Monday, April 30, 2012

The NOVEMBER Alien Agenda

Now the Tea Party should be called the ET Party.
In fact manipulative extraterrestrials are into the Extraterrestrial-Military-Industrial-Republican-Tea Party-Complex. (E.M.I.R.T.P.C.)

Reliable sources told us that a republican victory in November will be the first step in the agenda of total domination by the EET. (Evil Extraterrestrials)
Expert Retro-speech analysts are convinced that the Republican Candidates are just puppets of the E.M.I.R.T.P.C.
Our sources are skeptic about the possibilities of what they called the Friendly Extraterrestrials, F.E.T. "voluntarily " represented by the P.C. or "pink" contactees, also known as S.C. (saccharine contactees.)
In the words of a veteran operative, indirectly the S.C. work for the enemy, since there are no Good Aliens in the game. The presumed good aliens do not care much about us.
If possible, we will keep you informed about future developments.
Friends of Freedom

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our message

The prospects are not those you mentioned.
Your institutions are in crisis, and nations as you know them shall not survive.
The War will be, as usual your destiny, but do not be regretful for this, since War is the language of the Universe.
But you must learn now that our wars are unwinnable. Nobody is defeated nor winner.
Both, Darkness and Light preserve the cosmos, also called the Unborn.
The Universe is the Father and the Son, the Mather and the Daughter. Creator and Creation, It is.
This is the message you must give to your friends and your race.

Midnight Rider.

Plans for Extraterrestrial Invasion.

Exopolitics Britain: Plans exist for Extraterrestrial invasion
Dr. Michael Salla describes the existence of a
Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex or 'MIEC'. He has been also an
active writer among Exopolitics ...

Dumb tricks of the Councilor of Earth (sic.) Richard Boylan

 If you want to be a perfect prophet, just do as the self proclaimed Councilor of Earth: Just read the papers and if you find a little earthquake or volcano eruption, tell the people that you predicted the event yesterday but the Cabal deleted your messages..! You will see that  your post-predictions are always accurate.

From: drboylan
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:43 PM
Subject: [UFOFacts] impoundment of warning by Cabal

    On Friday noon hour I sent that warning about Popocatepetl Volcano's imminent eruption to UFOFacts, DrRichBoylanReports and StarKidsHangout Groups' message boards.
    The Cabal hacked into Yahoo and prevented my message from arriving at these Yahoo Groups until this (Saturday) morning.
    The Cabal were showing off their "power" (to disrupt).
    What they also did was deprive the villagers in Mexico near Popocatepetl Volcano from having 20 more hours warning of their danger.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC

Friday, April 27, 2012

Richard Boylan finds new "cabal infiltrates."

Dr. Richard Boylan, also known as Dr. Hot Tube by his abuses to female patients, is now a lonely man. Very few, if any of his ex- followers post in his group UFOfacts.

The only follower who sporadically posts in Boylan's group is Fran Obsidian Harris,  presented by the self proclaimed Councilor of Earth as a Incarnated extraterrestrial Estican Mantis (sic.)

However, there is some dissidence between both, Boylan and Fran, and soon we will learn that she is also a "Cabal infiltrate" for the men who lost his therapeutic licenses after the scandal denounced by his female patients.

After this, the "councilor of Earth" only follower will be…his own shadow.


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."


Abraham Lincoln. 



Thursday, April 26, 2012

WHAT’S WRONG WITH DR.Michael Salla???

Some people think that Dr. Michael Salla is also insane. Remember the good Doc. talking
 wonders about the "cosmic brothers" and banning those who "demonize" the
Well, this is the new Dr. Salla..!
Extraterrestrials: GMO Foods linked to genetic control agenda
Canadian National Newspaper
Alex Collier suggests that the ultimate perpetrators of the GMO Food industry poisoning might be what Dr. Michael Salla  calls now the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMPLEX , "MIEC".

Fantastic change, since Michael Salla banned from his group all those who demonize aliens..!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Metatron Message

I am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension. This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension.

Ascension means that all first and second dimensional life forms will "move up" to third dimensional life forms. Humans, or third dimensional life forms, will graduate to either fourth dimensional worlds or fifth dimensional oneness depending on their level of evolution and their intent.

The ascension is occurring now as a step by step progression, and will continue one way or another, for that is the will of all. Normally, planets and the species of life incarnate on the planet are ascended via cataclysmic disasters that usher in a death-resurrection cycle. In this cycle, as was demonstrated by Christ, disasters create planetary death. Because this is the way ascension usually occurs, it is known and understood very well at the level of the Universal Mind. That is why, since ancient times, there have been prophecies of terrible destruction to occur at end times. The resurrection cycle is the ascension, where all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness in a higher dimensional world. This does not mean reincarnation, for that carries the concept of Karma with it, and before ascension can become a probability, all Karma must be cleared. It does not mean existence only as a spirit in celestial worlds, ascension is also physical.
As a process, it changes the physical body while merging the body and the spirit into one being. This being is a perfected being of light, in a physical body of light. This ascension progression actually began thousands of years ago, with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The story of Moses leading his people out of bondage is a metaphor for the ascension progression. The incarnation of Jesus was a major turning point for the process because as an Avatar, Jesus was capable of taking on the "sins" or Karma of all humans and transmuting that energy to light. Because of his redemption, a gentle ascension became possible. This ascension, evolves through a series of steps, until a state as a light being becomes possible. The redemption of Christ was the beginning step of the Light Body progression. This first step took nearly two thousand years to complete. Light Body was introduced as an experiment in 1988, only seven months after Harmonic
Convergence. It is an experiment because an ascension has never been attempted this way. This method, both a graduated increase of light within the physical bodies of all life forms and the planet and an increase in the vibratory level, has never been attempted before in ANY ascending universe. There are theories within the Universal Mind about how that process will work out, but at times the results have differed from the anticipated. In these cases revisions are made. As a foundation for the information I will give later, I must explain the Light Body progression to you. You must understand this process first at a personal level. This personal level is how Light Body will affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. Then I will give information on how Light Body will affect the planet and how it will affect the structures of your society. I consider the most important and exciting aspect of Light Body to be that this experiment transforms your
physical shell into an appropriate vehicle to merge completely with your higher self, and happens concurrently with the physical process. This merging is created by a series of descensions of spirit, which are timed by the amount of light you are holding within your cells. The amount of light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body, and the higher the level, the less dense the body. The more light you hold in your physical body, the greater the level of spirit you can contain within the body. Toward the end of the Light Body process, just proceeding the shift into ascension, you will merge completely with your Higher Self. The descensions of spirit are the mechanisms used to bring in, or turn on, the spiritual gifts of the masters. Light Body has twelve levels or steps, and as each step is completed the changes that have occurred physically must be integrated in all areas of the life and the spirit. Light Body is designed to bring
up all your human issues as you progress, and each higher level brings up a deeper layer to the issues than the layer before it. This is to assist you in becoming clear mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As the issues emerge, you have the choice to allow Christ's redemption to transmute it for you - or to clear it using the light technologies that have become available over the past two decades (N.L.P., bodywork, rebirthing, body electronics, etc.). There is a void space at the end of each Light Body level that we call ego death, and it may manifest as depression or a sense of nothingness. This void is to be used as a rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture of yourself and your life before you move to the next step. The void is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful
butterfly you are to become in your next step. The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the physical, mental and emotional changes. From seventh level through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused on one area of your experience at a time. For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it. You may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the beginning of ninth level. It is a very painful experience to be at a lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case for those who are below eighth level. Because you are reading this article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of late
eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression. You would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you were in the lower levels.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mutual Deception in Ufology

