Sunday, August 30, 2009

Anonymous message Question on ET Landing

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:07 PM
Subject: Question on ET Landing

Dear Friend
Consider the following event: An Extraterrestrial peaceful landing, followed by open contact with Earth's People and Authorities.
If this happens, do you think that these Aliens will be seen as Evolved, Benevolent and Natural Rulers and Guides?
Please send your answer as a reply to this message.
Thanks for your collaboration.



Friday, August 28, 2009

Dr Salla against Dr. Boylan and Tall White Aliens..!

by Michael E. Salla, PhD
November 27, 2004

from Exopolitics Website

I recently received a message from one of Richard Boylan's lists discussing his views on the Tall Whites discussed in Charles Hall's memoirs, Millennial Hospitality, vol 1-3. (The message is copiedHERE).


I find it quite disturbing that Boylan has moved quickly to unambiguously promote the Tall Whites discussed in the Charles Hall book to his various lists. Since Boylan has large lists and therefore has some influence in shaping the perceptions of a quite a number of people about different ET races, I'd like to elaborate a little on an earlier post in a discussion forum where I discussed the Tall Whitesand Boylan's advocacy of them.


Let me also reaffirm my earlier view that Hall's information is an accurate reflection of what occurred at Nellis Air Force base during his Tour of Duty and thereforedeserves serious attention. The researcher Paola Harris has thoroughly investigated Hall's claims and finds him to be credible making this an important case to fully understand in terms of its exopolitical significance.

Hall describes the Tall Whites as quite intimidating in terms of behavior and how they regularly stalked military servicemen on duty at the remote desert location where Hall served. The Tall Whites regularly caused powerful emotions of fear and even terror among the military servicemen who didn't understand theseExtraterrestrials or weren't ready to interact with them in a friendly way. Yet the Tall Whites were also capable of exhibiting friendship qualities and of being teachers as in the case of Hall.

I've now completed the first two volumes of Hall's memoirs and so far the behavior of the Tall Whites strikes me as very similar to abductee/experiencer reports of the behavior of the 'Tall Gray' category of ETs (the following references give the volume and page numbers from his book).


There is an arrogance in the disposition of the Tall Whites and a contempt for humans displayed in their interactions with military servicemen who didn't understand them or were frightened by them. This is similar to how 'Tall Grays' supervise many abductions and control/punish humans who resist the genetic experiments.

Hall for example describes one Tall White female who wanted to kill a military servicemen who unknowingly had hit her child with a stone and broke the child's arm. The serviceman threw a stone at what he thought was a white dog stalking him around his hut based.


Since the Tall Whites often stalked the servicemen, many serviceman thought they were wild animals and were quite frightened of them. The incident led to the Tall White threatening the servicemen with death if he didn't leave immediately and promise to never return.


This is how the serviceman in question described the incident to Hall:

I tried to reason with her. I told her that I hadn't broken any little boy's arm and that I liked to play with kids. She wouldn't hear any of it. She told met that I was too stupid to know what I had done. Then she told me that the American generals had asked that I be given one warning before she and her friends killed me. She said that this was the warning. She said that if I ever came back out to the ranges alone, their Captain would kill me. (vol 1, p. 247)

Other servicemen had similar negative encounters with the 'Tall Whites'. One incident in particular is very revealing since it involved a cook at the Army Base who inadvertently went into the kitchen area on a day where the base was closed. He was threatened with death because he simply frightened some of the Tall White children. So there's wasn't any broken bones or hurting of the children, he simply scared them.


Here's how Charles 'Charlie Baker' Hall described the incident as the cook narrated what happened:

"They're back there, Charlie. Don't go back there. You'll scare them like I did. They'll kill you if you scare them. They told me so. That tall one in the corner, he told me so. He said he'd kill me if I ever scared their children again" (vol 1, p. 469).

