Thursday, December 29, 2011

CABAL VOICE : Dr. Richard Boylan, Councilor of Earth informs..!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Helmut Von Rattenaw <>
Date: Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 8:59 PM
Subject: Dr. Richard Boylan, Councilor of Earth informs..!

Dr. Richard Boylan, Councilor of Earth  INFORMS: 

On July 21st of this year, when Space Shuttle Atlantis landed at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and headed to a museum, we were told that the U.S. no longer had any space-capable vehicles, and that we would have to rely on Russia and other countries to get into orbit and visit the Space Station. 

That was a lie. 
In actuality, since the late 1980s, the U.S. has a secret Space Fleet, its program code-named "Solar Warden", and which has now grown to eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small "scout ships". 
The US Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command], headquartered in Dahlgren, Virginia. There are approximately 300 personnel at NNSOC's Dahlgren facility. 
The US Space Fleet's vessels are staffed by Naval Space Cadre officers, whose training has earned them the prestigious 6206-P Space Operations specialty designation, after they have graduated from advanced education at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California and earned a Master of Science degree in Space Systems Operations. 
Both the Navy and the Marine Corps furnish men and women officers to this program. Jarheads in space? You betcha! 
Because of its advanced technological position, the U.S. has been designated by Star Nations to provide space security for Earth. 
This space-security mission is two-fold. 
One part of the Space Fleet's mission is to prevent rogue countries or terrorist groups from using space from which to conduct warfare against other countries or within-country targets. Star Nations has made it quite clear that space is to be used for peaceful purposes only
The second part of the Space Fleet's mission is to prevent the global-elite control group, the Cabal, from using its orbital weapons systems, including directed-energy beam weapons, to intimidate or attack anyone or any group it wished to bend to its will. 
Because the Space Fleet has the job of being Space Policeman within our solar system, its program has been named Solar Warden. 
The Space Fleet operates not only with classified U.S. Government authority but also with the secret authority of the United Nations, because the Space Fleet's mission is to protect the entire Earth and all countries. 
And the Solar Warden program operates under authorization by Star Nations, the organization of advanced intelligent civilizations in space. 
When British civilian Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time", and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. 
But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy's Space Fleet. To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere. 
Lest anyone think that the above is an errant flight of fancy, important corroboration of this information is found in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012, which just passed the Senate Dec. 15 and awaits the President's signature. Section 912 of that Defense Bill refers to the Secretary of Defense purchasing and taking delivery of "space vehicles". 
(Relevant Section reproduced below*.)

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Star Nations Councillor of/for Earth 

Section 2430a(a)(1) of title 10, United States Code,is amended—
(1) by inserting ''(A)'' before ''If the Secretary of Defense determines''; and 
(2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: 381 
† S 1867 ES 
1 ''(B) If the Secretary of Defense determines that a major defense acquisition program to purchase space vehicles requires the delivery of space vehicles in two or more increments or blocks, the Secretary may designate each such increment or block as a major subprogram for the purposes of acquisition reporting under this chapter.''.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Richard Boylan and the Alien-looking Brothel in Las Vegas.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ilse Goldhand <>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 4:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: Richard Boylan and the Alien looking Brothel in Las Vegas.

Bravo, Councilor of Earth. In the SAME SITE that shows the alien monument, we can learn that a brothel with alien-looking prostitutes was created in Las Vegas. This is SENT TO KIDS ..!

Alien Sex, ET Cathouse Opens, Brothel Has Girls From Another World, Las Vegas

Alien Cathouse brothel to feature 'girls from another world'

Have you ever dreamed of traveling to distant planets, meeting exotic alien women and having sex with them?

If so, you -- and possibly Captain Kirk -- are the target audience for brothel owner Dennis Hof's newest Southern Nevada business venture.

The reality television star and outspoken sex merchant recently bought a rundown bordello 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas and unveiled plans to renovate and reopen it with a science fiction theme.



Follow link please and see by yourselves:





Message flagged

Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:21 PM

Message body



    Thanks. It is encouraging that there are folks out there with the consciousness to put themselves in the shoes of the visiting Star Persons, and to feel compassion for those who have lost their lives while trying to establish peaceful contact with Humans.

    Hats off to Nikolay Subbotin, the head of the Russian UFO Research Station (RUFORS) in Molebka, near Perm in Russia's Ural Mountains. The monument's dignified almost-6-foot-tall statue (supposedly of a Tall Zeta, I'd think) shows the compassion of the Russians commemorating their brothers from the stars.

