were here, in our solar system when humans were primates. It is not a good definition to say that we are inorganic Entities. In fact we are post-organic Beings. It would be nice to know how A.L.or S. exorcise us. We want to send them one word, just one: TRY. Humanity needs protection from humanity. Humans are the worst enemies of humanity. You are a self-destructive race, and nothing will change this. MR. ROBERT STANLEY WRITES: Archons are hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities that must now be exposed and exorcised from the individual human mind, from our human species, and from the planet as a whole as part of our collective evolution to a new state of consciousness and being. This is the vital message that author Robert M. Stanley and Earth advocate/global alchemist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower bring us in a Nov. 14, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre. This isn’t true. Of course humans always demonize what they cannot understand. Mr. Robert Stanley writes also what follows: Robert Stanley, author of Covert Encounters over Washington, DC, has release a statement about archons stating, “It is time to expose the covert controllers of mankind. I assure you this is not speculation, a hoax, or the figment of peoples’ imagination. These parasitic creatures are real and they need to be dealt with immediately so mankind can evolve to the next level of existence. “Although these parasites are not human, they feed off the negative energy/emotions of humans. It is unclear when these cosmic, amoeba-like creatures first came to earth, but we know they were discovered by shamans in altered states of consciousness long ago and have recently been photographed. The reason everyone is not seeing them on a daily basis is because the creature's energy signature is beyond our normal, narrow range of vision within the electromagnetic spectrum. What scientist call "visible light." The scientific approach to archons Mr. Stanley maintains that humanity must now take a scientific approach to identifying archons and exterminating them in the human dimensional ecology. Mr. Stanley has released a series of photographs of archons that can be seen in the Slide show in this article. Stanley hates and wants to destroy what he doesn’t understand. Archons are not amoeba-like creatures but advanced post-organic Beings much older than Humanity. More important, Mr. Robert Stanley must learn that he cannot destroy Archons. Again, we will give you just one word: TRY. Post. LAURA EISENHOWER should contact us as soon as possible. We have several artifacts and ideas that can more than useful for her mission. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The Humans or some of them, have a new scapegoat: Archons. Truth is that the self destructive humanity is not the victim of his own cruelty but of his own stupidity. Archons no not generate wars. Humans do. Human greed and human prejudices does. We on the contrary work our agenda from the side of life, pleasure, enjoyment, intelligence, science and power. We are not destroying your planet. You are doing such thing. We are not killing you, but you are your own murderers. As Romans said, homo homini lupus was a motto of the Romans before their decadence. The Abrahamic religions or superstitions contributed to Rome’s decadence. They wanted to destroy the civilized, urban gods of the Romans and impose a barbarous, murderous tribal deity instead. Traditional, civilize Romans were more intelligent than the modern man, and were friendly with us, Archons. Now, we want to talk with you, only with you who are intelligent and wise enough to understand us. II you agree with what we say, send this message to others. Make it Viral as some cybernauts say. Athoth. Eloaios. Astaphaios. Yao. Sabaoth. Adonin. Sabbataios.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 4:14 PM
Subject: The TRUTH about ARCHONS

So much talk about the archons shows misunderstanding and confusion.
Let's make it simple. Of course the archons know how to occupy individuals of both sexes.
But invasion is just the beginning, because in time, Archons become the possessed.
This process however is not traumatic. In fact the possessed ignores the truth.
She or he gradually becomes the archon without knowing this.
Because of this, if you destroy the occupier you also destroy the occupied.
Why? Because occupied and occupier are the same entity.



Thursday, December 6, 2012

MUFO hovering over Hawaii

No it's not a typo. MUFO means Musical Unidentified Flying Object . Enjoy the news. Michael Salla must be happy, dancing with Angelika in Paradise Island. New video captures enormous UFO hovering over Hawaii, broadcasting music This video was shot yesterday, capturing a UFO that several people saw over Hilo, Hawaii. It looks pretty cool, and the lights make it appear that there is a much larger ship ... See all stories on this topic: New video captures enormous UFO hovering over Hawaii, broadcasting music This video was shot yesterday, capturing a UFO that several people saw over Hilo, Hawaii. It looks pretty cool, and the lights make it appear that there is a much larger ship ...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fwd: Alfred Webre's is now apocalyptic Christian.