Well Boylan makes a point in his post below about the Tall Whites using 8" microwave stun guns to incapacitate people. Well stunning humans is not apparently the Tall White practice as revealed in the following section where a female Tall White is talking about how Charles Hall saved her daughter to an Air Force General:

"You know general, before now, I would have never thought it possible. If my daughter had tried to approach any of the others, the way she walked right up to Charlie today, they would have panicked and we would have had to kill them all" (vol 1, p. 452).

If the Tall Whites are so humane with their stun guns, why would they have to kill all the panicking soldiers rather than just stun them as Boylan describes?

Now Charles Hall saved the life of a Tall White child whose mother was a 'Teacher' and subsequently he became known as the 'Teacher's Pet' in a project she started to get Tall White children used to humans. This is how the 'teacher' introduced 'Charlie' to the mothers of some Tall White children:

"This is 'Charlie Baker,' [Hall]" the teacher stated proudly. "He is just perfect for my pet project. See how gentle he is, and see how easily we can control him" (vol 1, p. 448).

So it's clear how controlling these Tall White ETs are, and the condescending attitude they have for even those humans who have done them a service.


Nevertheless, the role Hall played in the teacher's project gave him a certain value as the "teacher's pet" which meant that the Tall Whites would kill other servicemen who may have threatened the life of Charles Hall in the sensitive security environment surrounding the Tall Whites base of operations. In the following passage, a Sergeant narrates to fellow military security guard the consequences, according to a Tall White known as 'Harry', if they threatened the "teacher's pet". Apparently, in a security drill they had drawn their guns on someone claiming to be the "teacher's pet":

Harry said the Real teacher's Pet is too valuable for us to ever draw our guns on him. He said if the Real Teachers's pet were ever killed, he could never be replaced. Old Harry said that if Sam and me had been facing the Real Teacher's Pet, once we actually pointed our guns at him, or once he fell to the ground, both of use would have been killed instantly, before we were even aware that we were being fired on. He said those were the direct orders he'd received from the Teacher. He said both Sam and me would have been killed without warning and that neither of our guns would have ever fired. (vol 2. 179).

Yet despite having saved the teacher's child and being the "teacher's pet" would not save Hall if he inadvertently hurt a child in the teacher's project as evidenced by a mother talking to her Tall White sonin front of Hall:

"Alright", replied his mother, "You may join the teacher's pet project. Remember! Do not get too close to him, and remember, if anything ever goes wrong, if Charlie ever touches you, I will ask your uncle Harry to kill him (vol 1, p.449).

Hall was also threatened with death if he in some way interfered with the plans by the Tall Whites as described in the following conversation with a Tall White who was guarding a procession of Tall Whites while Hall was present :

Then the Guard said forcefully, "You know that if anything goes wrong with this plan we can kill you any time we want to." Standing my ground still shaking in fear, I replied, "Yes, but I haven't' given you any reason to kill me. Anyway, you haven't killed me yet so you are probably not going to." The guard smiled and replied, "You are quite right. We could have killed you in the shack the other night if we wanted to." Then he turned and walked back to the procession. Stopping for a minute near the shorter woman he said: "See. Now he knows for sure that we will kill him if anything ever goes wrong. (vol 2, p. 113.)

Finally, if there is any doubt in the reader's mind as to whether the Tall Whites actually kill humans who disobey/threaten them, here's a section describing what was told by one sergeant to another who were part of a military group that occupied a Lt-General at a high level meeting with the Tall Whites:

"Tell them [a group of sergeants] to remember the teacher has ordered them to stay out of sight behind the lounge. Remember if they disobey the teacher's orders, she will kill them as she killed the others, and there is nothing I can do about it." (vol 1, p. 447)

So here we have a very brutal doctrine of killing military servicemen who disobey orders and that this has occurred in the past. 

Now as to the identity of the 'Tall Whites'. Hall points to Arcturus as their origins as implied in the following passage where Hall is addressing a group of tall Whites:

A ripple of emotion passed through the crowd when I mentioned the star Arcturus, some 36 light years away. After a short pause, the older lady asked with some surprise, "Teacher, does Charlie know where we come from?" (vol 2, p. 147)

However the intimidating behavior of the Tall Whites is not at all consistent with descriptions I've seen of the Arcturians. If there is some connection with Arcturus, it may be purely genetic as the Tall Grays have a reputation for extracting genetic material from different races.


