Saturday, May 16, 2009


UFO drops diamond-shaped objectThe UFO Traffic Report for Friday, May 15, 2009, includes 13 selected sightings over nine states, according to witness statements filed in the past 48 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.Today's stories include a disc-shaped object over Colorado that drops a diamond-shaped object to the ground and a helicopter seems to have an interest; a small, black circle crossing Missouri skies; three cases of morphing objects in California, Washington and Missouri; Cigar-shaped objects over Colorado and Rhode Island; a sphere floating over Missouri; and five cases of unusual bright lights over Nevada, Michigan, Oregon, Missouri and Pennsylvania. UFO case investigationMutual UFO Network (MUFON) Field Investigator William I. McNeff reports in on a Rosemount, Minnesota, UFO sighting from March 28, 2009.