UFO, Conspiracy, CHAOS THEORY AND PRACTICE, Exopolitics,contactees,Horary Astrology and Extraterrestrial Contacts, Demons, Angels, Hoaxes, Ufology, ET Information,Disclosure and Cover-Up,contactees, forbidden science, Aliens,NWO,Illuminati,,abductions,weird facts,prophesies,Forteana, Alternative worlds,magick, doomsday, time-travel, , revelations, secrets
Thursday, April 30, 2009
THE NEW STAR PARTY of Andrew Hennessey.
Time to say no therefore and get in the queue for our piece of the galactic pie.
Never in the field of economics have so many been owed so much.
The alleged sticking point with the corporations is the human logistics, but no worries … read the New Star Party Manifesto to give you an idea of what is possible from non-human intervention.
You could still pay the corporations all of their alleged profits in an ongoing way and still have plenty for everyone. You would think that mass poverty was actually more important than unlimited profits.
Why XENO and not EXO politics, well exo makes it sound like the aliens have been perfectly reasonable, ... and until we all get our piece of pie and they stop doing bad things ... its XENO ... the New Star Party is the constructive cure for Xenophobia !!
Keep Reading...
Article by Joshua
If one accepts the possibility that the Abduction Experience is happening to many people all over the world, then the next logical question is: "Can a Person do something to stop this process?" and also, "Is an Abduction always a very painful experience which scars the person?".
While I am not a psychologist in any sense of the word, I do feel that somehow people can stop the aliens from taking them if they do not want to go. I can not say definitively that the system of protection I will propose in this page will work but I feel that I have had subtle contact with some of the Greys, especially when I lived in Las Vegas and found this broke that contact. Also, to note, I do not have a conscious memory of having been in direct contact with any aliens, although I had a very real memory of a 10 second dream in Brazil where a similar scenario told by abductees seemed to be happening. In the summary I will be writing, about my own thoughts on this matter I will go into more detail there. I have had sensitives tell me that I have guides who are extraterrestrial and I have had my share of strange experiences. Through my own process of spiritual unfoldment and trying to be open to ideas impressed from spirit and unseen friends, a certain technique has come to me, which I feel can help people in dealing with such encounters.
So, as a catalyst to think about writing about this technique, I recently received an email from a hypnotherapist in Santa Barbara, California, working with abductees and it just felt correct to share this technique with her. I have not heard any feedback from my suggestion, but I thought I would include her e-mail with my answer. I think the first part of the answer to this problem, is that we must publicly acknowledge that these types of activities are going on. In a way, even though it seems like people have no free will about being taken, it is an introduction into our reality of other realities which exist along side of us. From what I have read in some interviews with Whitley Streiber, his new book is coming out May 21st and will explore this aspect of abduction.
Reading Between Lines: Fight for Power Inside Boylan's Neocult.
--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Fran Obsidian Harris <FoxIvy@nc.rr.com> wrote:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Boylan, Satanic Agent of Darkness, insults the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ.
Monday, April 27, 2009
professional direct-voice channel, Michael Ellegion:
http://www.achiever adio.com/ vortex-progressi ve-tech/index. php
Michael and I talked about the ET presence that has infiltrated and
compromised our society, our government, the military/industrial complex,
and our religions. I'm talking specifically about what are called "The
Archons". The Archons are the Greys and the Reptilians, which invaded Earth
approximately 3600 BC and are mentioned in detail in the Nag Hammadi texts
found in 1947. The Nag Hammadi texts were written by the Gnostics, a
dominating world religion in ancient times. The key component thats missing
with the Archons is their lack of compassion, which melds well with the NAZI
culture of the rise of 3rd Reich as well as today's rise of the 4th Reich.
According to my research, what crashed at Roswell in 1947 was a NAZI Haunebu
craft built at a secret installation by the German NAZIs down in Argentina.
The incredible discovery by our military was that this craft was flown by
the Greys. A transfer of technology began at that point between our
industrial sector and the deep secret "black op" sector.
You can't make this stuff up folks! Its for the most part BEYOND Human
understanding and imagination, and you'll only get the BIG picture on VNN!
William S. Alek, Chief Director, President
Mysterious Anonymous comes directly from the Devil-says Dave
Yes, I believe directly from the Devil's order. The reason for my statement is because God does not recognize other dieties and only the Devil would try to bring forth other dieties into any belief system through writing. Our Lord is a jealous God and will accept no other God before him. Exodus 20, the Ten Commandments, explains it. For a Christian there is no other belief but in God and Jesus his son sent to forgive our sins and show us a path to Heaven. The message gave prophecies from other dieties, who are unknown to me. If that is your belief system, fine, but it is not the belief system of Christians. For us there is no other Godly force. We see the holy three; The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as one God's throne. God, in our Old Testatment told of the coming of our messiah. Our New Testament are stories about his life and death.