Some of those who follow the "revelations" of charlatans and cosmic gurus, send us messages justifying their irrational adherence to the charlatans' nonsense.

In these emails  the true-believers recognize that those ET messages are more or less elaborated fiction, but they enjoy those fairy-tales without believing in them.

In a few cases the justification was just pity..! Not so true-believers let me know that the questioned contactee is an old man or woman, and that even if what he or she says is obviously fiction, they let the fantasists believe that they believe in all that nonsense.

This shows the situation of a dialogue between gurus and followers, based in mutual deception.

The relationship between self proclaimed contactees and some members of their groups consists in a mutual lack of confidence that of course remains undisclosed.  

The Guru believes that his followers are stupid enough to believe in him/her, but truth is that the followers let the "Guide" believe that they believe in him.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

...and Dr. Michael Salla is selling BRACO, the self-proclaimed healer.

Looks like Galactic Diplomacy diplomas are not selling well...after all, Dr. Michael Salla shot his own feet telling that manipulative ET were controlling Earth. 
Talking about Diplomacy with these reptilian controllers is preposterous, am I right? so, he and Angelika are back into the man who heals you just watching your face...(some others need to study Medicine...)

See below.

New Realities Interview on 
Braco featuring Angelika Whiteclliff ...
New Realities radio interview by Alan Steinfeld on Braco featuring Angelika
Whitecliff and Dr Michael Salla. The unique transformational effect Braco
has on ...

Andrew Basiago selling winning lotto numbers?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 4:34 PM
Subject: Andrew Basiago selling "winning lotto numbers?"

 Rumors want that the self proclaimed time traveler and martian visitor Andrew
Basiago, could make big money selling a couple of winning lotto numbers and stock market advances.
If people believe that he was back in time, and that "future" is perfectly known by the time travelers; is also possible to believe that Andrew Basiago knows the winning lotto numbers and similar games.
So, this is our advice: do never buy information brought by self-proclaimed time travelers. Think in the possibility that the whole thing is a hoax. (what else could be?)

Real World Friends.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Richard Boylan, Secret Service Scandal and...YES, the CABAL..!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Black <>
Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 7:19 PM

Once again, Richard Boylan, self proclaimed Councilor of Earth, and living dead of ufological nonsense, saw with his Third Eye, the TRUTH of the Cartagena Scandal..!

Monday, April 16, 2012 10:16 PM

    President Obama is distressed by the break in discipline of his Secret Service who preceded him to Cartagena, Columbia to prepare security arrangements for the Summit of the Americas, which was held this past weekend after Obama landed in Cartagena.
    Eleven Secret Service agents and a handful of military anti-sniper operators were guilty of drinking heavily and utilizing the services of prostitutes - a violation of security for agents on duty.
    The Cabal sent in special young women to compromise the agents and secure information about security arrangements for Obama. The Cabal have been planning an assassination of Obama this weekend, (and blame it on the Columbian drug cartel.) Thus the Cabal needed inside information on where Obama would be and when, and what the security arrangements for him were, so they could get around them and kill him..
 The news coverage does not begin to do justice to what really went on with those 11 Secret Service agents in Columbia. This was not a case of street sluts propositioning a Secret Service agent at a bar. 
    Rather the Cabal sent in beautiful well-educated middle-class young women to individually come up to a Secret Service agent and act all impressed by his job and act in a hero-worshipping way that was very beguiling. There was no mention of money; the impression given was as though the young woman was flattered to receive attention, romantic and sexual, by the Agent.
    The Cabal also had bartenders slip aphrodisiacs into the Agents' drinks. In addition the Cabal targeted the agents with psychotronic beams set to arouse libido chemistry in the agents' bodies.
    Those agents were under unusually heavy and unexpected stimulation.
    At least some of the undercover Mata Haris pretended to sleep in past the 7 am hotel regulatory departure time to get the agents in trouble, and when the hotel management came to the room, only then did the "hero-worshipping" Cabal female operatives start to demand money for the sex they had. It was a complete set-up.
  President Obama did not feel he could deal sufficiently with this security breach until after he returned to Washington late Sunday. He has demanded a thorough investigation of the Secret Service foul-up.
   And the investigation will reveal the Cabal set-up aspect of the security breach. And Obama will become aware that the prostitutes caper was a Cabal operation and struck at his innermost protective force.   
   And now you know "the rest of the story"
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fwd: Suggestion for Contactees.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Black <>
Date: Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:43 PM
Subject: Suggestion for Contactees.

The link below will open an excellent mathematical site devoted to unsolved mathematical problems.
My suggestion to contactees is this: 
If you are in contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence,
it would be a good idea to ask for the solution of some of these problems. If you
have a positive answer, this will be the evidence that legitimizes your source
as not terrestrial or at least non-human.

I think that the given solution will tell us more than a
thousand words.



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fwd: Our message

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 11:14 PM
Subject: Our message

Those who are ready will see.