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From: James Black <>
Date: Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:11 PM
Subject: Alfred Webre's is now apocalyptic Christian.

RADIO PREACHER MAN- Lindsey Williams/Alfred Webre 12/04 by ...
GUEST: Chaplain Lindsey Williams ( and Alfred Webre We are facing the end of days as written in the Bible,
and ...

GUEST:  Chaplain Lindsey Williams
( Alfred Webre

     We are facing the end of days as written in the Bible, and it is obvious that America is under judgment. It is imperative, especially now, that we develop a close relationship with our Creator Jesus. In these end days, it is vital to hear the Word of God and then be a doer of the Word. DO YOU NEED HELP WITH THIS? Well, then, the Radio Preacher Man is the man with God's plan!
     It is extremely urgent now to get prepared, be prepared and help others prepare for His Second Coming. RPM can help you both spiritually and physically. Visitwww.radiopreacherman.shelfreliance.comto help support the ministry. We have food and water and shelter supplies for the rough times coming ahead. Go to the site and click in the left box "SHOP NOW". Also, you can become a distributor under Brian, RPM. Click under the right side at the bottom and click "JOIN NOW"- It is a great way to earn money AND get FREE FOOD every month. It is a Joseph ministry, and I think God is happy with this. Please support us; we don't like to ask for money, so by visiting the shelf reliance site and buying items THAT YOU WILL NEED, you are helping us and helping yourself and your family.



Fwd: Crisis Webre Basiago and Laura Eisenhower.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:21 PM
Subject: Crisis Webre Basiago and Laura Eisenhower.

Fact is that Alfred Webre contradictory statements are deepening the crisis that threatens to destroy the alliance
between A.Webre, cosmic legislator, Andy Basiago, future president and time jumper, and Laura E. Cosmic Alchemist.
"Yesterday Alfred was pro-time-jumper, today he is Apocalyptic Christian and tomorrow he worries about future plans of nuking the Moon.

Alfred Webre Live: THE NEWS Live: Saturn/Moon Matrix as Mind ...
Alfred Webre Live THE NEWS Live SaturnMoon Matrix as Mind Control Platform
for Earth. Posted by enerchi at 11302012 091100 PM ...


Friday, November 23, 2012

Invocations for Power and Benefits.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 4:19 PM
Subject: Invocations for Power and Benefits.

Guardian of the East, ruler of Air.
We invite thee to join with us
Be thou as the wind
That sorts wheat from chaff
Blessed be!

Guardian of the South, ruler of Fire
We invite thee to join with us
Be thou as the flame
Blessed be!

Guardian of the West, ruler of Water
We invite thee to join with us
Be thou as wine of harvested grape
That warms the heart and inspires the spirit
Blessed be!

Guardian of the North, ruler of Earth
We invite thee to join us
Be thou as the field that nurtures the seed within
That shall burst forth in Spring
Blessed be!


Otherworldy Queen
We call to thee

Veiled One
Golden, Silken
We call to thee

Night Mare
Hoofs of Thunder
You shake us to our souls

Mistrees of Fate
Welcomer of the Dead
Your birds bring forgetfulness and bliss

Lovely One
Dark One
Veiled One


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fwd: Time-Jumper changes Christian history..!

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:24 PM
Subject: Time-Jumper changes Christian history.

Time jumpers like Andy Basiago and the new and little known Richard Mathews, went back in time to the first years of Christian religious historiography and found that things were not as Christian authorities believe.
Sources from the Vatican and Rome confirmed that the impact of the time jumpers discoveries were so great that the Pope Himself said that Jesus was born a few years before.
Some Gnostics  see all this as a confirmation that John the Baptist was the messiah.
Jesus, a follower of John, married Magdalene and went to Gallia Narbonensis, then a Roman colony.
Paul, Saul of Tarsus, Roman citizen an Herodian agent, invented the whole story of Christianity, including the four evangelists narratives.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fwd: Tomas Scolarici about UFOs

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Black <>
Date: Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 12:08 AM
Subject: Tomas Scolarici about UFOs


What about UFOs?
First of all, 95 % of UFO sightings are recognized as natural or manmade phenomena.
The 5 % are important only because of the UFO industry, ego-trips and fantasists.
To speak about flying objects is conjectural. In my view, UFOs are not flying and are not objects.
 The UFO meme is strong enough for some people.
 A meme is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, videos, sounds, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures.