I would ask, if the names you mentioned are not dieties, who are they? Thanks for taking time to inquire. I am more than happy to express my thoughts the way I read the text.
Dabe, Dave Stacey, aka doowop62
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Unborn and Dark..! Anonymous Message.
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:36 AM,
Unborn and Dark is the Universe.
The ancient Wars are not forgotten, because these are never ending Wars.
Empires we know, fighting against Empires.
Kali rules Cosmos, and Eris.
Those who choose Ignorance, believe in Peace, but those who Know can watch the Battle, and learn that Victory is Defeat and Defeat is Victory, because the War is endless.
The end of War is also the end of Universe, said the Master under the Black and Red Banner.
Behold those who live in the Blue Planet.
Watch the Sky but also the oceanic abyss.
The Power of the Red and Black Empire is great.
The Secret Ruler of the Six Directions is the Cakravarti, Lord of the Wheel of Time and Space.
To Him belongs the Past, the Present and the Future.
The Empire in One and Two, because of the Conflicting Duality Law. The War is endless but the Empire is One.
Rebels will however die and reborn from their own ashes.
Believe not in final defeat or victory. As we wrote before, the War in endless.
Be awake in the Vigil of the Warrior.
Be Strong and Selfless. There is no other way.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Into the Unknown: British UFO Conference.
The line up of speakers are, Kevin Goodman, Nick Pope, Malcolm Robinson, Mike Oram. Alan Foster and Duncan Campbell and the MC will be John Wickham (BUFORA)
Into the Unknown 2009
URGENT :UFO base and alien embassy in Kazakhstan.
The Republic of Kazakhstan in Central Asia is in the process of building the world's first alien embassy according to some local media reports. If these reports are to be believed, the authorities have already allocated a large plot of land in the city of Almaty for this ambitious project. Facilities to be built within the complex will include a guesthouse, theatre and translation service. A purpose built UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be attached to the embassy.
Kazakhstan's government believes open contact with aliens is imminent and by being the first nation to specifically create such facilities they are convinced they will reap enormous financial and economic rewards. The Kazakhstan Government also see this as a chance to demonstrate their nations forward thinking policies.
Keep on reading.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Boylan and the Alien Criminals..!
The best James Black. Excellent.
The EXO apparatus of disinformation and how it works.
First let us see how the Exo-disinfo. apparatus works.
The Exos tell us WHAT the Gov. keeps SECRET. Of course, this implies that the EXOS know the same things that the Gov. right?, and also that there are 3 different institution or entities IN THE KNOWLEDGE : The Gov. , the Exos and the ET's.
These three institutions, Exos, Gov. and Aliens, are communicated through whistleblowers, contactees an other "secret anonymous sources."
The Exos want us to believe this, because if we do, they are the only channels of information. (They sell us books, lectures, courses in Galactic Diplomacy, preparation for the contact...you name it.)
Of course the Exos want us to be passive, to wait their movements. Gov. movement would be the Disclosure, ET movement would be the open contact, and Exos movement...is what they sell us. They present themselves as the only source of information..!
But this hoax works only with a herd, but not with intelligent people.
We have ideas, we are not affraid of differences, we believe in freedom. For us, Ufology is full of questions and not a cult, but an Open field of research. The Exo Circus is ready to close. They have nothing more to sell us.
In Truth we Trust
James Black
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Paul Schroeder's Daemonic Abduction.!
At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic, a spirit world of myriad vibration levels and the pictures you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality. Like a goldfish who never suspects a greater world beyond the ponds surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality; groping, mouth agape in total ignorance.
Aliens have failed to hybridize, and now invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess; to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion; these are my experiences. I am a fifty year old happily married father of two extraordinary teens. I am one who writes, landscapes, crafts his own ales, hunts mushrooms, breeds native giant silk moths, and teaches.
keep reading...
REVELATION: Martians are Cruel and Despotic.
Dissent from rulership is not indulged; unhappy people (at any age) are sacrificed and executed, for show. Hangings, race wars and burnings are common.
Where the Rover wanders is where the poor people live. Only satellite fly-bys have ever photographed Mars' richer suburbs and garden crater cities.
After studying about 3000 NASA photos, I feel I know the place pretty well by now.
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Woman meets Alien while she was walking her dog
LONDON, England (CNN) -- British military investigators interviewed a woman who claimed to have met a man from another planet while she was walking her dog, newly released Ministry of Defense files have revealed.