A beautiful dancer is dying in a lawless city. Her supply of food is destroyed by an astonishing parasite. With the help of a stubborn outcast, she must uncover a secret in order to avert disaster and save her adopted people.
A shadow will battle the invisible warrior in the Twilight Garden.
The fate of the world depends on the outcome.
The end time charted by the passageways of the Great Pyramid in the forgotten beach indicates the year 2032 for the beginning of a dreadful chaos.
Another king shall arise in the west, born from the exile, the over thrower and destroyer of the human race.
A clergyman conveyed in the dark corners where black monoliths are taken: Their progenitors will create completion of the execution before dying.
In the outskirts of the Moon Sphinx an enhancement of the contrast will brought recognition, but a war will begin, to last twice seven years and one.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Fwd: Dr. José G. Quiñones learns from Richard Boylan, self'proclaimed Councilor of Earth

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christie Carter <>
Date: Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 9:42 AM
Subject: Dr. José G. Quiñones learns from Richard Boylan, self'proclaimed Councilor of Earth
To: "" <>

Sunday, April 1, 2012 12:24 PM
Dear Richard, Dear Fran, Dear Wendy,
   As a physician I have been wondering: How do our brethren from the cosmos feed themselves? I presume that they acquire energy from the cosmos and let it flow through their nervous system to feed their cells. But besides that, Do they eat plants, vegetables, minerals, drink water, or breathe oxygen or other gases to keep themselves healthy? I know that they do die from natural causes or can be put to death or murdered. But how do they feed themselves? I thank you for educating me. I educate others.
   Thank you, and blessings, in service to Source,

Dr. José G. Quiñones, M.D.
Internal Medicine and Psychiatry
Ashford Medical Center, Suite 608
PO Box 364274
San Juan, PR 00936-4274
Read please:
Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 is included below.

    In the Matter of the Accusation
        Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D    )
        License No. PSY-10047      )              No. W-14
                                   )                  N--9404129
                 Respondent        )
        The Board of Psychology hereby adopts the attached Proposed
    Decision as its own decision in the above-referenced matter.
        This Decision is effective as of August 4, 1995.
        IT IS SO ORDERED August 4,1995.

