Sunday, May 10, 2009


Andrew Hennessey contribution

Reptilian Anunnaki or the reptilian HU [Dr George Oliver's Masonic encyclopaedia ] have left their traces all over planet Earth in both ancient and modern culture – and that these beings [Draco, Dragons, Drac etc] are the self styled overlords of HU-manity and that HU-manity was originally created as part of a farming process – it would seem very logical therefore that Reptilians would end up in high places even today.Bluebloods in high places therefore would either assist or decline reality to mankind, and we know from e.g. the history of free energy that started out with faraday in 1890, tesla 1910, townsend brown, 1938 and bruce de palma 1992 that reality for mankind has not been allowed to manifest.Its when we get to the WE are not ready for this or that that one has to ask who WE is ?? clearly free energy could be used abundantly to clean and purify the planet and cheaply remove and even restructure its waste material, we could purify water and atmosphere, we could create water and atmosphere – we could easily farm our solar system etc and all of this could have been done by current Energy Monopoly Corporations without disturbing either mankind or the stockmarkets – to the infinite increase of their own profits.WE are after all the products of our education and social system and that social system always uses the excuse of social deprivation for mankinds evils … no-one however need ever have been poor or underfed or unsupplied or unattended to if our loving industrialists had taken the free energy route and taken a monopoly on potentially infinite profits.It seems, in my opinion, that human despair is not the means to the end – it is the end in itself.
There is a body of written work [e.g. General Albert Pikes reverence of Sirius and also the Reptilian nature of the Dogon tribe material about Sirius etc], also in Sumerian clay tablets and artefacts all over the planet [City of London and Rosslyn Castle] for the prevalence of this [at least one or two different] Reptilian species.Also in Buddhism there is a body of work that assists the Reptilian Naga soul group.It was anciently alleged that the Anunnaki had a division between good and evil elementsIt might be a valid assumption that the forces of good Reptilian Enlil are still at work against the dark Enki stuff here on Earth and would assist in geopolitical Disclosure.How therefore do we attract the assistance of the forces of Enlil to help mankind win ascendancy against the wishes of Enki ?