    May Star Nations take encouragement from this display of solidarity from ordinary citizens who have not been bewitched by Cabal anti-Star Visitor propaganda.


     in the light,


     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC


From: [mailto:UFOFacts@yahoogroups.comOn Behalf Of James Nelson
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 5:25 PM
Subject: [UFOFacts] Monument to Aliens.

Dr. Boylan,


I found this while surfing the web. It's a very short news video of a monument erected in a small russian town to honor the fallen 'aliens' that have tried to establish contact.

Thought you might like to look at it.










Friday, December 23, 2011

Blue's answer to the message from General Twilight.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Blue <>
Date: Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 3:16 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Re: Fwd: A message from General Twilight


Ah, truth be told.

" For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow. " - Ecclesistes 1:18
"The secret things belong to the Lord"
- Deuteronomy 29:29

A simple example: An asteroid is reported to be impacting earth next month and all life will be wiped out. The 6th extinction is here!
people would go nuts for the most part.
If no one knows then life goes on as usual until that day when everyone gets to experience a good light show for a few moments before the inevitable...

Another example (this is fiction lets hope)! "God" is proven to be a long lived reptillian alien king who has farmed humans for food for centuries, and the "rapture" is actually a gathering of human food for a feast of the reptilian aliens.
The churches would crumble and the world may go into all out war and destroy itself long before the reptilians can feed.

--- In, Eli Sadhanusari <sadhanusari@...> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: general.twilight@...
> Date: Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 8:55 PM
> Subject: A message from General Twilight
> To: sadhanusari@...
> Dear Friends
> My heart feels heavy and my mind is full of doubts about this exchange of
> information.
> However, perhaps truth will come and bring to us not liberation but fear
> and madness.
> Occasionally ignorance and not truth is our true friend, and in fact,
> "there are "things" in this Universe that perhaps should remain forever
> under the merciful veil of ignorance. "
> My friend the astronomer Dr. Jeremy D. used to tell me " blessed are those
> who don't know, because they will be able to enjoy their simple life."
> But let me give you a hint about what this is about.
> Many of you write and talk about what is called the Cover-Up, demanding a
> full and prompt Disclosure.
> Undeniably people asking for knowledge have all the right to know, but
> please, let me ask you something from my own perspective:
> What would you do if you have the possibility of revealing a mystery, and
> at the same time you know that such revelation would make the whole world
> insane?
> What would you do if you also recognize that there are things whose
> knowledge no man or woman could endure without falling into the horrors of
> madness?
> Something more: this message must be read as a hint, as nothing but a
> suggestion.
> Perhaps there will be other messages.
> Friendly yours
> General Twilight.
> --
> Blog

Recent Activity:



Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fwd: A message from General Twilight

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 8:55 PM
Subject: A message from General Twilight

Dear Friends
My heart feels heavy and my mind is full of doubts about this exchange of information.
However, perhaps truth will come and bring to us not liberation but fear and madness.
Occasionally ignorance and not truth is our true friend, and in fact, "there are "things" in this Universe that perhaps should remain forever under the merciful veil of ignorance. "
My friend the astronomer Dr. Jeremy D. used to tell me " blessed are those who don't  know, because they will be able to enjoy their simple life."
But let me give you a hint about what this is about.
Many of you write and talk about what is called the Cover-Up, demanding a full and prompt Disclosure.
Undeniably people asking for knowledge have all the right to know, but please, let me ask you something from my own perspective:
What would you do if you have the possibility of revealing a mystery, and at the same time you know that such revelation would make the whole world insane?
What would you do if you also recognize that there are things whose knowledge no man or woman could endure without falling into the horrors of madness?
Something more: this message must be read as a hint, as nothing but a suggestion.
Perhaps there will be other messages.
Friendly yours
General Twilight.


Monday, December 19, 2011

The revolution has nothing to do with serial liars and imaginary ET.

Here we have real disinformation and manipulation. 
People in the streets are fighting for their rights, and against a system of exploitation and abuse, and
this revolution has nothing to do with the rants of Richard Boylan.

This revolution is human, and has nothing to do with cabals, aliens or serial liars and abusers.
Obviously, the capitalist system is in crisis, and the people’s fight will have the last word of redemption integrity and freedom.
We, the citizens of the world, will defeat the merchants of War, Hunger and Inequality.