                                        By: [Signature appears on document]
                                            Judith Janaro Fabian, Ph.D.
                                            Board of Psychology
                                  BEFORE THE
                          MEDICAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIA
                                 BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGY
                        DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS
                                 STATE OF CALIFORNIA
    In the Matter of the Accusation    )
    Against:                           )
    RICHARD J. BOYLAN, Ph.D.           )   No.  W-14 and
    2826 O Street, Suite 2             )        LMS-57
    Sacramento, CA  958116             )
    Psychologist's License             )   OAH Mos. N-9404129
    No. PSY-10047                      )            N-9406179
    MFCC License No. MFC 5943          )
    LCSW License No. 4231              )
                           Respondent. )
                                  PROPOSED DECISION
                  On October 24-28, November 2, 15, 16, 18 and 22,
    December 6, 27 and 30, 1994, and January 11-13, 117, 18 and 31,
    February 1 and 16, and March 1, 1995, in Sacramento, California,
    Muriel Evens, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative
    Hearings, State of California, heard this matter.
                  Robert Miller and Arthur Taggart, Deputies Attorney
    General, represented the complainants
                  Matheny, Poidmore, Linkert & Sears and Richard S.
    Linkert represented respondent.
                  Evidence was received, the record was closed July 20,
    1995, and the matter was submitted.
                                  FINDINGS OF FACTS
                  Complainants Thomas S. O'Connor, Executive Office of
    the Board of Psychology, and Scott C. Syphax, Interim Executive
    Office of the Board of Behavioral Science Examiners, made and
    files the Accusations in these matters in their official
    capacities and not otherwise.
                  On July 16,1987, the Board of Psychology issued
    license number PSY 10047 to respondent Richard J. Boylan.
                  On October 30, 1972, the Board of Behavioral Science
    Examiners (BBSE) issued marriage, family and child counselor
    license number MFC 5943 to respondent.
                  On March 2, 1974, the BBSE issued licensed clinical
    social worker license number LCS 4231 to respondent.
                  At all relevant times, respondent was engaged in the
    private practice of psychology.
                  Respondent treated D.W., a female, from approximately
    December 1991 to February 1993. She was referred to respondent
    by a fellow member of the Incest Survivors Anonymous (ISA)
    support group she had been attending. D.W. had been involved
    with ISA for about one year before meeting respondent. She
    continued with ISA, including a subgroup Nothing Too Heavy to
    Share,through the Fall 1992. D.W. was 28 years old and an
    unemployed single mother seeking a therapist who would accept
    Medi-Cal. Respondent agreed to accept her as a Medi-Cal patient.
                  D.W. presented as a recovering alcoholic with three
    years of sobriety, and adult child of alcoholic parents, a former
    abuser of cannabis and methamphetamines and an incest victim.
    Respondent's initial diagnosis was:
                  Axis I: Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD);
                          Dissociative Disorder NOS;
                          Depressive Disorder NOS;
                          Alcohol Dependence, in remission;
                          Methamphetamine abuse in remission
                          Cannabis Dependence  in remission
    Respondent's plan was to meet weekly or biweekly, as insurance
    permitted, for treatment of depression and traumatic sexual abuse
    and to improve self esteem and personal skills.
                  Although initially D.W. was reluctant to try hypnosis,
    respondent encouraged her to do so to retrieve memories of abuse.
    During their fifth session, on January 7, 1992, respondent
    performed D.W.'s first "memory enhancement hypnosis." They
    covered sexual abuse at age four by D.W.'s mother and at age four
    to five by her father. Other sessions involving hypnosis followed
    on occasion, with further recall of childhood sexual abuse and
    possible ritualistic abuse.
                  In late winter or early spring of 1992, D.W.
    listened to a radio talk show about abductions by aliens and the
    use of hypnosis. At a therapy session, D.W. asked respondent
    somewhat flippantly if he thought these people may have been
    abused and confused about the memory. Respondent, with a serious
    face, responded that he thought it might be just the opposite.
    In the same session, respondent said that he had some patients
    who may have had extraterrestrial (ET) experiences and he was
    doing some research on the subject.
                  At the next session, D.W. brought up the ET issue and
    respondent showed D.W. a book entitled ENCOUNTERS, by Edith
    Fiori. Soon after that, respondent told D.W. that he was going
    on a week-long tour of sites of alleged ET activity. According
    to D.W. (R.T. 10/24/94, 28:8-17):
                  "Q  What was your reaction to the doctor's
                   discussion with you about this tour of
                   extraterrestrial sites?
                  "A  I felt really nervous for him. I was
                   kind of confused at the time. I was
                   starting to believe that maybe he was --
                   this was something real. And I was
                   nervous for him, and I told him to be
                  "Q  Be careful? What did you mean by that?
                  "A  Well, specifically, he said he was going
                   to some very top secret military places.
                   And I was concerned about what might
                   happen to him."
    Respondent had spoken to D.W about a secret government cover-up
    and involvement of the U.S. military. Respondent told D.W. the
    sites were connected to government operations involving the
    flying of ET aircraft, recovered ET aircraft and the building of
    aircraft using technology learned from ET sources. From what
    respondent had told her, D.W. feared that on his trip respondent
    might be abducted by ETs.
                  In or about a June 1992, session, D.W. brought out
    having daydream-type image or fleeting memory from childhood of
    a strange-looking man, who may have been a molester. Respondent
    asked D.W. to describe what he looked like and his height,
    including his height in relationship to her as a child.
    The image was not clear to D.W., but she recalled he was not tall
    and had sharp features and narrow eyes. Respondent then asked
    D.W. to draw the man, which she did. After that and the
    conversation set forth below, D.W. had the impression that
    respondent thought her image was of an extraterrestrial.
                  "Q  Can you describe when that occurred to
                   you and why? And why you got that
                   impression in your mind that's what you
                   were being asked to describe?
                  "A  [Respondent] asked me to stand up, and
                   he had some sort of tape measure he was
                   holding up. And I stood up, and he was
                   holding -- well, let's see. And he said
                   something like 4 foot or 4-foot
                   something. That's about -- well, it
                   could be a little taller. That's about
                  "Administrative Law Judge: He said or you said?
                  "A  He said this. It was kind of under his
                   breath.That's when it occurred to me
                   that's maybe what he was thinking that
                   this might be." (R.T 10/24/94 43:9-
    The session continued with hypnosis. While under hypnosis,
    respondent further inquired whether D.W. could describe in more
    detail the appearance of the man in her image. Then, toward the
    end, she "started getting an image of that like an
    extraterrestrial face and this really bright light, being
    surrounded by a bright light right at the end." (R.T. 10/24/94
    47:11-14.) According to D.W., as she came out of hypnosis:
                  "Dr. Boylan was smiling; he was leaning back
                  in his chair and smiling. And I remember
                  feeling really weird. ... I was really
                  confused and scared. And I was kind of angry
                  at Dr. Boylan for smiling because I was
                  feeling how I was. (R.T. 10/24/94 48:2-8.)
    In June, respondent advised D.W. that he was starting a
    support group (CE-IV)[1] at his home for people who have had
    extraterrestrial experiences. He said that while he thought it
    was probably premature, he thought D.W. should come to the
                  Within a week or two of the therapy session, D.W.
    attended the meeting at respondent's home. About ten people
    attended and D.W. recognized one from the ISA group. During this
    meeting respondent played an audio tape by James Harter,
    explaining his views on extraterrestrials, what they are like,
    who is likely to be abducted and so on.
                  D.W. continued to attend the CE-IV group meeting about
    every three weeks and continued with her therapy with respondent,
    until early 1993. After a few months of attending CE-IV
    meetings, D.W. brought to therapy a nightmare she had had since
    childhood. The dream involved floating down a hallway to the