The Arcturian connection may have been no more than a period where Arcturians were involuntarily taken on board Gray ships and incorporated into their genetic experiments in much the same way that humans are taken up by Grays on Earth. Thus Gray-human hybrids may be taken to other solar systems and claim to be Earthlings, yet this is purely a genetic connection.

Now as to the Nordic appearance of the Tall Whites, again, this is likely due to some genetics taken from a Nordic race.


For example, George Andrews describes in his book, Extraterrestrial Friends and Foes (p. 153), how a contactee was told how the Grays allegedly took over the Nordic world on Procyon as follows:

"The Grays began to visit us, first a few as ambassadors, then as specialists in various domains where their expertise could be useful to us, as participants in different programs that involved mutual collaboration, and finally as tourists. What had begun as a trickle became a flood, as they came in ever-increasing numbers, slowly but surely infiltrating our society at all levels, penetrating even the most secret of our elite power groups….


Just as on your planet they began by unobtrusively gaining control over key members of the CIA and KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as telepathic hypnosis that manipulates the reptilian levels of the brain, so on Procyon through the same techniques … they established a kind of telepathic hypnotic control over our leaders. Over our leaders and over almost all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell that was leading us to our doom, as if we were being programmed by a type of ritual black magic that we did not realize existed."

Hall mentions in his book that the Tall Whites began to establish a presence in the Nevada area in 1954 (vol, p. 236). This is the same year that Eisenhower met with and established agreements with the Tall Grays from Orion. My conclusion is that the Tall Whites are closely associated with the Tall Grays from Orion. Furthermore, these most likely come from RigelOrion which was a former Nordic world taken over by the Grays. I've described this incident in my ET Motivations Report.

This accounts for the Tall Whites Nordic features that Hall describes, and their Gray/Reptilian characteristics such as 4 digit hands with two inch claws rather than nails.

My overall conclusion is the same with all the extraterrestrial races who have struck agreements with the US government and established a presence on Earth in exchange for extraterrestrial technology, and working in joint projects. They should be very closely watched and frankly regarded with much suspicion in terms of their motivations for participating in such agreements. Now given the disturbing behavior of the Tall Whites as Hall describes them, frankly I'm appalled that a researcher such as Boylan would consider such a race as exemplary Star Visitors which we should befriend, as he is currently advocating.

As I've described in my Report on extraterrestrial motivations, there are many other extraterrestrial races who are more honorable and display much more elevated qualities. Reading the 'contactee' reports of these extraterrestrials PleiadiansAndromedansLyrans, etc., doesn't leave one with feelings of distrust and apprehension. On the contrary one often feels a great degree of love and joy, coming through.


For example, I recall reading George Adamski's discussion of the 'Venusiansand how they would rather give their lives when cornered rather than inflict injuries on other sentient life forms. It sounds veryChrist-like, and while I don't personally agree that such an attitude is very practical, it does have an emotional impact to know that some ETs actually practice elevated ethics that most would considerChrist-like. The contrast with the 'Tall Whites' Hall describes couldn't be greater.

Importantly, contactees such as 
Billy MeierAlex Collier, Enrique Castillo, etc., say that the Pleiadian and Andromedan extraterrestials they interacted with, warned about working with the Grays who have a reputation for infiltrating worlds and taking them over and using the captive population for genetic material.

This finally takes me to 
Richard Boylan who is now openly advocating his supporters to establish telepathic communications with the Tall Whites in a series of experiments. As one can see from his post he doesn't mention the disturbing incidents described in Hall's book, and just gives a glowing assessment of the Tall Whites, and the need to get in touch with them.