The woman said she had been approached by a man with a "Scandinavian-type accent" dressed in a flying suit-style outfit while out walking on a sports field near Norwich, eastern England, in 1989.
She claimed to have been "completely terrified" during the 10-minute encounter. Running home, she said she had then seen a large glowing object rising vertically from behind some nearby trees.
The woman called a local military base to report the encounter the following day. A cover note on the file of the incident describes it as "one of our more unusual UFO reports."
The incident is just one of around 1,200 sightings recorded by investigators between 1987 and 1993, according to the files released by the National Archives on Sunday.
On another occasion, military officials took the unusual step of briefing ministers about an unidentified flying object photographed in the sky over Scotland alongside an RAF fighter jet.
Witnesses claimed to have seen the large diamond-shaped object hanging in the air for about 10 minutes before it ascended vertically at high speed. Fearing intense media interest, investigators also commissioned detailed drawings of the object.
The files also reveal that the Ministry of Defence abandoned plans to build a computer database of sightings out of fears of a public relations disaster should details of its existence ever be revealed.
"I personally doubt that the the MoD would lose much if we filed UFO reports in 'WPD' (the waste paper basket)," one unnamed official wrote of the project.Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yahoo! News Story - Scientists discover a nearly Earth-sized planet
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:
Scientists discover a nearly Earth-sized planet
Yahoo! News
Abduction Report.
FROM: Author Censored
DATE: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 15:53:12 -0500
TO: Report Alien Abduction
SUBJECT: Teleportation
I am submitting this report to you because there is a 25% probability that my experience was UFO related. This event occurred sometime in mid May 2001. It was a valid experience of teleportation.
There are 4 probabilities that could account for this event, apart from "hallucination" The facts themselves will show this was definitely NOT a hallucination. This experience could have been caused by:
1) A spiritual phenomenon
2) An electromagnetic celestial phenomenon, or other energy (Intrusion of dark matter?)
3) A government experiment similar to the "Philadelphia Experiment" in 1943
4) Interference in the energy field caused by a UFO
Again, since there is a 25% probability it was a UFO, I report to your archives. And since there is also a 25% chance it was a government experiment, I ask that my name be kept confidential, though you have my permission to publish the report itself. And if it were a government experiment, the technology could come from Aliens anyways.
One night in mid May 2001 I was riding my bike home from the beach on a remote island in Alaska. The distance was approximately a mile and a half, normally a 10 minute ride. An airport is adjacent the road between the beach and where I lived. There is a hill before the airport. The crest of the hill is approx. 750 - 1000 feet from the terminal. When I reached the crest of the hill I suddenly found myself back at the bottom, literally in the "Blink of an eye" - "Wow! What was THAT?!" I exclaimed, "Did I just translocate?, Cool."
I rode up the hill a second time. I saw the airport over the rise. Again in a split second I "blinked" back to the bottom of the hill. And again. And again. Each time I would make it almost to the airport, or even a little past it, but I would be teleported back anywhere from 500 to 1000 feet from where I just had come from!
This happened anywhere from 15 to 20 times. At first it was cool, then it got old real quick. Then it got downright scary. I was only trying to ride home. I couldn't seem to get there!
I began checking landmarks - trees, telephone poles, rocks and trash on the side of the road. I verified my position, only to be "beamed" backwards in a microsecond. Then I ended up passing those same landmarks over and over. It got very tiring riding up that hill again and again!
Finally I made it past the airport and could see the blue and white lighted movie sign. It was about 100 yards away. Then I looked and it was about 1000 feet away, and there I was back by the airport again.. By this time I was yelling at "God" and crying. I was 39 years old and NEVER had something like this happened. I'd had two prior Alien experiences, one a sighting, the other psychic, but nothing where my physical body was teleported over distance.
I finally made it past the sign, about 1000 feet on the other side of the airport. I rode home, shaking, and shaken. I had left the beach at approximately 11:45 - 11:50 pm. My clock at home said 1:20 am! I checked my other clock. 1:15 am. (One clock was a little slow) It had taken me one and a half hours to make what was normally a 10 minute ride.
The time verified the distance I would have ridden having been teleported back those 15 to 20 times, 500 to 1000 feet, maybe further the first couple of times. It would account for a distance of up to over 6 miles if you include the actual distance from beach to home.
I had never turned around. Always had my bearings in what direction I was going. I stopped only when a teleportation occurred and I found myself back where I just came from, and I stopped at the top of the hill and by the airport to verify landmarks. But during my riding forward I was somehow interdimensionally transported many times.