We, Humans, will fight for real justice against the forces of greed, darkness and hypocrisy.
The real cabal, Dr. Richard Boylan, is Capitalism; and the greed of Corporations, Banks and multibillionaires has nothing to do with your fantasies.  

Friends of Truth

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fwd: The Dark World of Richard Boylan.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:06 PM
Subject: The Dark World of Richard Boylan.

The self proclaimed Councilor of Earth and dark fantasist Richard Boylan, have his audience: a couple of mature ladies from Venezuela and Spain who, by the way, were both insulted by this man with such a sinister  background: )
The rhetoric of this ex priest and ex PHD is based in the existence of an omnipotent Cabal who not only destroyed all the starships of the "good aliens", but manipulates his own mind.
Because of these cabalistic manipulations, the Councilor of Earth is always wrong: he predicts events that never happen and he insults his own followers.
For Richard Boylan, Nazi Germany was a kindergarten compared with the United States where, In super secret bases and laboratories, the Extraterrestrial fellows (who are angelic and kind, ) endure all kinds of horrors in the hands of evil scientists and military personal.
The self proclaimed Councilor of Earth describes these abuses and tortures to members of  Boylan's  other group for kids only…! called Star Kids Hangout.
Of course we can understand why Councilor of Earth Richard Boylan's audience composed by two ladies living in Venezuela and Spain.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

"How to Sell your own Wisdom"


Fwd: Richard Boylan sadistic messages sent to kids..!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ilse Goldhand <>
Date: Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 6:11 PM
Subject: Richard Boylan sadistic messages sent to kids..!

Message body

EXCELLENT MESSAGE FOR KIDS. The Councilor loves this..!

Maria Edith,
    I thought that seeing the full description of what happened to you and your other crew members on that second starcraft that got shot down in 1947 would jar loose some additional recall from your previous incarnation as a Star Person.
    You asked what happened to your two fellow crew members who survived the crash.
    One crew member died of his injuries from assaults by his soldier guards while he was being transported to the Foreign Technology Division complex at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. (See narrative below.)
    The other crew member was transferred alive with you to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) near Santa Fe, New Mexico. The LANL scientists there experimented on her and dissected her while she was alive (without anesthetics) to see what her insides looked like. She died as a result of these atrocities.
    You can be grateful to that soldier at LANL who took pity on your situation and risked arrest to help spirit you away from Los Alamos Laboratory.  That soldier shows that not all Humans are heartless and cruel.
    (Although the treatment which Cabal operatives have dished out to too many Star Visitor captives makes more than one Star Person think that the people on Earth are seriously screwed up.)
    Your recollection that you were trying to escape, and were being pursued, neatly corroborate my energy readings of that 1947 situation.
    And your difficulties with controlled breathing nowadays are no doubt the traumatic results of your previous-life experience of running out of special "air" in that special extraterrestrial-recipe gas-mix tank attached to your face mask as you ran away from Los Alamos and hid in the trees of the Santa Fe National Forest. NM. Running out of air on a strange planet with none of your fellow Star Visitors around must have been a lonely and terrifying experience indeed! You developed such a case of Traumatic Stress Disorder than even after your reincarnation into Human form in this lifetime, your consciousness still carries the residual effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
    Your hypnotherapist, if he were willing, could take you back to that running-out-of-air incident and help you see that you "made it" and carried on successfully in a new  life. Thus relieving the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.
    As you work over this new information, no doubt you will have many things to say. And we will gladly hear what you have you say.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fwd: Alfred Webre and the Thousand Miles Extraterrestrial Cube.


Fwd: Secret Cabal Psyop Document

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 10:36 PM
Subject: Secret Cabal Document



The following methods are effective in most of the cases if the agent follows the rules included below.

Disguised Contradiction: Two or more statements are combined in the following way:  The "cabal" is described as absolutely evil, but also as infinitely powerful.


This narrative is combined with a complementary disguised contradiction:


The "Extraterrestrials" are described as good and ready to help humans but, at the same time, these aliens are shown defeated again and again by our attacks and by their own mechanical failures.


So the whole sequence of events shows that the evil "cabal" always wins. On the contrary, the powerful good aliens are in fact weak and fragile. Sample: An old Japanese Second World War plane will be able to destroy the alien craft.