Boylan has consistently ignored all the evidence of negative behavior by the Grays and other ET races such as the Reptilians, and criticized researchers or 'abductees' who have pointed out the negative behavior. I've written a short piece some time ago pointing out the flaws in Boylan's research approach in doing this, but he has not taken the hint to change tack. (

Boylan is essentially behaving like a propagandist for the Tall Whites ignoring the negative incidents involving the Tall Whites which were reported by Hall himself. This is spinning of the information something Boylan has down with other whistleblowers such as Michael Wolf.


Paola Harris for example interviewed Wolf and found that he responded to a question on the benevolent/hostile ET issue in terms of an 'alien barrier' that quarantines the Earth in the following way:

"The negative ETs might get through occasionally, and that is what anti-alien UFOlogists point out."

(The Earth Must Survive! ... - The Michael Wolf Tapes II - April 1999)

Now Dr Wolf is here acknowledging the existence of negative ET's so it certainly is not disinformation to posit negative extraterrestrials unless Dr Wolf himself is spreading disinformation. Yet Boylan has been careful not to acknowledge this information or allow it to be distributed on his lists. He has done similar things with other whistleblowers such as Robert Dean and Clifford Stone who refer to negative extraterrestrials.

To summarize, Boylan is dismissing the negative incidents described in the Hall book and giving an upbeat assessment of the more positive interactions of the Tall Whites. Boylan is now acting as a Tall White propagandist, and advocating them as a kind of exemplary model of 'Star Visitors' that we should eagerly seek to cultivate.

In conclusion, the Tall Whites are likely a genetic variation of the Tall Grays, and most likely originate from the Rigel star system of Orion where a Nordic world was allegedly infiltrated and taken over according to the testimonies of a number of contactees. This Nordic world whose genetic material is used along with other races such as the Arcturians is used to build hybrids that ultimately appear to be Nordic ETsbut are much closer to the 'Tall Grays' and their questionable agendas.

The Tall Whites should be treated with extreme caution and suspicion. I recommend that individuals choose to establish contact with more benign extraterrestrial races such as the SiriansPleiadians,Andromedans who don't have a track record in abductions or intimidating humans.


The thought experiments Richard Boylan is advocating to his members to get in touch with the Tall Grays is based on a propagandized version of the Tall White 'star visitors'.

In peace




Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Andrew Hennessey contribution to Ufosophy

there are thousands and thousands of labels ... but they don't really get to the core process that is being used against the human race ..

the main issue is that these beings - almost all of the huge taxonomy are dead/undead and are disconnected from the source and run on vril/prana type batteries and storage in artefacts.
they are lifeforce hungry.

therefore they all probably sit amongst the overall classification of vampire.
various types of direct and indirect vampirism .. by proxy, by artefact, by spiritual psychology, by direct eating, indirect empathic vamprisim, life force miners, intelligent and semi-intelligent outrage creators and lifejuice drinkers
telepathic vampires, lotus/chakra eaters/soul eaters.

I suggest therefore that there is the spiritual world of the living and the dead.
the dead/undead are always hungry and empty or needing fed but there are those of the way of love and life and Christ filled with the utter fullness of God.

all of the djinns, greys faeries zetas therefore are various states of the death of Human Symmetry and values and morals and ethics and death of the value of human family, human communion and human love and these specially adapted feeders on the the humans who have disconnected speicalise in stripping away the human reality from their victims - see my article human deregulation and the greys or nigel kerners the song of the greys



Re: [RationalUFOLOGY] peeping archons at the window

Thanks a lot, Andrew. Published in UFO tabloid.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Eli Sadhanusari <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: scottishatlantis <>
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:37 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] peeping archons at the window

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Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] peeping archons at the window

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: scottishatlantis <>
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:37 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] peeping archons at the window

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Monday, August 24, 2009



Ufosophy is a step forward. Ufosophy is a Science, a Philosophy and perhaps a new hermeneutics for Ufological investigation.

Understanding Ufosophy requires a new frame of mind. A new perspective.

We cannot think about Ufology in the old way.

Hakim Bey, the Ontological Anarchist an creator of the Autonomous Zones, formulates the following statement.

“Nothing is True, Everything is Permissible.”

Of course, IF nothing is true, Hakim statement is not true, ergo, it is not true that nothing is true.