The fact this did not just happen once, but numerous times, proves it was not hallucination. The fact I verified landmarks, and physically passed the same places over and over prove something was happening. The fact 90 minutes passed when the ride should have taken 10 verifies the distance I had to re-travel my route over and over again.
Experiment? UFO? I don't know. All I know is it happened. It reminded me of Dr. McCoy on Star Trek, always complaining to Scotty about his molecules being scattered all over in the transporter beam. This is serious. I am not making this up. I believe I was caught unawares in a vortex of energy being produced by an experiment, possibly Alien technology, or a UFO itself. The night was dark and overcast, but relatively clear. I looked in the sky but saw nothing there. What REALLY was the cause of this event?
The Exo Files: The Show Must Go On.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: We are Not Alone in the Universe
(CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere.
Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments.
He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms.
Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said.
"Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there."
Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so.
But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story."
Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told.
An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process."
The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story.
"I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said.
"The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time."
A NASA spokesman denied any cover-up.
"NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday.
Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project.
Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive.
"There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said
Tremendous Revelation..! Plenty of civilized people and wonderful cities in the Moon.
Thanks to Emily for this contribution.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Aliens program for the OCUPATION OF THE EARTH..!
To: prepare4contact@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:59:31 AM
Subject: Re: [prepare4contact] First Govt. to openly declare building of ET embassy and reception base?
The United States of American has an ET exchange program
though the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity since the 1980's .
Their mission is , integration , aclimation , education .
This is a bilateral program , and is transparent .
If you dont see it as a public citizen , then it works .
Aliens don't exist when the exoticism is
replaced with common knowledge familiarity .
ET visitors that are as citizens are not "Alien " .
They are just people .
No more mystery .
Am I going to quote an author , no .
Am I going to quote a URL , no .
Do I have personal experiance , yes .
Am I concerned about "credibility " , not interested .
But no the less , this is true .
I use this conection of mine with these people
to verify channelled material ...
They come from Tau 16 , Tau 19 , behind the Pleadies cluster .
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
UFO Shuts down nuclear missiles.

UFO incidents: Are they real?
Pre-Christian Cults growing in Russia.
A group of Russians have set up a village where they live on their home-grown food and practice pre-Christian Slavic traditions. Their lifestyle is just a short train ride away from Moscow.
The people in Popovka village have traded modern civilisation for age-old traditions and the mercy of nature. They welcome the summer with an ancient Slavic rite, and feed idols with bread, milk and oil to ask for a plentiful harvest.
Svetlana and Aleksey, a young couple who used to live in Moscow, say they are happy heating their house with wood and drawing water from the well.
“You know, I lived in Moscow while studying at a university. I had enough. The big metropolis destroys our communication with nature,” says Aleksey.
The community was formed 20 years ago by Olga Toropova, together with a few followers.
“We live here as we like. We don't want to impose anything upon anyone, we are just restoring old Slavic holidays,” says the villagers’ spiritual leader.
The community lives on what they grow in their fields and gardens. They also keep bees and a couple of cows.
Tourism is becoming another source of income.
Unusual micrometeorite discovered in Antarctica.
MM40 is only 150 microns across as its widest point, (.0059055 inches) or about as big as the period at the end of this sentence.
Chondritic meteorites were formed during the the Solar System’s early days before material had accreted into planets. They have not been altered by the melting and re-crystalisation that takes place during planetary formation and erosional forces similar to what Earth rocks undergo.
Achondritic meteorites, by contrast, were formed when the Solar System’s planets were coming into being. The substances in such meteorites and the processes they have undergone can give clues about how the larger bodies were formed.
The research team, led by Matthieu Gounelle from the Laboratory of Mineralogy and Cosmochemistry at the French Natural History Museum, says the discovery of this new type of basaltic meteorite expands the solar system inventory of planetary crusts. “The parent asteroid of MM40 has undergone extensive metamorphism,” the researchers write, “which ended no earlier than 7.9 million years after solar system formation. Numerical simulations of dust transport dynamics suggest that MM40 might originate from one of the recently discovered basaltic asteroids that are not members of the Vesta family.”
While its ultimate origins are a mystery it does have implications for the ways that astrochemists thought planets could be formed. The analysis of MM04 showed that the “inventory” of such processes must be expanded, said Dr. Smith.
“Micrometeorites are often seen as the ‘poor man’s space probe’,” she said. “They land on Earth fortuitously and we do not have to spend millions of dollars or euros on a robotic mission to get them.”
Sources: Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences, BBC
miniature meteorite unlike any other has been discovered in Antarctica.