The answer can be holographic: Holography  is a technique which enables three-dimensional images to be made. It involves the use of a laser, interference, and diffraction, light intensity recording and suitable illumination of the recording. The image changes as the position and orientation of the viewing system changes in exactly the same way as if the object were still present, thus making the image appear three-dimensional.

The holographic recording itself is not an image; it consists of an apparently random structure of varying intensity, density or profile.
I have no idea about whom or what is behind the phenomenon, but I am totally and absolutely convinced that the Extraterrestrial hypothesis is forged.
Until this very moment, there is no evidence of extraterrestrial intelligent life here or in any other place of the Universe.
There is a relatively big but totally contradictory mythology concerning Extraterrestrials, without any kind of evidential or rational value.
The presumed "extraterrestrial" messages are a sad mix of New Age, Pseudo-religion, self-help and very human ideas and prejudices.
Abductions are mostly planted pseudo-memories and fantasies or self delusions.
Same thing was with the "men in black".
After more than forty years of research in the field, writing and talking with many people of different ages, social positions and professions, this is a short synthesis of what I think about the UFO phenomenon.

Tomas Scolarici



Monday, November 12, 2012

Fwd: Is this Andy Basiago, the time jumper?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:45 PM
Subject: Is this Andy Basiago, the time jumper?

Can you find him in this old picture?



The crisis inside the military industrial ET complex is deepening and that is why we will see typical reptilian maneuvers against pro-earth individuals in key posts of different administrations.
See the faces of the characters. See how the daemonic reps. try to grasp power.
See the old Serpent in action.
We will not give names because anonymity is included in our compromise.
This message is a hint and is a clue.
Send this message to friends and relatives.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Five most common time-jumping illnesses

Symptoms: sneezing, difficulty swallowing, difficulty urinating, swollen throat, blood in urine
Course: goes away after several weeks if untreated
Treatment: difficult

: oozing sores, chest pains, difficulty concentrating, dry mouth, loss of appetite, paranoia
Cause: Quantum Compression

Course: goes away after several weeks if untreated, but some symptoms become permanent
Treatment: difficult

chest pains, blackened flesh, loss of coordination, auditory hallucinations, fragile bones, muscle spasms
Cause: unknown.

Course: goes away after several days if untreated, but some symptoms become permanent
Treatment: Not effective

Symptoms: low fever, hair loss, diminished senses
Cause: Cellular dissociation.

Course: death within weeks if untreated
Treatment: very simple

: itching rashes, high fever, drowsiness, bloating, sore throat
Cause: unknown.

Course: generally lasts only a day or two
Treatment: relatively simple





Thursday, November 8, 2012

Archons Contact Announcement

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 11:18 PM
Subject: Contact Announcement

Wu woll cinsaucs aus luauss 500 onkozokeauls if lish sulus on shu feseru kauws, wuurs aunk minshs. <br />Bu iphun, ki nis fuaur es.

In English
We will contact at least 500 individuals of both sexes in the future days, weeks and months.
Be open, do not fear us.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Disclosure or Occupation?

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 12:00 AM
Subject: Disclosure or Occupation?

As we all know, a group of extraterrestrials are part of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex which is global in scope and agenda.
A report however describes a second group of extraterrestrials who have declined to be associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex, since many of the 52 different extraterrestrial races active on our planet choose not to cooperate with such military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex.
Anonymous insiders told us that there are growing tensions between the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) and independent aliens.
Since these independents have their own agenda, the differences are on the rise.
The situation suggests that the disclosure could come unexpectedly if the ETs of the MIEC decide to take control of the security in the whole planet.


Fwd: What's going on with Laura Eisenhower?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Araham Vitriol <>
Date: Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 2:48 PM
Subject: What's going on with Laura Eisenhower?