This inevitable conclusion is in fact not a conclusion at all, so our mind remains open waiting.

In Ufosophy, nothing is true, everything is permissible, or everything is true because it’s not true that nothing is true.

We are now in the Twilight Zone, in the neither-neither. That is the Ufosophical Mind we need.

We learn now that is unnecessary, obsolete and preposterous to say that UFOs exist or do not exist.

In some realities UFOS exist. There is no one Reality but several. Possibilities in the Universe are infinite.

Of course, in Ufosophy, there is nothing outside the Universe-s, The Source of the Universe is the Universe.

Universe self-creates, and that is the secret meaning of the Gnostic Ouroboros.

The existence or nonexistence of UFOs is out of question. This alternative is meaningless. Forget everything about it.

It is also preposterous talking asking ourselves where the UFOs come from. They come from here, they were always here.

From the beginning of historical times, men described the same kind of flying objects.

Consequently we must forget the idea that the Entities responsible for the UFO Phenomenon are Extraterrestrial. This is absurd for the novel Ufosophists.

Same can be said about questioning what the UFOnauts want. Since they were always here, even before us, humans, they are here doing their things, and in no way are the Non-Humans or Post Humans interested in telling us what they are doing. They don’t want any open contact with us, so the whole Exopolitical idea, including the preparation for contact is absurd.

Consequently, the idea that the Galaxy is full of Intelligent Life is ridiculous. Probably one in zillions of planets out there, can sustain life.

By the way, Ufosophy is contrary to projects like SETI. We are wasting our time and money sending radio signals. Nobody answers and perhaps this is the best thing that can happen.

The law is this: never invoke what you will not be able to control..!

Better to sleep in peace thinking that the Universe is empty of intelligent life, because for the Ufosophists, Intelligence as we know it is destructive.

So, we are either investigating alternative forms of terrestrial life, or Time Travelers, but not nice, kind, gentle extraterrestrials.

Ufosophy doesn’t believe in the Cover Up. The State is an enormous bureaucracy whose only purpose is self-perpetuation. They just do not want us to know that they don’t know.

What the Cover Up keeps secret is Ignorance. They don’t know what is going on. They are afraid.

That is why they make us believe that they have downed some UFOs.

That is why they love to have Exopoliticians demanding a disclosure.

So, Ufosophy investigates alternative realities and alternative forms of Life.

The non-humans are not new. We called them Jinns, Gnomes, Salamanders, Fairies, Demons, Angels, you name it.

Ufosophist are ready for new ideas. The blend of pseudo-science, New Age, class B science fiction, contactees, self-proclaimed experts and religion doesn’t work. Let’s try something new.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Save the KIDS. (Urgent..) A message from James Black

As many of you know,   the ex-doctor Boylan in  what he calls Star-Seeds Workshops, teaches kids ( for money,) to use telepathy, moving objects with the mind and distant detection and healing ..! 
This would be just a motive for laugh at the degradation of the Big Circus, but it is much more serious. 
The teaching of these "occult arts" to children implies a monstrous manipulation and consequent brainwashing. Pressured by ignorant parents to exercise these "powers", the kids can be psychologically and socially literally destroyed .
Below you will read a message posted for Dr. Boylan about his"teachings".
Read it, think about this and just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO STOP THIS MONSTROSITY.
You can see (and use) Boylan's address.
For those who don't know Boylans background, as abuser, please follow link below.

Save the Kids.