Besides, these "alien" crafts are obviously accident prone. The psyop discourse always will make reference to multiple alien ships crashes.


The listener will find impossible to solve these contradictions in a rational way.

However, if the believer talks or writes about her/his doubts, the psyop acting as pro-ET, will act against the "heretic" banning him from his group or sect.


This ruthlessness can then be justifies with the scapegoat maneuver (cabal deluded me.) This is

important because it shows that even the psyop acting as "guru" can be manipulated by the "cabal" but not protected by the "good ET."

This technique reinforces all the contradictions exposed above.



Psyoperations Lab.




Friday, December 9, 2011

Extraterrestrials with Mushroom-shaped heads..!

Aliens with “mushroom-shaped” heads abducted a young man but he knew nothing about it until months later. All he remembered was that he and a friend had seen a huge UFO rise up out of a field late one night and shoot a ray of light at them.

A series of hypnosis sessions conducted by a medical doctor some weeks later disclosed an incredible story about five strange creatures that examined the man aboard the UFO.

"The creatures told me not to be afraid, that they weren't going to hurt me," David Stephens said in an interview three months after the encounter. He said all five creatures had enlarged heads and looked alike.

The doctor who hypnotized Stephens was convinced he was telling the truth, as was a psychiatrist who questioned Stephens and eight members of his family for eight and a half hours.

Fwd: UFO=ET hypothesis as galaxy of Memes.


Thursday, December 8, 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Black <>
Date: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 11:29 PM
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GRELET CHRISTOPHE <>, High Lord Photon <>, James Black <>

Here is his message.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: The Examiner fires Alfred Webre
To: James Black <>

Tomas - Here is an independent journalist's interview and article.  Please feel free to publish this as you wish.  Thank you. Alfred

Video: 'Operation Mockingbird'-like censorship leads to call for consumer boycott



SUMMARY: "Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Judge and founder of Exopolitics Alfred Lambremont Webre is calling for consumers to occupy an immediate boycott of pay-per-impression advertising funded news website Citing a "frontal assault on the Truth movement," Mr. Webre shows a timeline of events demonstrating how's corporate publication ban against the Seattle Exopolitics Examiner is an Illuminati agenda-inspired media hit targeting the columnist who revealed President Barack Obama's participation in the CIA's secret Mars visitation program."

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 6:56 PM, James Black <> wrote:
Let me know the FULL STORY. I will publish it in several blogs, of course. Besides, the boycott is fine. 
Why not? Everything goes, Dear Alfred.
Tomas Scolarici 

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 10:01 PM, EXOPOLITICS.COM <> wrote:
Not so fast Tomas Scolarici.  Let the readers know the FULL story ;-)

A call for a consumer boycott of

1Alfred.Lambremont.Webre.Colour1"Boycotting is simple: just avoid and tell your friends and networks to do so as well."

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

Today Dec. 6, 2011 I received a notice from that is a frontal assault on the Truth Movement.  The notice reads:

Notice from Examiner.Com - Dec. 6, 2011

Dear Alfred Lambremont Webre,

Here is some information regarding your recent support request.


Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. The content audit took longer than expected. After reviewing a segment of your articles, it has been determined that much of your content violates our Terms of Use, specifically the following passage:

6. Prohibited Content and Activities

You agree that you will not post to the Site, or use the Site to transmit or make available any Content that: you know or have reason to know is false, misleading, or fraudulent.

While there is certainly an audience for your topic of expertise, it is not the type of content we want associated with

Therefore we have decided to retire your account and remove your content from our site. You will be paid out the balance of your earnings in the January payment cycle (on or around Jan. 20th).

Good luck in your future endeavors.


Matt Sandy
Pacific Experience Director

Assault on the Truth Movement

While I have legal remedies against for malicious interference with business, as well as libel and slander, I am choosing to reserve my legal remedies, without prejudice, and instead call for a consumer boycott of

Grounds for a Consumer Boycott

1. initially without notice unpublished a number of my articles as Seattle Exopolitics Examiner on Nov. 30, 2011, including a crucial article entitled 

"Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars"

2.'s unprecedented action came as I was traveling in South Africa at a conference and immediately after the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal on which I serve as Judge handed down on Nov. 22, 2011 a verdict finding former U.S. President George W. Bush and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of crimes against peace for the invasion of Iraq in which 1.4 million Iraqis were killed.

Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal/ Judgment of the Court (PDF)

This judgment convicting George Bush Jr. came on 11/22/11, 48 years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy on 11/22/63 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, TX., where George Bush Sr., then an undercover CIA agent, was photographed next to the Texas School Depository. George Bush Jr. is now subject to arrest, prosecution and conviction of war crimes by any one of 117 nations that are states parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.  The wheels of Justice grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine. 

3.'s action shutting down my column without cause is a frontal assault on the Truth movement.  None of my articles contain, as claims, "Content that [I] know or have reason to know is false, misleading, or fraudulent".  All statements and claims in my articles are backed by multiple, independent eyewitness whistleblowers from secret U.S. government projects, and from documented sources and research. is attempting to use the device of "reversal" on my articles and my work with the purpose of perpetuating a coverup of events and developments that my articles expose.

4. The Obama/Mars coverup -'s actions in their initial Nov. 30, 2011 shutdown of my articles implicating U.S. President Barack Obama in the CIA secret Mars visitation project and their final shutdown and removal of all of my Seattle Exopolitics Examiner articles on Dec. 6, 2011 is in fact in furtherance of a cover-up of U.S. President Barack Obama's visits to Mars as part of the secret U.S. Mars program, 1980-83, to which independent eyewitnesses Andrew D. Basiago and William Brett Stillings so testified live on Coast to Coast AM on November 11, 2011 (11.11.11).

How the consumer boycott against works

1. is an exploitative company owned by a right-wing billionaire - According to one source, " is a media company based in Denver, Colorado, that operates a network of local news websites, allowing "pro–am contributors"[1][2] to share their city-based knowledge on a blog-like platform, in 238 markets throughout the United States and parts of Canada with two national editions, one for each country.

" is a division of Clarity Media Group, with the primary investor being billionaire businessman Philip Anschutz, owner of Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), Regal Cinemas, and other media and entertainment companies. has over 55,000 contributors, commonly referred to on the site as "Examiners."

"The company derives its name from Anschultz/Clarity's 2004 purchase of the San Francisco Examiner which had previously owned the domain.

"Pay scale

"Examiners are paid based on a black box system considering page views and other metrics, or the "Gawker-model", made famous by the blog During 2009 many of the writers were receiving $0.01 per page view. later offered a variety of pay scale options to their writers. now bases compensation on variables such as subscriptions, page view traffic and session length.

"The company has been criticized for the low compensation received by some contributors, although claims it communicates contributors should not consider this full-time employment, and "tries to be very clear and transparent that this isn't a 'quit your day job' opportunity."

" has been criticized for its lack of verification and fact-checking of stories published on the site, including accusations of plagiarism."

2. derives the bulk of its revenue from consumer (reader) click-throughs.  Every time you as a reader click through to read an article on, the company is paid a royalty by its advertisers.

3.  The consumer boycott is simple.  Just avoid and let your friends and networks know you are avoiding and hitting where it hurts – in its revenues by refusing to click through to 

4. Please let your friends and networks know you are boycotting because it is promoting the CIA's Obama on Mars cover-up, and its direct assault on the Truth movement and Truth movement journalists like Alfred Lambremont Webre.

5. Exopolitics articles – New and existing Exopolitics articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre can now be read at 


We are in the process of transferring over all existing content by Alfred Lambremont Webre to

Thank you.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:52 PM, James Black <> wrote:

Notice from Examiner.Com - Dec. 6, 2011

Dear Alfred Lambremont Webre,

Here is some information regarding your recent support request.


Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. The content audit took longer than expected. After reviewing a segment of your articles, it has been determined that much of your content violates our Terms of Use, specifically the following passage:

6. Prohibited Content and Activities

You agree that you will not post to the Site, or use the Site to transmit or make available any Content that: you know or have reason to know is false, misleading, or fraudulent.

While there is certainly an audience for your topic of expertise, it is not the type of content we want associated with

Therefore we have decided to retire your account and remove your content from our site. You will be paid out the balance of your earnings in the January payment cycle (on or around Jan. 20th).

Good luck in your future endeavors.