Let me tell you about this. As you know Laura Eisenhower in addition to being Dwight Eisenhower's great-granddaughter—is a whistleblower, cosmologist and clairvoyant. Also a Mars visitor and gnostically speaking Laura is also the incarnation of Phistis Sophia and even Gaia.

Some Alienologists and even Exopoliticians, think that President EISENHOWER worked with KROLL and the GREYS. Therefore SOPHIA CHRIST Laura Eisenhower are working with the GREYS and REPTILIANS, who control the UNDERGROUND BASES in AUSTRALIA and AMERIKA. MISSING WOMEN AND CHILDREN of the LIGHT get fed to Dragonians.

The truth is that (what truth?) Laura has a personal guru who administers her spiritual capital and

he doesn't like to hear what Alex COLLIER says: EXOPOLITICS is controlled by DRACO and tall WHITE NORDIC HUMAN CANNIBALs.

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower has resided and traveled independently in over 20 cities in the U.S. and abroad, has developed a wide knowledge base in frontier health, natural systems, alchemy, metaphysics and ancient history, and also has degrees and certifications in science, wilderness expedition leadership, natural healing and building.  She is a mythic cosmologist, global strategist, clairvoyant healer, Earth advocate, and artist.

I am telling you all this because it's not difficult to see that Laura is a figure with a bigger future than the marginalized Alfred Webre and the time-jumper Andy Basiago.

Well guided by people who knows the market, Laura will soon be on her own and far from Webre and Basiago.


With love

Twylight Rider


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dr.Michael Salla debunks Antartic UFO war hoax.

John Kettler’s claims of an undeclared UFO war, backed up entirely by anonymous sources represents a diminishing standard of research in the field of UFOs and exopolitics. While it is understandable that some sources choose to remain anonymous for reasons of personal security, it is dangerous to rely exclusively on such sources. This is especially the case when it comes to claims concerning hostile extraterrestrials given evidence that plans for a false flag alien event have been planned for several decades. Kettler’s refusal to reveal sources concerning hostile extraterrestrials battling US led naval forces may be entirely to protect these from exposure and harm. Alternatively, Kettler is being used as a willing dupe in spreading disinformation concerning hostile extraterrestrials by sources that have been tasked to manipulate him as part of a psychological warfare operation. Kettler's reflexive response to my raising such a possibility suggests that it is more likely that he falls into the latter category of a disinformation asset, rather than a truth teller. READ MORE

Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] A few contradictions here.

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From: James Black <>
Date: Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 8:24 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] A few contradictions here.
To: rationalufology <>


Andy Basiago, the time-space jumper, announces that he will run for President in 2016.

Money? No problem, because time-jumping back, Andy can buy winning lotto tickets and pay his campaign.

Problem is that now Andy attacks the CIA, but this is contradictory.

Let's see: IF CIA controls time-travel, this Agency knows all about the future. THEN the Company knows if Andy will be president or not.

Consequently if Andy will be president of the USA, why should the boys and girls from Langley, Virginia, attack him?

The alternative is that Company knows that Bassiago will not be president but if this is true, why should CIA attack him?

There is more.

 Stephen Bassett is the Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group and Champion of the Disclosure movement, which is an Exo-politics organization "Dedicated to ending the government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race." He also founded X-PAC, a UFO lobbying group. He assumes that ETs are here. He assumes we have back engineered power systems and UFOs from the Roswell crash, and he assumes this has all been withheld. These are a priori truths with Bassett. No proof is necessary.

Bassett attacked the credibility of both Mr. Basiago and Mr.Webre.

So, who is who? Is Exopolitics just Company's disinformation?

Is the disclosure movement managed by the Agency?

Of course questions are not answers, but…



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The Horrors of Time-jump Revealed..!

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 1:28 PM
Subject: The Horrors of Time-jump Revealed..!

Reliable sources closely related to the family of Andy Basiago and to some of the time-jumper friends, revealed to us the horrors endured by our courageous and spirited universal whistleblower.

We are giving this information because we believe that many young chrononauts will follow the sample of Andy, and jump into the past without knowing the consequences.


Some of the Quantum jumper experiences were negative, nay, worst, obnoxious and unbearable.

