UFO, Conspiracy, CHAOS THEORY AND PRACTICE, Exopolitics,contactees,Horary Astrology and Extraterrestrial Contacts, Demons, Angels, Hoaxes, Ufology, ET Information,Disclosure and Cover-Up,contactees, forbidden science, Aliens,NWO,Illuminati,,abductions,weird facts,prophesies,Forteana, Alternative worlds,magick, doomsday, time-travel, , revelations, secrets
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Location: Mt ShastaTime: The Summer Solstice
Karga invites you to a networking and hosting workshop under the mighty spires of Mt Shasta.Karga, one of the Overlord HU who first created the HU-man incubators after the first Orion crusade is not like you and I.Born in Vladivostok, his great Uncle Vlad the Impaler was one of the 5 Drac Council who administered to the HU-man herd in Eastern Europe from about 1500AD our time.Now, Karga has made his home in Zone 2, North America and has developed an Alliance with the Anunnaki family that governs its Southern region and has been invited by them to take on the shepherding of their Ancestral HU-man hosting quota, reporting directly to Zone 2 administration.
At Kargas workshops, you the HU-man will fulfil all your potential to serve the Anunnaki effort to educate and nurture the batches that will when properly bursting forth, as the Phoenix, commit their efforts to bring new eras of intergalactic peace to the supercluster.Think of HU-manity – not so much destined to be ashes but to be the launching platform for whole new waves of Reptilian love.Bring your HU-man clay and nesting material back to the primal vibrations of natural splendour of this scenic environment at Mount Shasta and feel the love and sympathy of your nervous system as the secret buttons of awesome are pushed by Karga the Sentient Reptilian.
Your chakras pulsate as you all sit in a circle breathing in and breathing out and Karga will introduce you to the Primal Spawn of Zoog by linking the broodlings to the area at the top of your back just below your neck.
The Hrumachis of Zoog will link with you and will not make you feel like an incubator – Karga will explain that these primal surrogate links into the clay of HU are the whole purpose of the HU-man condition.
Marvel at the end of the workshop as you discover that we are truly not alone.Meditation CD's and exercises will help you be a nourishing host and you will be groomed to pour your energies out in abundant mindless surrender.
The Second intermediate workshop in the Series will look at lifes relationships and how the Hrumachis inside feels about your efforts.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
UFO Crashed Into Meteorite to Save Earth
Millions of downed trees ringed the Tunguska site for years after the 1908 explosion.
Did a UFO deliberately crash into a meteor to save Earth 100 years ago? That's what one Russian scientist is claiming.
Dr. Yuri Labvin, president of the Tunguska Spatial Phenomenon Foundation, insists that an alien spacecraft sacrificed itself to prevent a gigantic meteor from slamming into the planet above Siberia on June 30, 1908.
The result was was the Tunguska event, a massive blast estimated at 15 megatons that downed 80 million trees over nearly 100 square miles. Eyewitnesses reported a bright light and a huge shock wave, but the area was so sparsely populated no one was killed.
Read more
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fourth Message to Earth.
These communications should be read as contributions for a better understanding of the present situation.
We have not human speakers. Those who speak in our name are just lying, or are self-delusive individuals.
Nobody is authorized to speak in our name.
Also, a few more facts should be considered.
Disclosure only exists in the mind and agenda of a few humans.
We are not interested in any kind of disclosure.
We are even less interested in giving you evidences of our activities.
The small groups of individuals who care about ET activities have no special knowledge of any kind.
None of them consider the possibility that is this planet what interests as more, and not humanity as a priority.
Earth’s conditions plus orbital and galactic position, are excellent for the evolution of Life.
This is not a common phenomenon in the Universe. On the contrary, Life, particularly Intelligent Life is a rare event in Cosmos.
Civilizations, as individuals, follow the same cycle of Birth, Evolution, Reproduction and Death.
However, you cannot understand that Death is not only necessary but desirable for older Civilizations.
Death is always better than decadence.
Think about this. Thanks
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The ET messages are UMMITES?
From: Jopnatan Bravo <jonatan252000@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, May 23, 2009 at 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: Read this, please.
To: Eli Sadhanusari <sadhanusari@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:41:07 PM
Subject: Re: Read this, please.
