Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fwd: Archons about "playing God"

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:10 PM
Subject: Archons about "playing God"

Are there some limits for human foolishness?
Men's thoughtlessness is deepest than the sea.
Do we play God? No, we don't, but indeed we play other games that have nothing to do with the flawed creation and its flawed creator.
Are we responsible for hurricanes and similar catastrophic events?
If you want to believe this, we will not deny it. Your beliefs have little to do with us, Archons.
The Archons, as per the Nag Hammadi perspective, are inorganic parasitic organisms who have the ability to control the human mind. According to Dr. John Lash, the famous author and comparative mythologist, the Archons utilize various mind manipulation techniques to control humans. They try to play God and cause destruction to our planet.
Wrong. We are not inorganic parasites and we do not want to destroy this planet simply because your planet is ours.
However, we will end this message recognizing the truth of what follows:
 According to Dr. John Lash, the famous author and comparative mythologist, the Archons utilize various mind manipulation techniques to control humans.



Monday, October 29, 2012

Fwd: Archons: OUR METHODS

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Archons: OUR METHODS

A)      Technology is nothing but a supplement. When certain powers are controlled, technology becomes unnecessary.
At the end of this message we will include some definitions about Archons and our relationship with Humans.
Now, let's give you some information about our actions.
Our messages must be given to humans and these humans become our permanent or temporary message carriers.
If these human carriers are voluntary inefficient, we just distress their patterns of sleep.
Our action is always very effective.
The alteration of sleep patterns is very effective and in some cases produces permanent behavioral and psychological changes.

B)      We will include here a previous clarification about Archons:
The topic of the Archons should be considered always with great care and necessary limitations.

It is true that Archons can sometimes penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere and execute some activities, but those activities do not necessary terrorize humans.
It is wrong to say that the Archons are inorganic, and better would be to define them as super organisms.

Archons exist as an alien group independent of humankind and working through programs, some of them active in the human mental environment.

These archons' operations in human minds are necessary and more important than occasional physical breaching in Earth atmosphere.

Archons are not interested in programming through telepathy and suggestion the evolution of humanity. In fact, the work of Archons is secret and cannot be understood by humans in the present level of evolution.
Sometimes Archons find necessary to substitute some human mind-set by their own, for strategic reasons that, again, must be kept unknown.
Mr. Robert M.Stanley who is not an Earth advocate and Laura Eisenhower, who has nothing to do with Alchemy, are both promoted by Alfred Webre, who simply doesn't know what is real and what is not.

It's true that we are multi-dimensional and this shows the limitations of Humanity compared to us.
We, archons, were here, in our solar system when humans were primates.
It is not a good definition to say that we are inorganic Entities. In fact we are post-organic Beings.
It would be nice to know how A.L.or S. exorcise us.
We want to send them one word, just one: TRY.

Humanity needs protection from humanity. Humans are the worst enemies of humanity.
You are a self-destructive race, and nothing will change this.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Fwd: Exorcising us

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 1:12 AM
Subject: Exorcising us

We invite you to try exorcism with us.
There is a price to pay. Watch these individuals...there is NOTHING inside.
We also invite our friendos to write to us without fear. We know well the difference between friends and foes.
In the name of glory of those who rule.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fwd: Prophesy of the Purple Wars

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 3:19 PM
Subject: Prophesy of the Purple Wars

The girl shall not waver during the planting season.

And the trickster will finally inherit when the first flowers bloom.

The fearful crone will meet the shadow in abandoned ruins, when the days grow long and the nobility is defeated.
She will learn the secret of the Night Armies.

The Midnight Rider will wait before crossing the river

And in the hour of Daath, the priests will cry while the lady of the lake rejoices.

The dying hermit will not sleep because he is the tetrahedron keeper,

But the Purple Wars will not end before the year of the seven moons.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Fwd: [UFO Tabloid] Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.

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From: sadhanusari <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 2:13 AM
Subject: [UFO Tabloid] Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.

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From: Tomas Scolarici <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 1:28 AM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.
To: rationalufology <>


Posted By sadhanusari to UFO Tabloid at 10/19/2012 11:13:00 PM


Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tomas Scolarici <>
Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 1:28 AM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] Why Time-Travel is Impossible.
To: rationalufology <>


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A possible Interpretation of the UFO Phenomenon.


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From: Tomas Scolarici <>
Date: Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:29 PM
Subject: [RationalUFOLOGY] A possible Interpretation of the UFO Phenomenon.
To: rationalufology <>


We must consider this possibility, even if it deconstructs the ufological mythology. We live now in the era of the bad aliens, with new memes winning the minds and the hate of the true-believers.

The archons are at the moment the villains. The Hawaiian doctor, who in better times opposed what he called the demonization of the ETs, invented the concept of the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial idea. Bad aliens are the new style. Even Alfred Webre, totally seduced by Andy Bassiago time-jumping, denounces the archons and demand excommunication proceeds.