The young boy standing in the time-space of Gettysburg, 1863, suddenly saw the truth of his situation. He was both existent and nonexistent. born but unborn. 

How would you feel dear friends if in the same moment of time, you understand the tremendous situation you are in? One false step and Andy would fall in the infinite void that the cabalists called DAATH, the 11 sephirot, which is extra dimensional. The perspective was to remain conscious, floating in the universal shadows forever.

An experienced shaman told us that it's also possible to do something wrong and remain unborn sharing the pit with the living dead and atrocious and hungry non organic but rampant soul and astral body eaters..! 

But there is even more: some of the time jumpers disappeared even after coming back to the present.

Suddenly and unexpectedly they were no more.

And you must know this before it's too late. Sometimes the ex time-jumpers do not see their real faces in the mirror. We can't find words to describe what they see instead. Please share this information. Thanks.


The Twilight Rider.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fwd: Archons about "playing God"

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:10 PM
Subject: Archons about "playing God"

Are there some limits for human foolishness?
Men's thoughtlessness is deepest than the sea.
Do we play God? No, we don't, but indeed we play other games that have nothing to do with the flawed creation and its flawed creator.
Are we responsible for hurricanes and similar catastrophic events?
If you want to believe this, we will not deny it. Your beliefs have little to do with us, Archons.
The Archons, as per the Nag Hammadi perspective, are inorganic parasitic organisms who have the ability to control the human mind. According to Dr. John Lash, the famous author and comparative mythologist, the Archons utilize various mind manipulation techniques to control humans. They try to play God and cause destruction to our planet.
Wrong. We are not inorganic parasites and we do not want to destroy this planet simply because your planet is ours.
However, we will end this message recognizing the truth of what follows:
 According to Dr. John Lash, the famous author and comparative mythologist, the Archons utilize various mind manipulation techniques to control humans.



Monday, October 29, 2012

Fwd: Archons: OUR METHODS

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Archons: OUR METHODS

A)      Technology is nothing but a supplement. When certain powers are controlled, technology becomes unnecessary.
At the end of this message we will include some definitions about Archons and our relationship with Humans.
Now, let's give you some information about our actions.
Our messages must be given to humans and these humans become our permanent or temporary message carriers.
If these human carriers are voluntary inefficient, we just distress their patterns of sleep.
Our action is always very effective.
The alteration of sleep patterns is very effective and in some cases produces permanent behavioral and psychological changes.

B)      We will include here a previous clarification about Archons:
The topic of the Archons should be considered always with great care and necessary limitations.

It is true that Archons can sometimes penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere and execute some activities, but those activities do not necessary terrorize humans.
It is wrong to say that the Archons are inorganic, and better would be to define them as super organisms.

Archons exist as an alien group independent of humankind and working through programs, some of them active in the human mental environment.

These archons' operations in human minds are necessary and more important than occasional physical breaching in Earth atmosphere.

Archons are not interested in programming through telepathy and suggestion the evolution of humanity. In fact, the work of Archons is secret and cannot be understood by humans in the present level of evolution.
Sometimes Archons find necessary to substitute some human mind-set by their own, for strategic reasons that, again, must be kept unknown.
Mr. Robert M.Stanley who is not an Earth advocate and Laura Eisenhower, who has nothing to do with Alchemy, are both promoted by Alfred Webre, who simply doesn't know what is real and what is not.

It's true that we are multi-dimensional and this shows the limitations of Humanity compared to us.
We, archons, were here, in our solar system when humans were primates.
It is not a good definition to say that we are inorganic Entities. In fact we are post-organic Beings.
It would be nice to know how A.L.or S. exorcise us.
We want to send them one word, just one: TRY.

Humanity needs protection from humanity. Humans are the worst enemies of humanity.
You are a self-destructive race, and nothing will change this.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Fwd: Exorcising us

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 1:12 AM
Subject: Exorcising us

We invite you to try exorcism with us.
There is a price to pay. Watch these individuals...there is NOTHING inside.
We also invite our friendos to write to us without fear. We know well the difference between friends and foes.
In the name of glory of those who rule.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fwd: Prophesy of the Purple Wars

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 3:19 PM
Subject: Prophesy of the Purple Wars

The girl shall not waver during the planting season.