The tone of this message is similar to that of some UMMO messages...JB
To: alice_gray@comcast.net; americaeagle1@yahoo.com; Angelika@galacticdiplomacy.com; antigray@cs.com; astraelia@yahoo.com; babybearjjs@yahoo.com; Barshakeen@optonline.net; blueufo2020@yahoo.com; bmckenzie1029@yahoo.com; brel@ihug.co.nz; broali4xa@yahoo.com; ccynbolynn@yahoo.com; cerankoman@yahoo.com; cindyl571740@yahoo.com; crone757@yahoo.com; delaruelle@btinternet.com; delennofminbar@yahoo.com; delnoo7@yahoo.com; dexxxaa@earthlink.net; don.hirth@yahoo.com; doowop62@gmail.com; dpjeang1@yahoo.com; eeva13base12@telus.net; equal_justice_71@yahoo.com; flyfastgirl@yahoo.com; frankferg@aol.com; gabriel.1@talk21.com; gavinphoenix@mweb.co.za; gnana5030@yahoo.co.in; goddessisis91@yahoo.com; greenbarry33@yahoo.com; happyingeorgia35@comcast.net; hecatemother@yahoo.com; hrtbeat7@yahoo.com; imaginewireless@yahoo.co.kr; jagx10@yahoo.com; jaymthegenius@yahoo.com; jogbojo@sbcglobal.net; jonatan252000@yahoo.com; joolzbeth@gmail.com; kentuckycowboy2@yahoo.com; kosmokrator66@yahoo.com; ladyinthecloak@yahoo.com; ladytjpuckett@yahoo.com; lebateleur36@yahoo.com; liclucia76@yahoo.com.ar; lindakeeper@cox.net; lkharvey302006@yahoo.com; lmbrooks42@yahoo.ca; louieornot@gmail.com; lumendelsol@yahoo.com; majesticchessmaster@yahoo.com; manuchi59@yahoo.com; Maril717@aol.com; marjaa@usadatanet.net; matthewjkaye@ymail.com; meermaid18@yahoo.com; mikejamieson1950@yahoo.com; mojo_j_2000@yahoo.com; mommda@gmail.com; moonscape01@yahoo.com; nettydurgin@yahoo.com; nicole_heal@yahoo.com.au; noeticus5@yahoo.it; oldnwilling@yahoo.com; patral47@live.com; raprice49@hotmail.com; rationalufology@yahoogroups.com; ricsuth@yahoo.co.uk; roy_hamilton_fan@yahoo.com; rskitty3@yahoo.com; sadhanusari@yahoo.com; sekhmet_71@yahoo.com; seuwrhan@yahoo.com; shadowspiritxix@yahoo.com; sirjimalott@gmail.com; spectra_psi@yahoo.com; SPEEDBUG103@aol.com; taylor.penny@rocketmail.com; tehillim87@hotmail.com; terrarubicon@yahoo.co.uk; thomasmcferran@yahoo.com; tinmanlieu@yahoo.com; tobinconrad@yahoo.com; turpin@alumni.caltech.edu; wendylady_7@yahoo.com; westoo@sbcglobal.net; williamfmartin@gmail.com; xmluman@yahoo.com; andrew hennessey <scottishatlantis@yahoo.com>; GRELET CHRISTOPHE <greletchristophe@yahoo.fr>; High Lord Photon <highlordphoton@yahoo.com>; James Black <fso2604@gmail.com>; space2force <space2force@yahoo.ca>
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 2:43:24 AM
Subject: Read this, please.
I find it...well, it doesn't make me comfortable.
Message to Earth..!?
Third CommunicationTo: sadhanusari@gmail.com
With all due respect, you should understand that you know about us what we want to be known.Consequently, your ideas about us are mostly based in fiction.
Looking at that fiction, we find Humans think that Aliens are arrogant and grandiloquent.
Aliens also seem to love titles and ranks.In some cases, Aliens have even angelic attributes.
This is wrong.As written before, we have nothing to do with your religious systems.Neither have we wanted to impose a new system of beliefs on you, people.
On the contrary, we think that the survival of primitive, contradictory religious dogmas is in part responsible for your present chaotic situation.
Also, private ownership of natural resources and goods generates chaos, anarchy and unnecessary suffering.
Organized and controllable societies are only possible if natural resources and goods are administered by everybody but belong to nobody.
Humanity can be saved from Chaos, Anarchy and eventual destruction only as a whole.Individual or sectarian salvation is selfish and meaningless.
-- Blog
About the Second Anonymous Message.
That second post is well written and known to be true. The following is in no was a disparagement of that posted writing, but pertains and applies to the first one, primarily. This writing is an attempt to explain logic must be applied to most any writing for assessment of truths or falshood. Mankind cannot afford to just accept a written notice as the truth without applying logic. The notice from an Alien is such a writing. It is possible that it was written by an extraterrestrial but it was not proven. So, it is only logical that it not be accepted as the truth. That, of course, does not stop many of us from wishing it were the truth. LOL
For many who peruse the writings of controversy on the Internet and have a knowledge of things beyond the scope of normal conversation, there appears those who are aware of problems in society; who without disparagement or criticizing the accused have the ability to speak of that problem without naming anyone. That's really cool. The second writing is known to be true because I have personally experience such.