    foyer and then seeing a monster. At the CE-IV meetings she had
    heard of similar occurrences among persons who had had ET
    contact. Under hypnosis, her dream continued.
                  "Then the monster became like an E.T., and then there
                  were other extraterrestrials. And then I was, like,
                  walked out of my home where I saw some bright lights
                  out on the front lawn." (R.T. 10.24/94 70:9-13.)
                  From the time of this hypnosis, D.W. began to identify
    more with the CE-IV group and feel that she might have had an ET
    experience. Notes from her therapy sessions show increased ET
    references, along with continued references to ritualistic abuse.
                  During the Fall of 1992, respondent told the CE-IV group
    of a UFO/ET conference in Las Vegas from Saturday, November 29
    through Tuesday, December 2, 1992. Respondent would be
    presenting information from his research and experiences and
    invited others to attend. Because of the expense and other
    reasons, none of the CE-IV group planned to attend. As the
    conference neared, respondent told the group that others
    interested in presenting their experiences could have their way
    paid to the conference. D.W., R.R. and R.W. signed on to go to
    the conference to share their experiences.
    [1] CE-IV refers to close encounters of the fourth kind, or those
        involving abductions by aliens.
                  Before going to the conference, respondent had members
    of the support group draw "visual representations." D.W.
    participated, drawing a figure, which was to be from her
    experience. the last therapy session before the conference,
    respondent told D.W. that she would be able to go, expenses paid
    by the conference organizer. Respondent set up a meeting at his
    house one evening about a week before the departure for the four
    area participants to plan their trip. Respondent said that part
    of the meeting would be in the hot tub and that no suits were
    allowed. Respondent did not allow bathing suits in his hot tub
    because he believed residual detergent in the suits left "soap
    scum" in the tub.
                  D.W. went to respondent's house and was the first to
    arrive. Respondent and his wife were there, R.R. and R.W. then
    arrived. The others adjourned to the backyard while D.W. hid in
    the bathroom, afraid to be naked in front of the others and
    afraid to see everyone else. She was terrified and embarrassed.
    After the other four were in the hot tub, D.W. wrapped in a
    towel, went out to the tub and jumped in. They discussed plans
    for the trip. Following the meeting, D.W. went back to the house,
    got dressed and left. D.W. did not want to be nude around
    others, she was uncomfortable with her own body and embarrassed.
                  The four flew from Sacramento to Las Vegas and rented a
    car. The two women, R.R. and D.W., shared a hotel room. The two
    men, respondent and R.W., shared another room. The group
    attended and/or participated in a number of the sessions. On
    Monday, the four planned a trip to Area 51, a large military area
    in Nevada where ET activity is alleged to take place. R.R.
    became ill and unable to go along. R.W. decided to stay in Las
    Vegas with R.R. At about 4:00 p.m., respondent and D.W. set out
    in a rental car for Area 51. Unfortunately, due to a
    navigational error. the two ended up circumnavigating the area
    and returning about 2:30 in the morning.
                  Upon their return to the hotel, D.W. went to her room
    and found both R.R and R.W. asleep, although in separate beds.
    She told respondent. who was in the hall, that the two were in
    the room. She then went to respondent's room. They were both
    tired and respondent was due to speak that morning. D.W.
    undressed and went to one of the beds in the respondent's room;
    he went to the other bed. After the lights were out, D.W. began
    moaning in pain, apparently some form of gastric distress as a
    result of fast food eaten on the Area 51 drive. Respondent
    offered to give her a massage to help relieve the pains. Both
    D.W. and respondent were nude, although respondent was covered by
    the sheet. As D.W. came over to the respondent's bed, she stated she
    did not want any sexual relationship. Respondent advised her
    that he did not want one because he did not want to risk his
    license, his marriage or his therapeutic relationship with D.W.
    He then gave her an abdominal message. Afterward, he turned over
    and went to sleep, expecting D.W. to return to her bed. She did
    not and slept in next to respondent until the alarm went off at
    6:00 a.m.
                  At some point in the Fall of 1992, respondent and the
    CE-IV group decided to write a book about their experiences.
    Respondent and his wife were to be the editors and respondent
    would include his research. The group members would provide
    individual chapters on their experiences. D.W. had drafted her
    chapter and rewritten it following her submittal to respondent's
    wife for editing. Respondent returned a corrected version of her
    chapter to her at a therapy session in or about late January
    1993. There was no written agreement between respondent and D.W.
    regarding any royalties or profits from the publication of the
    book. There was no written notice or agreement between
    respondent and D.W. regarding any research he was conducting of
    which she was part.
                  In February 1993, D.W. discontinued therapy with
    respondent and ceased her participation in the CE-IV group. She
    did not submit a final version of her book chapter. The book was
    published and her work was not included.
                  On February 16, 1993, D.W. respondent's termination
    diagnosis of D.W. was:
                  Axis I:  Factitous Disorder with Psychological
                  Axis II: Personality Disorder NOS (Addiction to Victim
                        Status Syndrome)
                        Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder.
                  Respondent treated K.G., a female, from approximately
    September 16, 1991 until mid-June 1992. She presented, at age
    32, with a history of childhood physical and sexual abuse,
    alcohol and cannabis abuse, extreme anxiety and asthma. Her
    mother is an alcoholic and Vallium abuser and was sent to Patton
    State Hospital in 1965. Her father raped her sister, who was
    then 12, (K.G. was about four at the time and had flashbacks of
    seeing the rape.) The children were placed in care with abusive
    foster parents. As of September 1991, K.G. was employed and
    "married" to Janna for seven years. K.G. had been in therapy for
    10 years with a female therapist and wanted to try a male
    therapist to address her prejudice against men in personal
                  Respondent's initial diagnosis:
                  Axis I:  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
                        residual state, severe;
                        Alcohol Dependence, residual state;
                        Cannabis Dependence;
                        Depressive Disorder NOS
                  Axis II: Axis II deferred, obsessive-compulsive traits
    Respondent's treatment plan was "intermediate duration biweekly
    psychotherapy to correct PTSD, enhance identity and intimacy
                  K.G. had dropped out of graduate school in social work,
    but was working for a social services agency. She is a fifth
    degree black belt in a form of Karate. Her asthma could be
    severe and induced by exercise or stress. Part of her past
    therapy included breathwork with relaxation.
                  K.G. continued breathwork with respondent. On one
    occasion, as part of the breathwork, he touched her abdominal
    area. There was no evidence K.G. considered the touch sexual.
    In early December 1991, respondent invited K.G. to a special
    multi-hour session, at his house. Respondent told K.G. to bring
    a towel, which she thought was for breathwork on the floor. When
    she arrived at respondent's home, they went into the living room
    and spoke for a while. He then mentioned the hot tub for water
    therapy to relax and let go of tension. Respondent directed K.G.
    to an area to undress and it became clear that the hot tubbing
    would be in the nude. She was confused, but followed his
    direction and met him in the backyard. Both K.G. and respondent
    were wearing only a towel. Both got into the hot tub, with K.G.
    taking off her towel "at the last second."
                  Respondent and K.G. engaged in some small talk,
    According to K.G.:
                  "Pretty much I had just had a general increase in
                  anxiety and nervousness and vacillating from
                  questioning -- started to question, 'is this okay?'
                  this has never happened ore been requested by
                  anyone I've worked with, and I hadn't really heard of
                  it being done. So on the one hand, questioning the
                  legitimacy, and on the other hand that scaring me
                  because I didn't want this to not be right and me be
                  participating, so I would flip back into denial and
                  say, 'I'm sure it's okay."... I feel like I just
                  started to separate, the way I would separate during
                  violent episodes in my childhood, where you just
                  started to go away from your body." (R.T. 11/2/94
    Respondent did remark on K.G.'s breathing patterns and gave her
    some instructions on breathing. At one point, when it had become