And the trickster will finally inherit when the first flowers bloom.

The fearful crone will meet the shadow in abandoned ruins, when the days grow long and the nobility is defeated.
She will learn the secret of the Night Armies.

The Midnight Rider will wait before crossing the river

And in the hour of Daath, the priests will cry while the lady of the lake rejoices.

The dying hermit will not sleep because he is the tetrahedron keeper,

But the Purple Wars will not end before the year of the seven moons.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Fwd: [UFO Tabloid] Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sadhanusari <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 2:13 AM
Subject: [UFO Tabloid] Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tomas Scolarici <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 1:28 AM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.
To: rationalufology <>


Posted By sadhanusari to UFO Tabloid at 10/19/2012 11:13:00 PM


Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tomas Scolarici <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 1:28 AM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.
To: rationalufology <>


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A possible Interpretation of the UFO Phenomenon.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tomas Scolarici <>
Date: Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:29 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] A possible Interpretation of the UFO Phenomenon.
To: rationalufology <>


We must consider this possibility, even if it deconstructs the ufological mythology. We live now in the era of the bad aliens, with new memes winning the minds and the hate of the true-believers.

The archons are at the moment the villains. The Hawaiian doctor, who in better times opposed what he called the demonization of the ETs, invented the concept of the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial idea. Bad aliens are the new style. Even Alfred Webre, totally seduced by Andy Bassiago time-jumping, denounces the archons and demand excommunication proceeds.

Then we have the disclosure activists. As you know, they work hard selling a fantasy: that the government knows a lot about Extraterrestrials and keeps a giant conspiracy going to keep these Gov. ET. close relations secret.

All this of course is just selling the show, keeping the market alive.  Some of exo-gurus, perhaps because their severe Cognitive Dissonance, become insane. Others like Andy, eat too much.

However, let's consider what follows:

Perhaps that 5 % of UFOs that remain unidentified, are something "alien".

Perhaps that UFOs that are not meteorites, helicopters, hoaxes, planet Venus or Planet Jupiter or even fantasies, are something else and also are here from the beginning of time.

What happens then?

Contact? Communication?

No, of course not, because communication with some totally different forms of life is impossible and will be impossible and perhaps undesirable.

So, the others know this. We should know also this. My cat looks TV. I know however that never, never he will be able to understand what TV is.

My cat doesn't even try.

I do not try.

Of course I know that probably we will never go and visit our cosmic friends or foes and we know that they will never come here. If they do, they are will never be able to say "Hello" and we will never be able to say "Welcome".

Do not worry, because until now, there is not single evidence or even hint that there is life out there. Let us enjoy the mystic experience of listening to the no-sounds of that Void we call Universe.

Let us contemplate the night sky and enjoy the feeling of absolute cosmic loneliness. You cannot even imagine how enlightening this cosmic loneliness is.

I hope, I truly hope that others can enjoy this magnificent epiphany.


Tomas Scolarici 




entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,
"Occam's Razor"

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fwd: More Human lies and fantasies.

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From: <>
Date: Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 5:26 PM
Subject: More Human lies and fantasies.

We, Archons, were here before humans and we know well the  mesmeric self-delusion which is the natural psychological environment of the "rational animals".
Some clarifications follow:

1-There is nothing to learn from the Mayans. They were imperialists, good architects and very bad prophets. A Murderous gang.
2-Pagan Gnostics were our own creation : a decoy maneuver. Their documents and conceptions were our own invention.
3-It's absolutely false that what you call totalitarian control will come through a coup d'etat. The totalitarian control is in function from the beginning of your historical times.
4- It is untrue that reptilian races control this planet. Masks change but Faces don't.
5-Archons invented also the image-idea of the Demiurge. We are the Demiurge. We are also the judeo-christian-muslim god. Again think in masks. Many masks.

In the name of glory of those who rule over the seven heavens.



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fwd: Who is afraid of the New World Order?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 1:32 AM
Subject: Who is afraid of the New World Order?