While some of these writings come from sources or claims of extraterrestrial comment origination, they come without evidence truth that may or many not already be known. The statements may be truthful or could even be trying to play on the sensitivity of vulnerable readers who have a tendency to believe almost anything.
To suggest that humans not make determinations in a normal analytical way could be considered an insult to human intellect. For those who will believe almost anything that is originating in writing, the writings may be messages that confirm what some believe to be the truth. To normal human though, however, they are messages offered without proof from sources where there has been absolutely no proof of local truth. My opinion only counts for one, but it has always been my belief that that humankind requires proof in order to determine true or false statements.
With these few comments written, this recluse thinker has to ask, "Where is the Beef?"
This is the way of thought from this analyzer. The two writings remind me of a new word that is often used in our world of American diction; "sheeple." For belief of these two writings, mine is an offering of determination as follows. There is a possibility they could be the truth. But none has been offered. My Thought must have logic applied for consideration, but anyone may consider mine is prejudiced because I have a belief in Religion. But common human thought requires should a thing be believed, it must logically be followed with proof. That is the way of normal logic. Ate there those who would ask us whether normal logical thought is wrong? Wishing it were the truth does nothing to make it the truth. Only logic can be applied. That is the thing that makes we humans normal logical thinkers.
One may correctly ask whether I contradict myself by believing in Religion. Religion is a thing that does not require proof, but offer something in return. To believe in Religion indicates one wishes to receive that which is offered. I wish to receive the afterlife guaranteed for believing in my Lord, therefore I believe. So, I suggest that my belief in Religion is totally logical. It can be argued but nothing can be resolved from arguing religion. It is the logical way of a great number of humans.
Consider this,one may argue my Religion, but this message is about logical thought process not Religion. Can logic be applied to writings without proof? Yes, because we can logically say there is no proof that it is true. That is the logical human way.
As for the message passed on by Eli, I can say it was very interesting to read and represents a method of accusation to those who commit what we consider wrong without naming specific agencies or individuals. it is a truly interesting post. Things may be learned from post which have not been proven, just as thing being learned from post that have been proven.
Notice that I have not called the writers liars. They are simply writers who have not proven their words. The logical thinker cannot take in solace in unproven words.
Dabe, Dave Stacey, aka doowop62
PS: Yes, I know these comments represent an overkill of that which I am conveying. I guess it is an attempt to not be misunderstood. LOL
Friday, May 22, 2009
New Anonymous "message to Earth"
Discreet communications are just what is needed in this moment.
It's evident that disorganization, chaos and genocide are the rule on Earth.
Only a planetary government, and the rational organization of Earth resources and Economy will put an end to this chaos.
Human life is in danger.
Open contact between us, will show that efficient control of your chaos is inevitable.
Rampant anarchy must end in the name of Human progress.
Paradoxically, Humanity must be saved from humanity.
Please, consider all this.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Message to Earth..!?
| hide details 8:25 PM (10 minutes ago) |
We find necessary to let you know a few things and ask for understanding and good will.
Human political and scientific authorities are not directly responsible for the cover-up.
We advised them to keep our presence and activities under secrecy.
Our experience told us that you, Humans, were no ready for a full knowledge of what's going on in this planet.
However, the time is coming, and we will let you know about certain conditions and stipulations.
Our presence here has nothing to do with your religious beliefs and iconography.
We represent ourselves, and have no need to delegate this representation in any Human individual or authority.
Conversely, we do not recognize any Human planetary authority, because your United Nations is not a government with effective executive or legislative international powers.
That is why our contacts with humans are isolated and motivated by our own needs and will.
We will end this short communication with this message:
Open contact between our Cultures will, of course, be definitory.
You must understand that in the future, after this contact, Human social and political culture will be changed for the best.
These reforms include a planetary organization ruled by new authorities that will look for peace, understanding and intelligent control of the planetary resources.
End of the Message.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Message to Humanity

by Jacques Pelletier
Crop circles.
Crop circles are geometrical formations of flattened crops found in many countries but mainly in England. They have been found in wheat, barley, canola, rye, corn, linseed and soy.
There has been much controversy concerning the origins of crop circles. However contactees now testify to the origins of much "crop circles". One contactee who has been willing to identify himself as 'Adrian' to crop circle special investigative researcher Sean David Morton.
Adrian testifies that alien races from the Andromeda Galaxy are one of the main extraterrestrial races most responsible for crop circles. He further makes representation from his reported alien contact with this Off-world civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy, that "the crop circles are intended both to inspire humans with the possibility of extraterrestrial communications, and to warn those of the consequences of their actions to control and manipulate humanity", which in part, takes the form of so-called "Globalization".
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Boylan Dictatorship : Forbidden and authorized Words
I assume you are referring to one or other of our newly-arrived members usage of the A-word, the [subtle propaganda] term "alien".