MM40 is only 150 microns across as its widest point, (.0059055 inches) or about as big as the period at the end of this sentence.
Chondritic meteorites were formed during the the Solar System’s early days before material had accreted into planets. They have not been altered by the melting and re-crystalisation that takes place during planetary formation and erosional forces similar to what Earth rocks undergo.
Achondritic meteorites, by contrast, were formed when the Solar System’s planets were coming into being. The substances in such meteorites and the processes they have undergone can give clues about how the larger bodies were formed.
The research team, led by Matthieu Gounelle from the Laboratory of Mineralogy and Cosmochemistry at the French Natural History Museum, says the discovery of this new type of basaltic meteorite expands the solar system inventory of planetary crusts. “The parent asteroid of MM40 has undergone extensive metamorphism,” the researchers write, “which ended no earlier than 7.9 million years after solar system formation. Numerical simulations of dust transport dynamics suggest that MM40 might originate from one of the recently discovered basaltic asteroids that are not members of the Vesta family.”
While its ultimate origins are a mystery it does have implications for the ways that astrochemists thought planets could be formed. The analysis of MM04 showed that the “inventory” of such processes must be expanded, said Dr. Smith.
“Micrometeorites are often seen as the ‘poor man’s space probe’,” she said. “They land on Earth fortuitously and we do not have to spend millions of dollars or euros on a robotic mission to get them.”
Sources: Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences, BBC
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
SUN : Something never seen before..!
"We believe we can now predict when a CME will hit Earth with only 3-hours of uncertainty," says Angelos Vourlidas of the Naval Research Lab, who helped develop the model. "That's a four-fold improvement over older methods."
Coronal mass ejections are billion-ton clouds of hot magnetized gas that explode away from the Sun at speeds topping a million mph. Sometimes the clouds make a beeline for Earth and when they hit they can cause geomagnetic storms, satellite outages, auroras, and power blackouts. The ability to predict the speed and trajectory of a CME is key to space weather forecasting.
FULL ARTICLE: http://earthchangesmedia.com/
Monday, April 13, 2009
Horror: More Catle Mutilations..!
The horror renews itself, and shows that LIFE in this planet, is UNPROTECTED.
I will also let you all know about another horror: the manipulation of dreams and nightmares.
If someone also detects this manipulation, please e-mail me as soon as possible.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Andrew Hennessey
Andrew Hennessey against Exopolitics
Andrew Hennessey against Exopolitics and "soft" critics.
Andrew H. ...total war against Exopolitics..!He writes this:
Thursday, April 9, 2009
NO UFOs in OBAMA DISCOURSE, says Alfred Webre.
Usually well informed source told us that Webre is convinced that there will be no disclosure by the Obama administration.
Videotape evidence confirms that Barack Obama does not refer to
extraterrestrials or UFOs in Prague
April 7, 6:50 PM ·
AP: Barack & Michelle Obama, Prague, April 5 2009
Alfred Webre, *Seattle Exopolitics
More Cattle Mutilations, now in Colorado.
Recent Colorado Mutilations
In the next few stories I will let you in on the mutilation I was able to help investigate this past month. I'll go over the typoes of evidence we look for and why. We will also explore some ideas of what might be happening, and I will keep you up to date on any developments in our investigation.
For now you can read the story in the link below to a mutilation that happened near Rush, Colorado in 2006. The rancher, like the one I will be telling you about in the mutilation I investigated, believed it was done by extraterrestrials. I have also included a link to more information on the case in 1967 I reffered to above.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
UFO over Philippines.
UFO Over the Philippines March 4, 2009
George A. Filer - MUFON Eastern Region Director
April 8, 2009
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was “Be Happy†and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned see www.swimminglysafe.com
In Special Reports, this week’s files cover: Ronald Reagan Chased UFOs, Defense Intelligence Agency Remote Viewing Manual Has Been Released, New Jersey, Morris County UFO hoaxers describe stunt, Face charges, UK Releases More UFO Files, and Strange Object on Mars.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena were spotted over: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Virginia Washington. UFOs were also seen in Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Syria, and the UK/ England.Tuesday, April 7, 2009
China Secret UFO Incident.
A huge mothership or even ‘flying city’ was seen by thousands of residents. The city-sized craft was clearly seen just above a thin layer of cloud. It was emitting green fluorescent light, pulsating and its energy lines were burning contours in the cloud.
Terrified witnesses ran for cover, amazed onlookers watched in awe and commuters literally stoped their cars in the middle of the roads to gaze upwards. Students frantically climbed up buildings to gain a closer look and reporters, hearts pounding, scrambled for photos.
keep on reading...