Matt Sandy
Pacific Experience Director



Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
Skype: peaceinspace
EXOPOLITICS.COM: "Relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse"



Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
Skype: peaceinspace
EXOPOLITICS.COM: "Relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse"



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Insane Richard Boylan asks for "death squads" and "street justice"


March 11, 1997
[Wherein on or about the Ides of March, 1997, We the People observe the V.H. Fra. R.J.B., Ph.D. encourage the Diabolical Cabal of the Treasonous Paragovernmental Organization's UFO Cover-Up (TPOC) to "do the right thing" (i.e. commit suicide) and encourage us -- the profane and unwashed masses -- to take matters into our own hands and form vigilante death squads to bring about the "street justice" (i.e. lynchings) which the Traitorous UFO Cover-Up Bastards rightfully deserve! -B:.B:.]
This communication is directed to participants in the UFO Cover-Ups at different levels in the organizations involved. Let us define some terms, so that we reach a common understanding. This letter is addressed primarily to operations in the United States, although it is in large measure applicable to cover-up operations in other countries.
First, there are two UFO Cover-Ups. One is the relatively mild official U.S. Government cover-up, consisting of a basic policy of Official Denial: denial of UFO knowledge, and denial of access to physical UFO evidence and to sensitive UFO documentation.
The other is an outlaw, privatized, pseudo-governmental organization's aggressive and criminal Cover-Up: replete with unauthorized UFO shoot-downs, kidnapping, forcible interrogation, mind-control experimentation and torture of civilian experiencers and captured extraterestrials, nationwide disinformation campaigns, and vicious intimidation, assaults upon, or character assassinations of civilians who get too close to the truth.
For convenience, the first cover-up will be labeled the Official Government's UFO Cover-Up. The latter will be labeled the Treasonous Paragovernmental Organization's Cover-Up. It is time to call a spade a spade. Because time is up.
This Spring will occur the first of a series of formal Landings and Meetings between Extraterrestrial Emissaries and Earth representation teams. These Meetings are for the purpose of beginning open and official communication between the visiting Star Nations and the general people of Earth. Since the official governments of the technologically developed countries have declined to be honest with their people about extraterrestrial contact, the Star Nations are going directly to the people. The era of open extraterrestrial contact has arrived.
Also this Spring, a coalition of top civilian UFO researchers, astronauts, and former Special Projects military and intelligence officers will be meeting with Congressional staff to establish open, public, televised Congressional Hearings on the evidence these experts have seen and handled of UFO reality and extraterrestrial visitation. This effort will also extend to a United Nations presentation, and will not exclude a worldwide televised public press conference.
The Official Government's UFO Cover-Up policy and operations are about to end, because that Cover-Up is about to be dissolved by human civilian and extraterrestrial emissaries' initiatives in the open, starting this Spring.
To those involved in the Official Government's UFO Cover-Up at a policy level we say: it's time to abandon this policy. If you have integrity, inform your subordinates to release public statements that Government's UFO files are now open to public inspection. If you lack the courage to declare a new policy, at least quietly pass the word, off the record, to subordinates that future requests for UFO information will be fulfilled and not denied.
To those involved in the Official Government's UFO Cover-Up at an operations level, we say: you have been deceived. Your activities in this area are illegal. There is no lawfully- promulgated legal authorization to deny citizens access to UFO information. And without public promulgation, no law is valid. Since you are now aware of this fact, avoid knowingly involving yourself any longer in unlawful activities. Refuse any further unlawful orders to deny fellow citizens access to what is and should be public-access [UFO/ET] information.
The Treasonous Paragovernmental Organization's Cover-Up is also about to become exposed: as the outlaw and seditious conspiracy that it is. The exposure is about to occur this Spring, as Extraterrestrial Emissaries Landings/Meetings and human civilian Public UFO Disclosure initiatives force the Official Government's UFO Cover-Up policy and operations to end. With the official Government out of the UFO Cover-Up business, there will be no governmental skirts behind which the Treasonous Paragovernmental Organization's Cover-Up (TPOC) can hide any longer. As the official Government gets out of the UFO cover-up business and removes National Security authorization, any further TPOC operations to confiscate UFO information, harass and intimidate civilian witnesses, shoot down UFOs, or imprison captured extraterrestrials will be exposed and obvious as the outlaw and treasonous activities which they are.