UFOFacts Rules indicate that we use proper and respectful terms for Star Visitors and related matters.
See below, everyone.
New people here at UFOFacts may come from UFO sites that were influenced by the subtly-negativistic vocabulary that Cabal "ufologists" have spent years trying to make "standard". Thus we present:
Appropriate vocabulary on UFOFacts
It is desired on UFOFacts to avoid the vocabulary of the Cabal's disinformation propaganda, and their spin-meister propaganda semanticists.
Negative and edgy vocabulary is Mind Kontrol Lite. Let’s avoid it.
Thus, as Moderator, I request that the following subtly-negative/ off-putting terms be not used:
- alien, ET- [use instead: "Star Visitor", “off-worlders”, “space entities”, “starfolk”, “Star Nations”, star beings, etc];
- abduction [use: "encounter", "visit"; "close encounter", "CE-4", 'taken to a craft"];
- flying saucer [use: "Star Visitor craft"; "UFO", "Visitor spacecraft", etc.];
- Greys [space "Blacks"?? No designating people by skin tone, please!] [use: “Zeta Reticulans", "Zeta Visitors", “Zetas”, etc.].
- Dracos (sic) [use: "Reptoid Visitors", "Reptilian Star Visitors"];
- extraterrestrial [(as a noun); Dakota Sioux Star Altar-Keeper Golden Eagle said that Star Nations did not want that distancing term used] [use instead: "Star Visitor", "the Visitors", "Star Nations", "star folk", etc.
Thank you for your cooperation in not subtly playing into the negative semantics of the Cover-Up’s operatives. I know these terms have been inserted into the UFOlogy dialogue for decades. But it is never too late to clean up our language.
Thanks, again.
Dr. Richard Boylan, Moderator, UFOFacts
Sunday, May 17, 2009
UFO Sightings in Colorado & Pennsylvania
Two triangle UFOs were seen over Pennsylvania and Colorado this week, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness database.
A couple driving along NW County Line Road, about four miles from NW Route 611 near Warrington, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, first saw three bright lights in a triangle pattern, low, just above the tree line.
The three white lights were at the three points of the triangle, and there were two or three red lights on its underside. The body of the object, they said, was black, and it was moving slowly in the sky traveling southeast.
In Colorado, a man took a photograph of a bright light, and later - with enlargements, discovered the object was triangular shaped. The witness stated that there was a bright light on each point of the triangle.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
16th May 2009 @ 20.40 hrs.
Gorebridge, 15 miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland, the scene of many close encounter videos filmed by Jackie Gillies of http://www.youtube.com/skywatcherscotland tonight saw some very scary events.
It was reported that from the area outside the small town in the direction of Crichton – where this reporter photographed some greys, where skinwalker incidents and ufos and all manner of the strange had been previously reported – that a formation of thirty to forty glowing orange orbs approximately the size of street lights came flying through the streets and above the roofs showing intelligent control and breaking and turning under power on a clear night and in still windless air.
Terrified onlookers and inhabitants of Gorebridge from several streets watched in fear as two flying, silent orange globes broke formation and came towards the house of Mrs X and then stopped glowing to show two black spheres about 2 feet in diameter.One flew onto the roof of Mrs X's house and slowly navigated the ridge on the top of the roof, it started glowing and made a descent down the chimney.
Many witnesses then saw the belligerent flock of glowing orbs head for the roof of the local primary school and sit there – whilst one or two remained – the flock of droids then headed towards the direction of either the alien noted old Blinkbonny pit or out beyond to Mayfield or Newtongrange. An itinery of droids in this area show up on the satellite photographs of the old Blinkbonny mine http://www.flashearth.com
More witness reports and possible images from the many mobile phones in use are currently being collated.
That was though an unhappy and belligerent alien imposition on the local primary school and its now fearfilled families.This was a massively corroborated sighting of negatively behaving aliens.
More to follow.
LIFE ON MARS IS A FACT, Says Lawyer Basiago
However is he correct I can tell you for a certinty he believes he is and he appears to have the qualifications to make such a call. I saw the pictures in the article but my eyes are to bad to see clearly for me to make the call nor do I have the qualification to say. I'm sharing the link here for everyone to read his article check out his images and see for yourself what you make of it. I myself am keeping a open mind
http://www.theparan ormalclub. com/basiago- thediscoveryofli feonmars- /
Friday, May 15, 2009
Alien Anonymous Message?
From: signum@nyms.net <signum@nyms.net>
> A limited communication will be necessary.
> Your interpretation of ET motivations is heavily biased.
> Our activities on Earth are not related in any way with
> your religious beliefs.
> Please, do not be upset if we let you know that in this
> very moment, your people cannot understand our motivations.
> Also, we will let you know this:
> Human suffering is man-made.
> We are not in any way responsible for the crisis you live
> in.