    too hot for them to remain in the tub, they sat on the rim.
                  "...I remember one time taking a deep breath and kind
                  of stretching my hand in an upward direction, and him
                  saying that that was good to breath from that low, and
                  then once he coached me to look at his stomach while he
                  breathed to see how his stomach moved when he breathed
                  ..." (R.T. 11/2/94 20:14-18.)
    While in the hot tub, respondent "worked" on the upper shoulder
    area, to relieve tension. He was behind respondent, at somewhat
    of a 90-degree angle, so that his head was to K.G.'s side.
                  After perhaps "a couple of hours," they got out of the
    hot tub, dried off, wrapped the towels around themselves and
    returned inside. K.G. got dressed and went into the living room.
    Respondent said that he didn't mean for her to get dressed yet, so she
    undressed again. She returned to the living room and found
    respondent , still undressed, sitting on the floor, "Indian
    style." K.G. sat across from respondent, her legs also crossed.
    Respondent asked K.G. to look into his eye, with their hands
    connected--her hands palm up, his palm down. After an
    uncomfortably long period, perhaps three to five minutes without
    any speaking, respondent burned a triangle incense and asked K.G.
    if he could burn it around her. He then outlined her upper body
    with the incense. After that they got up and K.G. got dressed.
    When she returned to the living room, respondent had also
    dressed. They say on some chairs and engaged in some "wrap-up"
    conversation, such as when they would meet again. There was no
    "processing" of what had happened.
                  On two occasions during her therapy, respondent asked
    K.G. if she wanted to participate in a group trip to Harbin Hot
    Springs, a nude resort. One purpose of the trip was to allow
    women to improve their body image. Respondent and his wife would
    attend and there would be nude bathing in the hot springs.
    Respondent declined the invitations.
                  K.G. was seeing respondent about twice a month. WHile
    they agreed that more frequent sessions would be helpful, K.G.
    did not have sufficient funds to pay for the additional time. In
    or about February or March 1992, respondent suggested a barter
    system where he would provide therapy to K.G., K.G. would provide
    karate lessons or another service to a third person, and the
    third person would provide massage to respondent. K.G. knew a
    massage therapist and contacted her about the possibility.
    However, she was not interested. Respondent then suggested
    Janna, but K.G. did not want to involve her. Ultimately, it was
    agreed that K.G. would do the massage. Since she had no
    experience in massage, she contacted her friend for a "couple of
    hours" of instructions.
                  In an effort to comply with ethical standards,
    respondent and K.G. agreed to exchange an hour of massage for an
    hour of psychotherapy. Once that program was implemented, K.G.
    started weekly therapy, providing massage about every other week.
    At some point, respondent advised K.G. that he had been to a
    conference and learned they would have to exchange money for
    their services. After that, they wrote checks to each other.
    Respondent came to K.G.'s home for the massage. which occurred
    in the living room. Respondent preferred nude, uncovered
    massage. After the massage, he would walk nude from the living
    room to shower and then return to the living room to dress.
                  K.G. was uncomfortable with the massage and with the
    nudity. She felt she was not assertive enough to say anything
    and was intimidated by respondent.
                  "It's easier for me to be assertive with strangers, not
                  with people I'm connected to, let alone dependent on.
                  If Richard Boylan had physically attacked me, I would
                  have physically neutralized him. To deal with him
                  emotionally, I have a weakness. A physical assault
                  straight arm, I could handle it, I wouldn't let anyone
                  harm me, ...but I had a lot of issues with Richard. I
                  was dependent on him, I wanted his approval, and I
                  didn't want to believe this was betrayal." (R.T.
                  11/2/94 36:15-23.)
                  During the final session, respondent commented to K.G.
    that if she happened to "graze" his testicles, it would be okay.
    It was warm outside and K.G.was hot and sweating. She was
    wearing jogging shorts and a tank top. Respondent suggested that
    she take her shirt off if she was hot. K.G. did not do so.
    Later, during that same massage session, respondent asked K.G to
    work in the lower abdomen and thigh region. K.G. told respondent
    that she had not been taught to work in that area and had been
    taught it was inappropriate to have such contact with a client.
    Respondent ridiculed K.G., indicating something to the effect
    that it "sounds like a person [referring to K.G.'s trainer] who
    is worried and up-tight." (R/T. 11/2/94 37:26.) Respondent 
    then offered to demonstrate on K.G. how he wanted the massage
    done and suggested it would work better if she disrobed.
    According to K.G.:
                  [T]hat was the light switch, two-by-four approach to
                  me where I thought I was going to be sick, because at
                  that point, my denial had to stop. And I feel that if
                  there was a pivotal point in my relationship with Dr.
                  Boylan, whether it be in the therapeutic capacity or in
                  the body work capacity, that that was the first time I
                  thought that in a serious way this might not only not
                  be appropriate, but perhaps be sexual." (R.T. 11/2/94
    Respondent demonstrated lightly on her stomach, through her
    shirt, how he wanted to be massaged. He was very conservative.
    However, when it came time for K.G. to work on respondent, she
    felt ill and excused herself from the room. Ultimately she
    finished the massage. She left the room when respondent wrote
    the check for payment, as she did not feel comfortable being in
    the same room with him.
                  At the following therapy session, K.G. told respondent
    that she was uncomfortable and did not wish to continue with the
    massage arrangement. Respondent "just said okay" and the session
    proceeded. At the next therapy session, respondent related
    differently to K.G. He seemed to her to be more distant, aloof.
    He did not make eye contact or allow her to speak. He left the
    room twice, something he had not done before, and cut off the
    session 15 - 20 minutes early. K.G. was so angry about the
    session that she stopped on her way home to call respondent from
    a telephone booth. She told him she wanted him to stop inviting
    her to Harbin Hot Springs and that she no longer felt safe with
    him. She felt he was violating boundaries and she did not trust
    him. She told him she was angry  with how he handled the therapy
    session. Respondent then called K.G. after she got home. She
    restated her feelings. He raised his voice and told her she was
    getting "A-1 therapy," and was just running away from therapy.
    K.G. felt respondent was screaming at her. Respondent followed
    up with calls to K.G. to schedule additional sessions, but she
    did not return his calls.
                  Respondent added the following diagnosis to K.G.'s
                  Axis II Borderline Personality Disorder
                          Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
                  Respondent treated D.S. from September 1990 through
    February 1993. She presented, at age 31, with spinal and other
    injuries from a serious vehicle accident three years earlier,
    molest by her teacher at age 13 and rape at 18, which resulted in
    pregnancy. Her parents are alcoholics. She had been diagnosed
    with Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS), a
    disease which severely limited her ability to work and function.
    D.S. wanted to find some healing related to the issues of her
    molest and the distance she felt from her family, the rape and
    giving up the child for adoption, and the vehicle accident. She
    wanted to reduce stress, to help cope with CFIDS. Respondent's
    initial diagnosis of D.S. was:
                  Axis I:   Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
                         residual state
                         Dipthymia, secondary, early onset
                         Psychological Factors Affecting Physical
                         Condition (Provisional)
                  Axis II:  Dependent Personality Disorder
                  Axis III: Multiple Musculoskeletal traumata (by
                         history);neuromyelitis, infectious venulitis
                         and immune deficiency syndrome (by history)
    Respondent's treatment plan called for biweekly sessions "to
    reduce depression, resolve PTSD symptoms, reduce driving phobia,
    improve self=esteem, [and] eliminate over-reliance on somatic
    victimization for sense of identity."
                  During the early part of her therapy with respondent,
    the focus was on D.S.'s emotional recovery from her accident and
    her relationship with her family. At session 16, on February
    21, 1991, she told respondent about a recurring dream involving
    small figures which looked like monks at the end of the hall.  In
    the dream, she tried to turn on lights, but none worked. She got
