Saturday, August 28, 2010

Exopoliticians and Councilors of Earth fear the Nothing Heppens Syndrome..!

There are Powers working on the ufological community, and these are well known. The greatest of all is the NHS. NHS means Nothing Happens Syndrome
The Ufological, exopolitical contactees and mythologists, including our beloved Councilor of Earth, insist that everybody (but them) is Cabal, psyop,disinformer and Agent of Darkness.

Nonsense because, as you people know well, the big Enemy of the Ufosophists is not other than NHS.
Many of the "friends of the Space Brothers" know this. The future belongs to the Nothing Happens Syndrome .

What can the "Ufo-gurus" do?. Just talk, they talk and talk and write about Aliens. Orionids, Pleiadeans, Altimarians, Draconians, Martians, Star Brothers, name them.

Pundits tell us that these aliens are sending us messages.
No technology, no medicine, no science. These extraterrestrials are new agers. They buy our own old books and turn them into "spiritual messages".

Of course, you don't believe this. Probably you understand that all those Extraterrestrials just do not exist.

They are marketing, paranoia, pseudo-science, imagination, fiction.

The "aliens" are, day after day, defeated by the Nothing Happens Syndrome.

Perhaps you don't believe in what we say? You have the right to believe what you want. You are not our enemy just because you have a different opinion.

Just wait one more day, week, month, year, and see the Nothing Happens Syndrome at work.