> We, however, are not here to judge you or change your way
> of living.
> Only you, people, will find (or not) the origin of your problems and
> solve them.
> You should look into Genetics for a change.
> You can spread this message if you want to.
> Thanks
> Thanks for your interest.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
AREA 51: New and Wild Speculations
I-Team: In Search of the New Area 51
Chief Investigative Reporter George Knapp and Chief Photojournalist Matt Adams
May 10, 2009 01:17 PM
The most famous, or infamous, military base in the world, Nevada's Area 51, is once again generating its share of wild speculation. The story continues to circulate that the base has either shut down or moved its most sensitive projects to other less-visible locations.
Twenty years ago this month, Eyewitness News started an investigation that put Area 51 on the map. The reason Area 51 became a household name is because of allegations they had flying saucers out there -- things that were made "somewhere else."
In aviation circles, a lot of people figure that story was pure disinformation, concocted by the military to draw attention away from something else that was going on out there. If that's the case, then the tactic surely backfired on the Air Force because, as a result of the saucer story, Area 51 became known all over the world and is still a focus of attention.
Civilian pilots and other eyewitnesses have been seeing strange things in the skies in and around a restricted airspace that straddles the Nevada-Utah border. If there's a base hidden out in this desert, it certainly isn't easy to spot.
Contrary to persistent media reports, the world's most famous secret base, the original Area 51, is doing just fine. A 1997 article in Popular Mechanics magazine claimed the whole place had shut down and moved to eastern Utah so the military could work on a secret space plane. Not true.
Nearly every day, unmarked planes ferry employees from a terminal at McCarran up to Groom Lake. Buses with blacked out windows still rumble up and down the long gravel road. Satellite photos show the facility, that's the only term the government will use, operating at Groom Lake is bigger than ever with new hangars and other facilities.
That means the cottage industry that's grown up around the base continues to thrive as well. In Rachel, the Little A'Le'Inn still sells "Beam Me Up, Scotty" highballs and ET merchandise. At the other end of the Extraterrestrial Highway, the rival Area 51 Research Center sells its own merchandise under the shadow of a 30 foot tall alien robot.
Curious types armed with cameras and high powered lenses still trek thru the desert or climb the mountains to get a glimpse of the base.
In 2005, military watchdog Chuck Clark learned the hard way that Area 51 was still up and running. He located a series of hidden sensors on public land, miles from the edge of the base. After showing them to the I-Team, his home was raided by the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Things took a radical turn for Area 51 in 1989 when a man named Bob Lazar made the outrageous claim that he had worked on flying saucers at a facility called S-4 in the Area 51 complex.
Ever since Lazar told his story, the world has beaten a path to Area 51's door, which is why it might make sense for them to move their most sensitive projects to a place with a lower profile -- one that attracts less attention.
"Everybody knows about Area 51 and Groom Lake, but the interesting thing is, I don't think there is anything there anymore," said former CIA pilot John Lear.
Lear has done as much as anyone to put Area 51 on the map. He knows there are still programs underway out there, but he suspects the most sensitive projects, ones involving the most exotic technology, perhaps something resembling flying saucers, have been moved.
Lear thinks some of the most advanced work is now being done at a sister facility, Area 52, within the Tonopah Test Range. He also harbors suspicions about an adjunct facility called Base Camp, which is halfway between Areas 51 and 52. The facility is strictly off limits to outsiders and those who work on the inside don't talk about what they do.
He is even more intrigued by a vast and remote section of desert south of Wendover, Nevada on the Utah-Nevada line. Lear, an accomplished pilot whose father invented the Lear Jet, still has numerous friends in the aviation world, and they tell him stories about seeing camouflaged runways that open up in the middle of nowhere.
"As the pilots land, they tell me -- as they're coming in to be radar vectored at 500 feet -- they look down and it will just be like desert or normal landscape and all of a sudden, it will unzip like this and they will see a runway," he said.
A search of the area south of Wendover found no evidence of runways or military facilities, though others are looking as well.
Utah UFO hunters, perhaps yearning for an Area 51 of their very own, have proposed that a planned massive expansion of Dugway Proving Grounds is part of a program to create a new Area 51. They also note that Michael Air Base, which controls the airspace south of Wendover, has, like Dugway, been the site of some very strange things seen in the skies, including saucer-type craft and shafts of light that seem to emanate from the ground.
The one thing we've learned from chasing after the original Area 51 is we're unlikely to find out much unless they want us to know.
"If something is going on out there and they don't want people to know about it, they're not going to know about it. Not going to happen," said Area 51 Specialist T.D. Barnes.
Barnes has worked as a CIA radar specialist out at Area 51 for many years and is president of an organization called the Roadrunners, former Groom Lake employees who today are much freer to talk about what went on out there because some material has been declassified.