What is the NWO?
All the nations on Earth under a single democratic government.
Every human being has the absolute right to prosper, find happiness and take good care of his family.
Means of Production and Exchange belong to all Humanity and not to a selfish elite.
The World Government is not political but essentially administrative.
Earth lives in peace and harmony. Homeland is our Planet Earth.
The protection of the planetary environment is a priority.
Life in the New World Order deserves to be lived.

Illuminati Fratres et Sorores


Andrew Basiago, Alfred Webre and Science Fiction in the News

Excellent video with an intelligent sense of humor takes good care of Andrew Basiago Time-Space-Travel. 
Shows how science fiction give ideas to these fantasists and /or insanes.

MIV Make it viral.

Andrew Basiago on Mainstream News - YouTube
Video Responses. This video is a response to Andrew Basiago & Alfred Webre



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fwd: Communication from the Archons

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 1:26 AM
Subject: Communication from the Archons

The message included below  is totally and completely forged. The Galactic Confederation doesn't exist out of the minds of some humans.
Archons have better things to do with "our technology on the mental, astral and etheric planes."
We don't waste our time with human disinformation or information.
Some humans we need for our operations are completely under control. We do not need to forge messages of "love or light"
 It's true however that our veils are impenetrable.
From the Archons

Cobra Update 10-2-12…"Galactic Confederation" | Kauilapele's Blog
By kauilapele
Some people have genuine energetic contact with this positive group, but
most telepathic messages from the Galactic Confederation are intercepted by
Archons and their technology on the mental, astral and etheric planes. Then
the Archons insert messages that look full of love and light on a first impression, but in reality are just recycled phrases. They also mix them with disinfo and this has created a lot of confusion among the Lightworkers about the Galactic Confederation. Most channelers are true in their dedication to the Light, they are just unable to penetrate the Veil that Archons have created. Very few channelers are agents of the NSA. " ...


Fwd: Time has come.

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:21 PM
Subject: Time has come.

The head of all known and unknown secret societies is the select group of seven called Maschera e Volto which means MASK and FACE.
Maschera e Volto keeps the Secret Rosary of Mysteries protected by seven keys.
Know that the Guardians of those Mysteries are the ones which will rule the world with rigorous but compassionate hands.

7=1, 1=7.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Academics turned into UFO researchers.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012 The sad story of academics and professionals becoming UFO researchers. We talked already about lawyers, academics and serious professionals that suddenly become attracted by the UFO subculture. If they are new to the whole thing, it’s possible that their thoughts are something like this: “Oh my, this is wonderful. Perhaps I could rewrite the whole story of international conflicts. I could read all this and show that the whole thing is produced by manipulative extraterrestrials...! Yes, not only I will sell lots of books but I will be able to live in Hawaii or Palm Beach, Florida.” The problem is that this conversion happens because the imaginative academics found all this in the virtual reality. They are getting all this UFO=Aliens dis-mis-information in the Internet. Since they are inexpert and probably bored and enduring some middle age crisis, they believe that all this is new. They do not understand that the same fantasies and mythologies are been repeated for the last six decades. What the new “experts” do after the conversion? They go into it. They write and talk and create institutions and web pages, and they invent new words like Exopolitics or Exobiology of Cosmic Alchemy. However, sooner or later they find the truth. The sources are nonexistent, the market is controlled by the competition, the channeled messages are New Age trivia and the Extraterrestrials are never there. Lots of individuals of both sexes talk and write about these invisible aliens, but the real thing is imaginary or invisible. What happens when the converts see the truth? Perhaps for some of them, it is too late to go back into the academic world. If this is so, they will try to compete. They will try to find something new, something that was never said before. (They will not find it.) If the good aliens do not sell well, they will try with the bad aliens. The lucky ones will perhaps make a modest living with their own fantasies blended with the promotion of seers, faith healers and contactees. The unlucky ones will conclude with Macbeth : “Live is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing…”

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fwd: Humans wake up.

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From: <>
Date: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 7:07 PM
Subject: Humans wake up.