James Black

This is Boylan's message to his group 


    As with many things, the integrity of the use, or not, of psychic abilities depends on the intentions of the one deciding to employ a psychic ability.
    When I present on psychic abilities at Workshops, I emphasize that these gifts most often are to be used for social good, meaning in a way that helps other people.
    These psychic gifts are not meant to become an ego trip or just to show off. That would be wrong.
    Occasionally the use of a psychic ability can also be for one's individual help, for example, to locate a "lost" object. In such a case it is equivalent to using a second "set of eyes" to see better. No moral fault there.
    The ability to move things can be used for good too, for example, to push back an attacker coming at you with a knife.That would be in accordance with the 11:11 Spiritual Law of the Protection of Human Life.
    Not to develop one's psychic abilities (which Source has given you) would be to neglect your own full personal development.
    Can one go beyond the employment of psychic abilities? For the right reason, yes. As when Obi-Wan Kenobi was being attacked by Darth Vadar's light saber and instead of fending it off by psychic force, he chose to engage in spiritual non-violence, stand with his arms at his side, and let the karma of destroying him fall upon Vadar.
    Still, for many situations it is well to "be all that you can be" and use your abilities.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D. 

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

A message from James Black

Dear People

This is just a guide. Sometimes, nonsense talk , crude commercialism , or just idiocy become to much , and then you need a lighthouse, just some good old rational thinking.
In such cases this link can help.

Sometimes I feel pessimistic. Thinking that the battle is lost. A few of us live in a world inhabited by living deads. "I am legend" kind of think, you know.
In the Internet, a few individuals can write anything they want without any practical, tangible reaction.
Take a look, just take a look. Do some Google search and learn about the pioneers of the new Dark Age: Salla, Boylan (dr. Sauna) Bassiago, Webre. and a few more. I call them the EXOS.
But, you know something? The problem is not their talking nonsense. No...the real problem is that there is no big reaction. Lot of people believe what they say, buy their books, send his kids to learn telepathy and distant healing with the ex doctor Boylan..! (Can you believe this?)
So, perhaps it's to late. Perhaps Andrew is right and many, I should say most of us are already controlled, just happy in the reps-exos farm.
Well, after all I am an old man, millions of individuals in "civilized countries" never read a book in their life.
And now I remember...this postmodern world where the con men are kings, looks like Germany in the 30, the Republic of Wiemar, the Expressionism.
Perhaps people will find someone who thinks for them. A Guru, a Fuhrer, some "Alien"...who knows?
Perhaps people is ready to burn scientific books, papers, films, videos.
Perhaps I am wrong. I hope I am.

With Love


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dr . Boylan is joking..!

Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:04 PM
To: drboylan@sbcglobal. net
Subject: Fwd: FW: Pic 2

here is another pic my friend took which is even more detailed

From: To:
Sent: 8/12/2009 6:03:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: FW: Pic 2

Monday, August 10, 2009

A few Questions about Dr. Boylan, Councilor of Earth.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 5:52 PM
Subject: About Dr. Boylan

Dear friend
Let us think about this:
Dr. Boylan is the Councilor of Earth, right?
He speaks in the name of the Star Nations. The Star nations apparently named Dr. Boylan as their one and only representant on and for Earth. That is what the Doctor tells us.
Wendy have also some contacts with an entity called Asheoma. She seems to be the second important figure with Fran, who tells us that she is a Mantis incarnated in a human body.
The questions are these.
Boylan and the Star Nations do not believe that people needs something more?
People MUST believe what Boylan, Wendy and Fran tell them without asking for any Evidence?
If someone expresses any doubt, she or he will be classified as a Cabal, an Agent of Darkness.
The Councilor of Earth wants yes-men and yes-women. He is the one who KNOWS and THINKS.
After all, if something doesn't work as The Councilor wants, just forget about it.
In their Infinite Wisdom, the Star Nations choose the best human we have: Dr. Boylan.
With a pure and clear background indeed. Please follow the link above.

Now, you are an adult, intelligent person.
You are not a yes-man/woman. You THINK.
…and that is the only thing you must do about this: Just THINK.




Sunday, August 9, 2009

Braco, the Healer who recommends real Doctors.

Angelika  is promoting a book about her experience with Braco, a Croatioan healer. Also, Braco will visit Hawaii . The Exos will see how they find a relation between the "healer" (who denies he is a healer) and UFOs.
This Braco, heals just with the power of his eyes, (or something like that,) but the miracle man has good lawyers that wrote for him Legal Notice.

Legal disclaimer
The sessions with Braco are not related to a specific religion, church.or ideology.