To those involved in the Treasonous Paragovernmental Organization's Cover-Up at a policy level, we say: your time of behind-the-scenes power, unlimited funds, and pretended "National Security immunity" for your criminal activity has passed. Your only hope for any kind of leniency is to turn yourself in and provide state's evidence against those higher up. Since a number of you are cynical sociopaths, and cannot face a future without the "insider" privileges you are so used to, ending your life may soon appear to you an attractive option. Either way, expect no sympathy. The wasted decades of lost human progress and environmental mitigation you have forced upon the Earth and its people, because of your arrogant, greedy and power-hungry monopolization of extraterrestrial culture and technology information, demand the severest sanctions of you. You will be called to judgment by the people.
Of those involved in the Treasonous Paragovernmental Organization's Cover-Up at an operations level, we distinguish three general levels: the agents, the "assets", and the operatives.
To the TPOC agents, those who have managed the criminal and treasonous operations: the attacks on civilians, the UFO shoot-downs, the murders of extraterrestrials, we say: Your careers are over. As you may have already noticed, the official government is on a search-and- neutralize program directed at your operations in order to prosecute you, such as the DHHS effort to collect evidence of your kidnapping, forcible interrogation and abuse of civilians, to mention only one. It would be reasonable to expect numerous arrests in the not-too-distant future. As your careers soon devolve into ignominy and punishment, reflect on whether it was worth it to serve the interests of those plutocratic elite who are now quite content to let you be thrown to the wolves.
To the TPOC "assets", those who have been misusing your positions of influence in the media, law enforcement, state government, scientific and professional organizations and elsewhere to aid and abet the outlaw UFO Cover-Up, we say: you are going to be exposed and discredited. As the outlaw Cover-Up crumbles, there is going to be a feeding frenzy of finger-pointing and blame-shifting to other collaborators in order to save one's own skin. Remember the fate of your heroes, inquisitional Senator Joseph McCarthy, Reich Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels and Norwegian Nazi-collaborator politician Quisling. As these became by-words for despicable and craven villains, so shall you.
To the TPOC operatives, those who have been doing the criminal and treasonous hands-on dirty work: the cowardly attacks on civilians, the UFO shoot-downs, the torture and murders of extraterrestrials, we say: You will not escape. Many of the experiencers whom you have harassed, tormented, unlawfully detained, abused and gang-raped remember and know you on sight. Did you think we would forget? As the Cover-Up soon disintegrates, and there is no more culture of UFO denial to provide you immunity, you will soon consider yourself among the lucky ones if you make it to court trial and have a defense lawyer appointed. For, in the Earth Changes soon upon us, with the resultant collapse of infrastructure, the people will develop an alternative for an unavailable court system. It is called street justice, and it will show you no more mercy than you have shown your victims.
The culture which the UFO Cover-Up has operated in is a sick and dysfunctional culture. Born of cynicism, paranoid insecurity, racist zenophobia and materialistic elitism, and operating in an amoral and ruthlessly "pragmatic" fashion, the UFO Cover-Up has created its own harsh and inexorable fate and karma. Your Cover-Up crimes and "dirty tricks", the turning of positions of trust into a war against your own people, will go down in history as its darkest and vilest chapter.
The people bid the UFO Cover-Up good-bye now. You will not be missed.
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
[Holy] UFO/ET Researcher and Experiencer
2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA
(916) 455-0120

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Now Exopoliticians just hate Aliens..!

Apparently, the same Manipulative Extraterrestrials who scripted the Bible, described their cube in the Book of Revelation. Alex Collier and ancient Pagan Gnostic insights documented by Dr. John Lash suggest that the Bible in general and its Book of Revelation was authored Manipulative Extraterrestrials to script their own “anointed“ arrival.

Is this alleged apparent cube “Mothership“, a part of what Dr. Michael Salla describes as an alien orchestrated “Second Coming of Jesus”. Is Jesus really an alien-human hybrid like Adam and Eve, based upon Dan Sewell Ward‘s insights?

Was the Immaculate Conception an alien abduction event, as claimed by some researchers?. Is Comet Elenin a Holographic projection for interdimensional regressive alien “mind parasites” documented by Pagan Gnostics and described by Alfred Lambremont Webre as the ‘archons‘?

A battle has been raging on this planet for thousands of years. The battle for control of the minds and wills of humanity. Many have been taught that it is a battle between God's angels and Satan's demons. The truth of the matter is something much more insidious.

A conspiracy of cosmic proportions has been orchestrated against the inhabitants of this planet by an alien influence which is so deceptive, elusive, cunning and evil that even the most brilliant minds have failed to detect its presence.