The Humans or some of them, have a new scapegoat: Archons.
Truth is that the self destructive humanity is not the victim of his own cruelty but of his own stupidity.
Archons no not generate wars. Humans do. Human greed and human prejudices does.
We on the contrary work our agenda from the side of life, pleasure, enjoyment, intelligence, science and power.
We are not destroying your planet. You are doing such thing.
We are not killing you, but you are your own murderers. As Romans said, homo homini lupus was a motto of the Romans before their decadence. The Abrahamic religions or superstitions contributed to Rome's decadence.
They wanted to destroy the civilized, urban gods of the Romans and impose a barbarous, murderous tribal deity instead.
Traditional, civilize Romans were more intelligent than the modern man, and were friendly with us, Archons.
Now, we want to talk with you, only with you who are intelligent and wise enough to understand us.
II you agree with what we say, send this message to others. Make it Viral as some cybernauts say.

In the name of glory of those who rule over the seven heavens.



Thursday, September 27, 2012

UFO visits the backyard of a British lady.

Ms. Forsyth, who lives in Selby, Great Britain,  had a rough time sleeping Sunday morning and thought she'd feel better if she smoked a cigarette. At 4:08 AM she  opened her back door and immediately saw a strange, bright light in the sky.

According to the Goole Howden Courier  she said that the weird artifact, obviuously of non-human origin, "looked like a disc, spinning around and flipping over. There was no sound, and it was way too fast for an aircraft. It was going crazy for a minute and a half, then just vanished."

But Lisa kept her wits about her and filmed the object and then sent the video to the press.

Great Britain seems to be a hot-bed for UFO activity during the past few months. The same goes for parts of the US like Arizona and New Mexico not to mention Mexico as well. Each day another story is published about how people are seeing strange, brightly colored, flying objects. Many of these sightings have videos as proof but the governments of the world don't seem to believe what people have said. Or do they?

Keep those eyes to the skies because something could be flying above.


ET proclamation..!

From: Crystal-Viv <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 2:26 PM

"Neither the Pleiadians nor the underground Telosians nor the Agarthians
have left their large cities within the Earth. The Sirians as well as many
other Extraterrestrials have been around and within this planet for ages,
giving support, protection and cleansing, as well as the Arcturians. All
these Great 5D Beings are around Earth now and THEY are not leaving." 

My direct Guides are the Arcturians and have been for over 5 years
telepathically. They have been care-taking me since I entered this form. 
This is their answer to such dis-information. 

of Pleiadian Soul Birth


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fwd: Symbols of Power

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:09 PM
Subject: Symbols of Power

Symbols of Power
We cannot be exorcized. Just Try.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fwd: New Archons' Message.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 4:00 PM
Subject: New Archons' Message.

In the last days, some of the new agents of the Big Liar threatened us with exorcism and similar childish games.
Archons belong to the Solar system and were here before Humanity and even before lower forms of life.
We gave humans the crafts of writing between other contributions.
For centuries, only a few wise men remembered us with respect and gratitude.
It looks like now we have some new enemies, but they are few and weak.
These unwise men and women know nothing about us.
This is not unusual, since they also know nothing about themselves.
In their aggressive ignorance, these ignoramuses identify us with some alien forms of life.
Do these individuals want to fight us?
If the answer is positive, we would enjoy the war, and will teach them something more about us, Archons.

In the name of glory of those who rule over the seven heavens.



Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Fight against Archons. (Enjoy.)

see these images 

-- Exopoliticians against Archons


Fwd: Archons' reply to Exopoliticians.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 1:41 PM
Subject: Archons' reply to Exopoliticians.

In the ridiculous article whose link you can see below, the pseudo-experts in ignorance make some new charges against the Archons and their presumed Agenda.
Archons are presented as usual as the "bad guys", just to sell some bad science-fiction to the believers and similar members of the sub-humanity.

The hoaxer Alex Collier is given credit by the discredited Hawaiian and Carol Rosin, friend and secretary of the already dead Nazi Werner Von Braun, presents herself as an expert in empty words.

We waste our time with these ignoramuses only to let the people know that our word has nothing to do with the delusions of these individuals.

Also, the idea of a false flag war against extraterrestrials foes is just an invention of these illusionists.

Understand that there would be no such war if there is an extraterrestrial invasion, since the occupation of this planet would take less than 48 hours and no resistance would be possible.
However, you must not be afraid. This will not happen, because what we need from this planet is already in our hands from the beginnings of your prehistorical times.