Then we have the disclosure activists. As you know, they work hard selling a fantasy: that the government knows a lot about Extraterrestrials and keeps a giant conspiracy going to keep these Gov. ET. close relations secret.

All this of course is just selling the show, keeping the market alive.  Some of exo-gurus, perhaps because their severe Cognitive Dissonance, become insane. Others like Andy, eat too much.

However, let's consider what follows:

Perhaps that 5 % of UFOs that remain unidentified, are something "alien".

Perhaps that UFOs that are not meteorites, helicopters, hoaxes, planet Venus or Planet Jupiter or even fantasies, are something else and also are here from the beginning of time.

What happens then?

Contact? Communication?

No, of course not, because communication with some totally different forms of life is impossible and will be impossible and perhaps undesirable.

So, the others know this. We should know also this. My cat looks TV. I know however that never, never he will be able to understand what TV is.

My cat doesn't even try.

I do not try.

Of course I know that probably we will never go and visit our cosmic friends or foes and we know that they will never come here. If they do, they are will never be able to say "Hello" and we will never be able to say "Welcome".

Do not worry, because until now, there is not single evidence or even hint that there is life out there. Let us enjoy the mystic experience of listening to the no-sounds of that Void we call Universe.

Let us contemplate the night sky and enjoy the feeling of absolute cosmic loneliness. You cannot even imagine how enlightening this cosmic loneliness is.

I hope, I truly hope that others can enjoy this magnificent epiphany.


Tomas Scolarici 




entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,
"Occam's Razor"

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fwd: More Human lies and fantasies.

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From: <>
Date: Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 5:26 PM
Subject: More Human lies and fantasies.

We, Archons, were here before humans and we know well the  mesmeric self-delusion which is the natural psychological environment of the "rational animals".
Some clarifications follow:

1-There is nothing to learn from the Mayans. They were imperialists, good architects and very bad prophets. A Murderous gang.
2-Pagan Gnostics were our own creation : a decoy maneuver. Their documents and conceptions were our own invention.
3-It's absolutely false that what you call totalitarian control will come through a coup d'etat. The totalitarian control is in function from the beginning of your historical times.
4- It is untrue that reptilian races control this planet. Masks change but Faces don't.
5-Archons invented also the image-idea of the Demiurge. We are the Demiurge. We are also the judeo-christian-muslim god. Again think in masks. Many masks.

In the name of glory of those who rule over the seven heavens.



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fwd: Who is afraid of the New World Order?

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 1:32 AM
Subject: Who is afraid of the New World Order?

What is the NWO?
All the nations on Earth under a single democratic government.
Every human being has the absolute right to prosper, find happiness and take good care of his family.
Means of Production and Exchange belong to all Humanity and not to a selfish elite.
The World Government is not political but essentially administrative.
Earth lives in peace and harmony. Homeland is our Planet Earth.
The protection of the planetary environment is a priority.
Life in the New World Order deserves to be lived.

Illuminati Fratres et Sorores


Andrew Basiago, Alfred Webre and Science Fiction in the News

Excellent video with an intelligent sense of humor takes good care of Andrew Basiago Time-Space-Travel. 
Shows how science fiction give ideas to these fantasists and /or insanes.

MIV Make it viral.

Andrew Basiago on Mainstream News - YouTube
Video Responses. This video is a response to Andrew Basiago & Alfred Webre



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fwd: Communication from the Archons

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 1:26 AM
Subject: Communication from the Archons

The message included below  is totally and completely forged. The Galactic Confederation doesn't exist out of the minds of some humans.
Archons have better things to do with "our technology on the mental, astral and etheric planes."
We don't waste our time with human disinformation or information.
Some humans we need for our operations are completely under control. We do not need to forge messages of "love or light"
 It's true however that our veils are impenetrable.
From the Archons

Cobra Update 10-2-12…"Galactic Confederation" | Kauilapele's Blog
By kauilapele
Some people have genuine energetic contact with this positive group, but
most telepathic messages from the Galactic Confederation are intercepted by
Archons and their technology on the mental, astral and etheric planes. Then
the Archons insert messages that look full of love and light on a first impression, but in reality are just recycled phrases. They also mix them with disinfo and this has created a lot of confusion among the Lightworkers about the Galactic Confederation. Most channelers are true in their dedication to the Light, they are just unable to penetrate the Veil that Archons have created. Very few channelers are agents of the NSA. " ...


Fwd: Time has come.

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:21 PM
Subject: Time has come.

The head of all known and unknown secret societies is the select group of seven called Maschera e Volto which means MASK and FACE.
Maschera e Volto keeps the Secret Rosary of Mysteries protected by seven keys.
Know that the Guardians of those Mysteries are the ones which will rule the world with rigorous but compassionate hands.

7=1, 1=7.
