Sunday, January 1, 2012

UFO descends from the sky during Taiwan New Year's Eve

A glowing white orb UFO was spotted in Taipei, Taiwan just before a New Year's Eve fireworks display. The UFO made its first appearance during the last few seconds of 2011 and remained in view during the opening moments of 2012. This shocking UFO was recorded by Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily...
"Me and my family were in Taipei waiting for the fireworks when my wife yelled out to me to look. I turned around toward the 101 building (once worlds tallest) and saw a glowing white orb defending [sic] from the sky. It moved away from and then toward the building and seemed to land on the lower part of the top,  or disappear on the other side. As the countdown began for the fireworks, this UFO began to slowly move away from the building and then eventually came near the ground heading back into the fireworks. At that point the fireworks were to bright and I lost sight of it." SCW