They are open to everybody independent from religion, race, color and culture.

Braco does not promise any help or cure and the session with him is no replacement of medical help or therapies, which your doctors prescribed.

Please follow the advise of your doctors at any time before and after your session and go on consulting the doctors at any health problem.

Braco tries to give something to his visitors in addition to the help of the doctors but he does not replace the use of doctors, of medicine and therapies.

End of the legal disclaimer.

However, this something that Braco gives is not free. Books, crucifixes and other "magic" or "spiritual" tools are sold in his shows.
Of course, we only hear about the so called miracles, but here we have a link to a negative experience with Braco.

Dear people, just follow Braco's advice : "Please follow the advise of your doctors at any time before and after your session and go on consulting the doctors at any health problem."




Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] The UFO reactionary rhetoric.


Dear People

Let me share with you some ideas concerning Exopolitics and Ufology.
The reactionary talk is always directly or indirectly oriented against scientific knowledge and rational thinking.
In my view, the EXOS represent that kind of reactionary rhetoric against a modern view of the UFO Phenomenon and the modern scientific methods.

Sample: the Exos in all their variations, are always "denouncing " science and scientists.
The problem is this: What they suggest instead of science?
Obviously, they suggest the worst kind of superstition.
NASA? Forget about it...just ignorants and liars. Instead you should learn what Mayan Elder Barrios tells us about what is true and what is not. should consider some Solar Initiation in Bolivia, given by a young Initiate in contact with the White Brotherhood ( who moved from Tibet to the Titicaca lake ) and the Secret Subterranean Cities.

Also, if you want to know about the future, do not waste your time reading futurology or any scientific prevision. Just consult the Mayan Calendar  and you will find everything there.
Mayans knew everything but...they thought that the brutal Spanish conquerors were Gods...(dangerous kind of mistaken identity. )
Oh, and forget about flue vaccines. The Councilor of Earth, inspired by the Star Nations, told us that the flu vaccines are an invention of the Cabal.
(The Cabal is an infinite conspiracy of all those that are not Dr Sauna, Wendy or Fran, the human Mantis)

Any EXO will show you beautiful pics. of Martian Airports, Cities, Monuments and people like us but anaerobics, walking in the in the lovely martian forests and parks. Amazing.
This shows that science knows nothing and scientists are all liars.

Reactionary thought is always like that. Obscure, pathological individuals know more than the rest of humanity. That is why Adolf Hitler became Fuhrer, absolute master of the land  of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart , Goethe and Schiller.

That is why charlatans, con men, liars and  reactionaries, are dangerous. Give them power and you will see what happens.




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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why we should keep sending signals into space

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jay Moody <>
Date: Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:14 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why we should keep sending signals into space


I find it a blunder of our civilization to send signals out to space, or even inadvertently sending out receivable signals simply with meant for Earth television (which, as I've said plenty of times, would be an utter embarrassment to the Human race) since it tells the extraterrestrial civilizations of our location, opening ourselves up to invasion from a superior, more aggressive civilization.  Why not send broadcast of Hector Berlioz, or Verdi?  Or other valid music and art forms, if we are to send up anything at all?   

In fact our very softness spawned from the political left is in and of itself dangerous for the Human race.  Philosophers like Jeramey Bentham have laid the foundation for repealing the death penalty and being soft on the enemy (anyone willing to harm or steal from us) isn't the correct direction for the philosophical collective pool of knowledge for our civilization. 

Also, political correctness is helping to dumb our world down, falsely elevating pop "music" to the level of classical as simply "A matter of taste" is an oversimplification, meaningless noise and inane lyrics simply cannot be compared to the lyrics of an opera to see the difference. 

The self defeating behaviors of our species is many, putting a target on ourselves and giving sympathy to the enemy isn't doing us good and it won't do us good.  What if SETI is responsible for attracting a few of the abductor ET's?  Not that it would be completely responsible as even ancients have seen UFO's however it's safe to say that a planetary energy cloaking technology would be for naught as they have our coordinates on record.   

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