    angry because she could not see them and hit one of the "monks."
    After that, they all disappeared. Then the dream would repeat.
    D.S. had a second dream about a man, dressed in black, whose face
    she could not see. She wrestled with him; he was trying to kill
                  Respondent continued to treat D.S. for the issues she
    presented at the beginning of her therapy. Respondent told her
    she did not know boundaries, which is why she "let him (the
    teacher) do it." Respondent said that in his experience, the
    lack of boundaries signaled possible abuse at an early age. He
    told her he thought she had been molested earlier, in addition to
    age 13. He then used hypnosis to help D.S. "by recovering
    repressed memories."
                  In the Spring 1992, respondent brought up in therapy
    the subject of ETs and dwarf-like beings. D.S. reminded
    respondent of her earlier dream about the monks. Respondent gave
    D.S. an article from the Atlantic Monthly, August 1991, entitled
    "The UFO Experience."He asked her to read the article and see
    if any of the feelings described were familiar to D.S. The ET
    material frightened D.S., but also made her more curious. While
    she thought of the monks as a dream, respondent told her the
    "dream" was in fact  a "visitation." Respondent identified the
    "monks" as "Jawas," one type or race od aliens.He also showed
    her photos after his return from his "grand tour" of the
    Southwest military bases alleged to be involved in ET activity.
    In some of those photos were drawings of aliens respondent
    identified as "Grays."
                  Respondent told D.S. that hypnosis might help her learn
    if she had been abducted by aliens. D.S. was frightened as did
    not want to know of the "dream" was in fact not a dream. No
    hypnosis was performed on the monk dream, but respondent brought
    up the possibility again, suggesting that hypnosis might
    establish what really happened.Respondent told D.S. that ETs
    cloud people's minds, making them believe that what really
    happened was just a dream, a pleasant experience or did not
    happen at all. Respondent said the only way to find out was
    through debriefing through hypnosis. While D.S. declined
    hypnosis, respondent suggested she participate in his CE-IV
    group, to meet with others who had had similar experiences,
    processed them and found positive elements. He described the
    other participants, at R.T. 11/15/94 78:17:
                  A  "They were clients and people that came to him.
                  Some with ET experiences, some that found out...
                  that they had ET experiences after seeing him.
                  They were all screened do there wasn't any danger
                  that they were infiltrated by the government."
                  After rejecting several offers by respondent to attend
    the CE-IV group meetings, D.S. finally agreed, because "he kept
    bringing it up so I went." D.S. went to her first meeting in or
    about September 1992. She arrived late and the discussion
    involved Area 51, the government cover-up and how respondent's
    telephone was probably tapped, now that he was coming out in
    public and speaking about ETs. It was discussed that if his
    phone was tapped, then it was possible that others in the group
    were also being spied on. D.S. followed the suggestion of a
    telephone company employee who participated in  the CE-IV
    meetings.When the phone rang, she would pick it up and drop it.
    She also started using her answering machine to screen calls,
    because she was receiving calls where the caller would not
    respond and just hang up.
                  At the next therapy session following the CE-IV
    meeting, respondent asked her what she thought of the meeting and
    they discussed the phone tapping issue and other matters from
    the group. At a later group meeting, respondent and others
    discussed putting together a book to get the message out. The
    format would include personal stories, like an anthology. In a
    following therapy session, D.S. told respondent that she did not
    feel that she had anything to write. She did not feel she had
    anything concrete. Respondent told her "Just write what you
    have. It's enough." Both at the support and in therapy
    sessions, respondent provided draft and revised copies of the
    book's table of contents and his chapter on his experiences.
    D.S.'s story was included in the table of contents. In therapy,
    respondent discussed the benefits and risks involved in
    participating in the book. Among the risks would be placing
    oneself more in the public eye and "silencing by the secret
    government." Respondent indicated he would be at higher risk.
    D.S. believed what respondent said. At R.T. 11/15/94 109:2-8:
                  A  "He told me that they have the ability to make a
                  person die very quickly looking like it was
                  natural causes. They have the ability to use a
                  little dart that doesn't leave a trace.They can
                  make a person die of cancer within a few weeks.
                  That he would probably be the target because he
                  was the leader."
                  At R.T. 109:14-16:
                  Q  "You say you were concerned for him. Did you
                  express your concern?
                  A  "I asked him to be really careful."
                  Also in the Fall 1992, D.S. complained to respondent
    about difficulties eating and sleeping, and ringing in her ears.
    She was concerned. Respondent told her that maybe the ETs were
    doing a tune-up on her.
                  D.S had a second dream in early1993 that she
    discussed with  respondent shortly thereafter. In the dream, she
    woke up to a distant roar, got out of bed and walked to the
    living room. There she looked up through the atrium skylight as
    a pink light was coming down. She felt joy and thought she saw
    Ghandi. She then felt very peaceful and slept well after the
    dream.When she woke she felt good about the dream. Respondent
    suggested hypnosis to more fully explore the dream. D.S. agreed,
    because the dream had been positive and she felt safe about
    learning more. Respondent told D.S. that there was a strong
    possibility of ET involvement.
                  During hypnosis, respondent took D.S. through the
    dream into the atrium. At R.T. 11/15/94 6:1:
                  A  "...I stand under the light in the atrium and then
                  go up through into the sky.
                  Q  "Was he asking you question through the process?
                  A  "Yes.
                  Q  "What was he asking you?
                  A  "'What did it look like? 'Was it a ship?' 'What
                  shape was it?' 'What was it made of?' 'Was it
                  metal?' 'What kind of metal?' 'What did they
                  look like?' 'Was there more than one?' 'Were you
                  standing on a floor?' 'Were there walls?' 'Were
                  there lights?' 'Were there sounds?' 'Was the
                  floor solid?' 'Was it metal?' 'Was it something
                  else?' 'Where was the light coming from?'
                  According to D.S., in her original dream there was no
    ship and there were no walls. What had been a comforting dream,
    through hypnosis turned ugly, more like a nightmare. At R.T.
    11/15/94 70:25:
                  A  "[T]he dream turned into being put on some kind of
                  a table and probed with some kind of probe that
                  really hurt bad, and me feeling very angry about,
                  'Why are you hurting me?' And that there was
                  something wrong with me and 'Why don't you fix
                  it?' and then one of the -- after this, like
                  escorting me back to my room and I couldn't move,
                  and that was it.
    In addition, D.S. recalls from the hypnosis session that "They did
    something. Removed something." None of the above was in the
    original dream. However, in 1991, D.S. had undergone surgery for
    the removal of an ovary. At that time she was angry and scared
    and had a bad reaction to the anesthesia.
                  After the hypnosis, respondent told D.S. that the
    aliens sounded like they were "reptilians or amphibs." He asked
    D.S. to draw one of them, but she unable to "put it
    together." Respondent then sketched one for her, but she did not
    think it was correct. She told respondent she was scared. D.S.
    had learned in the CE-IV group that the ETs could return and she
    was afraid "they" could come back anytime and there was nothing
    she could do about it. To D.S., respondent did not seem
    concerned about her fear. He did not explain how the product of
    this hypnosis was going to help D.S. solve any of her presenting
                  About half way through her therapy with respondent he
    invited D.S to spend a day at Harbin Hot Springs with him, his wife
    and a few other patients. The trip would be billed as a
    regular therapy session and involve certain exercises and soaking
    in the hot springs in the nude. The purpose of the trip was for
    the patients to improve self-esteem and see their bodies as good.
    Respondent told D.S. the trip would help her heal by becoming
    comfortable with her body and her sexuality. D.S. declined
    respondent's invitation because she was not comfortable being
    nude in front of people she did not know. Respondent repeated
    the invitation a few times, and each time D.S. declined. After a
    break of a few months, respondent indicated that there would be a