There are many who think that, just as the flying saucer story was created as disinformation, so was the story about the base shutting down. It has probably deterred a lot of people from heading out for a visit, which means fewer headaches for the base. The fact is, Area 51 is alive and well and there is nothing else like it in the world.
Richard Boylan in his Own Words..!
"The traumatized experiencers I counseled were...
(frankly) homely, grossly obese, lesbian, poor or welfare-dependent substance-abusers."
-Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
CROP CIRCLE is a Time Map !
The crop circle (glyph) which appeared in Clatford on May 9th has been provided a label of 'sigil' in an article at EarthFiles.Com.
Personally, I doubt that this latest crop glyph is a sigil as it is not asymmetric, as are all, meaningful, sigils. As is explained in the annotated diagrams of the crop circle(glyph) below, this latest orb-created glyph is bi-laterally symmetrical, as no sigil *can* be an still retain value as a code. Also let us note now that sigils are an attempt to disguise information through coding, not communicate it. Sooooo....it does not make sense to me that these orb-dudes would go to all the trouble to create these glyphs only to then use forms that 'obscure' information, as do sigils.....my conclusion therefore is that this glyph is NOT a sigil, and, assuming that it is intended to create effective communications, a different interpretation *could* be extracted.
First, a diagram of the glyph in question:
We note that the image is symmetrical in various differing orientations, and further is separated into two components, each of which is symmetric.
As we further get into the analysis of this glyph, on the assumptions that 1) the militaries of the Anglo/American empire are demonstrating by their actions that they are aware that the glyphs are *not* hoaxes (i.e. human created), and that they are exhibiting 'fear' reactions in their actions; and 2) that any expenditure of such energies as are required to create these glyphs are an attempt at communications, there are several interesting, universal archetypes which may be seen and that provide some levels of meaning from this particular glyph.
Taking the top component first, it can be seen that this is composed of a larger structure which is surrounding a dark, completed circle. That circles are involved instantly brings up the archetypes of both cycles and revolutions (around a central point), both of these are archetypic representations of time. Thus we can observe at the next level down that the central point is surrounded by a circle which is divided into 4/four equal sections. Within that division, the 4/four are grouped into 2/two sets of 'twin' images, again, not only demonstrating symmetry, but also providing the idea of a 'cycle' divided into 4/four parts, of which each of 2/two parts are identical or equal.
Such a division of a cycle divided by regularity or symmetry invokes the images of 'time', as well as the 'solar year' which is itself divided into the 2/two solstices, and the 2/equinox. Given that the 'equinox' is by explicit derivation an expression of 'equality' where-in both the day and the night split the 24 hour day equally, we could assign such a meaning to the 2/two images at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions merely on their simplicity of expression of 'equality'.
If we assign, in our analysis, the 2/two horizontally oriented components to the equinoxes, then the more complex vertical components would naturally fall to being representations of the solstice. This may actually fit as each of these more complex structures is composed of 4/four larger circles which are divided into 2/two symmetric groups. There are an additional 7/seven smaller circles, clustered around the central point of the structure. Further these smaller circles are shown as being 'in orbit' around the larger circles. Again, *IF* this were assumed to be a communication, then the view from the central circle point of rotation would show these 4/four circles as really only a single event, in which there are actually 3/three circles or 'days' from the point-of-view of the central circle, as 1/one of the circles would 'occlude' its further twin. Since, from earth, the solstices are actually 3/three days in which the 'sun stands still', or seems to from our point of view, this also would seem to fit.
If we are to step up to the total level of the top component of the diagram we further see that the central point circle around which the larger structure revolves has 26/twenty-six of the combined smaller and larger circles around it in 4/four structures. This total of 26/twenty-six is interesting as it is the number of (thousands of) light years from our solar system to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Further it our 'great year' of the super cycle of the precession of the equinoxes is nearly 26/twenty-six thousand years long. Also our planet's angular alignment relative to the galactic central is at a 26/twenty-six degree tilt.
Oh, and tres curiously, the pope Gregory had the Gregorian calendar designed in such a way that it syncs up with the Mayan calendar so that the end of the Mayan calendar occurs on the Winter Solstice (December 20=22 inclusive, 2012) at what time? Why 11:11 am.....very curious indeed.
Other archetypes expressed (probably universal) in this diagram include the idea of the 'notch' which is seen in the disrupted arc connecting the 3/three elements of the lower component of the diagram. The archetype of a 'notch', at the archetypical level, includes the idea of 'slotting in' or 'going into the notch/slot'. Noting that the 'slot/notch' of this diagram is visually connected, though not by any diagram element or line, with the 'solstice' group of circles, could this then be referring to the December 2012, 2009, 11:11 AM alignment with the center of the Milky Way galaxy? Perhaps so, as half way between the 'notch/slot' and the larger circle at the bottom of the diagram are 4/four small lines disconnected from any of the circles within the diagram. Could these 4/four lines be 'reference marks' which is a omni-humanity method of getting disparate parts to 'line up correctly'? Humans use such reference marks for 'alignment' in many many many diverse forms of their endeavors, and it is one of our oldest forms of 'techniques to ensure precision'.
