Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No aliens? Exo gurus give us Theology

The self proclaimed Councilor of Earth, ex doctor Richard Boylan, have some problems with his promises of massive Star-Nations areal shows, previous to disclosure.
This is a common problem for all those who profit with the UFO=ET hypothesis.
However, while everybody waits for the impossible show, the Councilor of/for Earth wrote and posted in UFOfacts the following contribution to Exo-theology.

"DrBoylan" <>


As we approach a season which the Orthodox, Islamic, and Christian traditions hold dear, it may be time to share a bit more about that Star Person Master Teacher who was known as Yeshua ben Yosef, Jesus the son of Joseph.
And to correct some of the distortions that have grown up since his time here about who Yeshua really was/is.
Yeshua is not God/Source in a comprehensive sense. Perhaps it would be better to say that Yeshua is of God. And that each of us is of God (are sparks of Source). And that all creation is of God and reflects Source in various ways.
Concerning Yeshua ben Yosef's being born directly of God/Source: what in some theological traditions is called the "immaculate
conception", Yeshua originating in the flesh without the usual action of male sperm meeting female ovum. Source willed parthenogenesis in this instance. Source saw to it also that Star Person genetic attributes were added to the Human genetics which Mary carried in her ova as a Human.
Yes, Yeshua was Human and then some. By today's standards we would have to call him a Star Seed and a Star Person Incarnate Human par excellence.
Yes, Yeshua experienced temptation and the tug of ego.
The person/consciousness/soul/spirit which we know as Yeshua is very old, eons old, and Earth was not his first incarnation.
And I am informed that he is out in the cosmos presently, trying to help other star civilizations as he tried to do here.
That should provide enough "revisionist theology" to jar the fundamentalists in all three traditions.
But as John of Patmos said, "You shall know the truth; and the truth shall set you free."

in service to Source,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of/for Earth