On further examination, the bottom component is composed of an arc, not a complete circle, and it is actually a 'half circle'. Could this be indicative of a 'half cycle'? And then we can also note that the central, completely filled in circle, in the bottom part of the image is itself surrounded by another circle, as are its 2/two smaller companions. Could this again be referring to the archetypes of 'revolutions', and thus cycles of time?
Conclusion (preliminary):
There are more elements and combinations of elements which can be also interpreted with archetypic, and hopefully 'universal' themes, but they are also going to the point already made, which is to say that the Clatford crop glyph is likely NOT a sigil, intending to obscure, but rather is more likely a temporal reference 'map' intending to point us toward the alignment of the earth (from the earth's view point) with the Milky Way galactic central on 12.21.2012, at 11:11 am. There are also hints within the further analysis at the archetypic level to examine the 'half cycles', or 13,0000 years and what happened then.....or so it would seem.
Further conclusions are able to be extracted from the higher levels of reality, such as the 'apparent' attempt to over lay the 'hoax' label on this particular glyph, as well as the 'rapt and rabid' attention being paid to crop circles/glyphs by the British and American military organizations, as well as several very 'key' corporations.
The amount of effort going into 'rubbishing' this particular glyph brings up the natural response of 'why'? What makes this communications so special?
As with the rest of the planet, we here at HPH, will be 'staying tuned for more' when it comes to the 2009 crop circles/glyphs/communications 'season'.
opinions and conclusions expressed herein are entirely mine, clif high.
May be reproduced with attribution.
moon @ Halfpasthuman . com
James Bartley and the repto-boylan cover up
To: XENOPOLITICS@yahoogroups.com
These muppets just don't go away. Recently this muppet who is a Boylan disciple started talking trash to me about how I was spreading "disinfo" about the reps and wasn't I aware that Karla Turner was a member of the "cabal." When i heard this cabal nonsense, I knew she was boylanite wannabe dwid who doesn't have an original idea in her vestigial brain.
Boylan makes animal noises like "the galactic federation told me this" and "the nibiruan council told me that" but all he makes is animal noises.
And Greer needs to be put in his place. He and Boylan are reptilian hosts and I will argue that until their scales show.
> Greer has posted a rebuttal to our grass roots xenopolitics movement here:
> http://www.disclosureproject.org/exopoliticsorxenopolitics.htm
> Annoyed by his seemingly unsubstantiated assertion that his organization, CSETI, has made contact with ETs, I tried to track down what documentation or lack thereof, is freely available. I'm not going to post links to his expedition group, but rather, in the interest of diclosure (the very thing that Greer claims to be promoting), I have tracked down the field protocols, or what of them are available on-line, here:
> http://beyond-the-illusion.com/files/New-Files/CIS-Ascii/soyou.txt
> Now if somebody could track down the sound recordings used, we could test this out, and possibly improve upon it.
> Of course, I post this to this group in a spirit of furthering anthropology, not
> out of some credulous belief that Greer is correct about the abduction
> phenomena. We know from mythology, history, and archaeology (see
> http://www.starchildproject.com/ ), that the alien abduction phenomena is not
> merely a modern fabrication. But anthropoligist have gone among cannibals, so
> why not seek out benneficial relations with these other neighbors?
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Tabloid Agenda
My Agenda is No-Agenda.
My beliefs are Non-selective.
Each one of the exos tries to keep their sect under control.
I have no sects.
I have no dogma.
That is why my true agenda is the Medium, the Tabloid. Everything deserves a space in the Blogospheric Chaos.
There are words about "things" , about "entities".
I care about the words that are self-evident in their meaning or lack of meaning.
Dr. Salla crisis? Lack of words.
NOTHING to say about nothing. Well, this is it.
Boylan crisis? Ego, and in time, also his discourse becomes MEANINGLESS as happens in the end with all discourses.
So. let us open the Blogospheric Tabloid.
I hope you feel the fresh air comming from all this, dear people.
I love you all.
Eli Sadhanusari
Monday, May 11, 2009
Richard Hoagland's Exposed
What is this all about? I wonder if someone is behind Bell, “Kent” and Hoagland pulling the strings, or is this their idea of a joke? I thought that Hoagland could continue to make his points and rake in the bucks by exploiting what’s really on the images, which are far more interesting to me than his “fictions.” And why ignore the row of oblong dots? Pretty mysterious, eh?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Reptilian Anunnaki or the reptilian HU [Dr George Oliver's Masonic encyclopaedia ] have left their traces all over planet Earth in both ancient and modern culture – http://www.illusionsgallery.com/Riders-sidhe.html and that these beings [Draco, Dragons, Drac etc] are the self styled overlords of HU-manity and that HU-manity was originally created as part of a farming process – it would seem very logical therefore that Reptilians would end up in high places even today.Bluebloods in high places therefore would either assist or decline reality to mankind, and we know from e.g. the history of free energy that started out with faraday in 1890, tesla 1910, townsend brown, 1938 and bruce de palma 1992 that reality for mankind has not been allowed to manifest.Its when we get to the WE are not ready for this or that that one has to ask who WE is ?? clearly free energy could be used abundantly to clean and purify the planet and cheaply remove and even restructure its waste material, we could purify water and atmosphere, we could create water and atmosphere – we could easily farm our solar system etc and all of this could have been done by current Energy Monopoly Corporations without disturbing either mankind or the stockmarkets – to the infinite increase of their own profits.WE are after all the products of our education and social system and that social system always uses the excuse of social deprivation for mankinds evils … no-one however need ever have been poor or underfed or unsupplied or unattended to if our loving industrialists had taken the free energy route and taken a monopoly on potentially infinite profits.It seems, in my opinion, that human despair is not the means to the end – it is the end in itself. http://offtheplanet.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-hu-mine-beings-are-mined.html
There is a body of written work [e.g. General Albert Pikes reverence of Sirius and also the Reptilian nature of the Dogon tribe material about Sirius etc], also in Sumerian clay tablets and artefacts all over the planet [City of London and Rosslyn Castle] for the prevalence of this [at least one or two different] Reptilian species.Also in Buddhism there is a body of work that assists the Reptilian Naga soul group.It was anciently alleged that the Anunnaki had a division between good and evil elementsIt might be a valid assumption that the forces of good Reptilian Enlil are still at work against the dark Enki stuff here on Earth and would assist in geopolitical Disclosure.How therefore do we attract the assistance of the forces of Enlil to help mankind win ascendancy against the wishes of Enki ?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Close Encounter in Nevada
Friday, May 8, 2009
EXOPOLITICAL CRISIS; Alfred Webre breacks with Dr. Michael Salla.
In an amazing turning point, Alfred Webre, well known Exopolitician and associate with Dr. Michael Salla, commited the mortal Sin of demonizing the ETs.
As we commented already , the new dogma of Salla is "all the Aliens are Good" and in his own sect, the daemonization of ET is forbidden.
We must follow this and perhaps watch the EXOsecesion.
Subject: [prepare4contact] EXAMINER: Famed UFO historian: humanity may be targeted by predatory Reptilian extraterrestrial species
To: "EXOPOLITICS. COM" <exopolitics@exopolitics.com>
Date: Friday, May 8, 2009, 3:54 AM
Famed UFO historian: humanity may be targeted by predatory Reptilian
extraterrestrial species
Alfred Lambremont Webre
*Seattle **Exopolitics
** <http://www.examiner.com/x-
May 7, 8:20 PM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon..?
WASHINGTON, DC - A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock.
Geologist Dr. Morris Charles revealed last week that NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. Dr. Charles was a NASA scientist himself for 23 years but left the agency in 1987. He still maintains close ties to many of his former colleagues.
“The implications of this figurine are absolutely mind-boggling,” Dr. Charles told reporters. “It means that at one time the moon had an atmosphere conducive to life. And what’s more, it was once home to a sophisticated race of people with a highly refined sense of beauty.”
The angel - a humanoid female with wing-like appendages on her back and long flowing hair - is made of an iron compound found exclusively in the highlands of the moon.
This rules out the possibility that it was dropped by a race of aliens from another planet. It’s been hand polished to a silvery metallic sheen. Based on chemical analysis of the metal, geologists estimate the sculpture to be 200,000 years old which means it was made 170,000 years before the human species appeared on Earth.
- On Wed, 5/6/09, DrBoylan
From: DrBoylan
Subject: RE: [UFOFacts] JPE for us? -- not appropriate
To: UFOFacts@yahoogroup s.com
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 8:12 PM
From: DrBoylan
Subject: [UFOFacts] some of what the Altimarian environmental scientists have been up to
To: UFOFacts@yahoogroups.com, DrRichBoylanReports@yahoogroups.com, StarKidsHangout@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 12:17 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weird alien skull shaped object has been found by NASAs "SPIRIT ROVER" probe on MARS...preparing us for...wotever? = http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Channeled message of hope and love
From: Starseedling <matthewjkaye@ymail.com>
Date: Sat, May 2, 2009 at 9:58 AM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Re: Channeled message of hope and love
To: RationalUFOLOGY@yahoogroups.com
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