    second date scheduled for the trip. He again invited D.S. and
    she accepted the invitation because she wanted to heal, but felt
    stressed and anxious. The night before the trip, D.S. left a
    message for respondent that she could not go.
                  D.S. was part Native American and wanted to learn
    more about her heritage and participate in Native American
    activities and rituals. Since about August 1991, D.S. had
    been participating in monthly prayer meetings as part of her
    Cherokee ancestry.  She had discussed these in therapy with
    respondent, how it felt really good and how she felt a real
    connection. Respondent told her that a lot of people who had
    CE-IV experiences had a need for a spiritual belief and many
    identified with the Native American belief because of the concept of
    interrelationship and the living earth. About November 1992
    respondent said at meetings and in therapy with D.S. that there
    was some interest in the CE-IV group in forming a side group
    dealing with the spiritual aspects of CE-IV, with special
    interest in Native American spirituality. Respondent asked if
    D.S. wanted to participate, and she indicated she did.
                  In about February 1993, D.S. got a call giving her the
    time and place for the first meeting of the side group. D.S.
    understood the meeting would be to talk about the concept and
    direction, and to find some connection between CE-IV and
    spiritual belief. D.S. met respondent and some others at the
    American River. Respondent brought a backpack with certain
    Native American ceremonial items in it. He brought out what
    appeared to be a Hopi rattle, a pipe, tobacco and cedar. He lit
    some cedar, blew it out and used it to smudge participants for
    cleansing. He said they would load the pipe, pass it around and
    each person would say a prayer, smoke from the pipe and pass it
    on. Respondent asked each person to make a statement about their
    Native American beliefs. D.S. became frightened by the
    experience. She did not feel right. She thought the items were
    being used as a show and that participation was disrespectful.
    When it was her time to speak, she said she had nothing to add.
    Respondent became angry with her for failing to participate.
                  A few days later, D.S. went to her scheduled therapy
    session. By that time she no longer trusted respondent and no
    longer considered him a caring person. She ceased her
    relationship with him on the spot.
                  Respondent's diagnosis at termination was:
                  Axis I:  Factitious Disorder with Psychological
                        Symptoms (Psychological Munchausen Syndrome);
                  Axis II: Personality Disorder NOS (Addiction to Victim
                        Identity Syndrome)
                  The evidence did not establish that respondent
    discussed with D.S. intimate details of his sexual relationship
    with his wife.
                  Respondent has been involved with counseling for about
    30 years, first as a Catholic priest, and later as a licensed
    therapist. He has no prior disciplines. Respondent was employed
    by community agencies, such as the Marin and Calaveras County
    Mental Health Departments, before opening a private practice. He
    is married and the father of two and the stepfather of two. AT
    the time of the Accusation by the Board of Psychology, respondent
    was president of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association.
                  Respondent was not fueled by evil motive. He believes
    in extraterrestrial life and believes he has had ET experiences.
    In 1989, he had he had three patients who presented with stories of ET
    contact. It was those contacts that inspired his interest in
    researching ET issues. He formed the CE-IV group so that
    experiencers would have others with whom to share, so they would
    not feel isolated.
                  While respondent believes that there is nothing
    intrinsically erotic or wrong with nudity, he also had no
    understanding that others, and in particular his patience here,
    might not be as comfortable as he in nudity with others. While
    he may not have had a sexual motivation, these patients
    considered at least some of his actions to raise sexual issues.
    Respondent showed an incredible lack of insight in failing to
    appreciate the distress he caused these patients.
                  Respondent has participated in individual therapy since
    these events. Unfortunately, his therapist did not testify.
    While respondent testified that he has learned of possible
    errors, he did not express understanding of his misconduct. When
    he did address the charges, and possible wrongdoing on his part
    was conditional, or placed responsibility on others. For
    example, when asked if he would handle the hot tubbing situation
    differently, rather than saying something like, "I would not do
    it. I would not put my patients at risk," respondent replied:
                  "Absolutely... First of all, given the fact that a
                  current client was involved, even though I had drawn
                  the conclusion that she had resolved the abuse
                  traumatic issues to the point where there was minimal
                  to no risk of resurfacing or exacerbation of them, upon
                  further reflection, it has become obvious that one can
                  never have total certainty that a person will not
                  interpret or misperceive or be told by someone else that
                  they ought to have a perspective about that experience.
                  Or in all the other ways in which one can, however
                  innocent an even is,derive a sense of harm. So that
                  is one consideration that would lead me not to
                  reengineer such an event.
                  "Another consideration is that it has become abundantly
                  clear to me by subsequent statements by knowledgeable
                  persons, including the board's experts, that the
                  contemporary reading on standards of practice does not
                  include therapist nudity in the presence of patients
                  regardless of innocence or safety of situation or
                  patient's level of recovery or proximity of termination
                  of therapy."
                  "And I could go on and on if need be, but there are
                  compelling considerations that would make it quite
                  clear to me that that is not a situation that needs to
                  repeat. And in hindsight, should (not) have taken
                  place the way it did." (R.T. 1/12 - 1/13/95 213:5 -
                  Respondent said he would not repeat the kind of conduct
    that occurred here. However, it was not established that
    respondent has gained any insight, only that he has learned from
    this disciplinary hearing experience that certain conduct is
    unacceptable. Respondent never apologized for what he did.
    Respondent never admitted what he did was wrong.
                  Most of the material facts in this matter were not in
    dispute. In some circumstances, the differences represent the
    different perspectives of the persons involved. The complaining
    witnesses, D.W., K.G. and D.S., appeared to testify accurately to
    the best of their recollection. It was clear that D.W. had a
    history of being highly suggestible, adopting as her ideas and
    beliefs those of people around her and authors she had read.
    D.S. still carried a lot of anger toward and distrust of
    respondent. K.G. felt she was worse emotionally after her
    therapy with respondent.
                  For the most apart, respondent was credible, although
    putting his own spin on events. However, he was also evasive,
    and at times pompous. He attacked the complaining witnesses'
    credibility and stability (by his final diagnosis,) yet for the
    same time period he had been seeking written reports from two of
    them for his book on ET encounters and had one (D.W.) accompany
    him to speak at a UFO conference shortly before his final
                  Respondent argued that he had treated D.W., and
    especially D.S., for some time before the ET issue arose.
    However, it arose at approximately the same time for both
    patients -- March 12, 1992 for D.S. and for D.W., shortly before
    the respondent left for his reconnaissance tour in April 1992. By
    this time, respondent was well into his research on the "secret
    government" and its efforts to disinform the public of UFOs and
    ETs. He had already advertised for research subjects who thought
    they might have had ET experiences. And it was shortly before
    the formation of his CE-IV group. His focus at that time was on
    extraterrestrial issues. At best he inadvertently allowed that
    focus to move into therapy as the primary interpretation of
    dreams and memories.
                  The Board of Behavioral Science Examiners established
    costs of $9205. No cost declarations were filed by the board of
                            DETERMINATION OF ISSUES
                  While the patients in this matter each questioned, at
    times, the sexual motivation of respondent, it was not
    established he in fact has such motivation while providing
    therapy or other relationships to these patients. It is not
    necessary for respondent's motivation to be sexual for sexual
    abuse to occur. Great weight must be given to the "victim's"
    perspective. Here, however, the victims were not sure what was
    going on. There was no sexual contact. They were upset and
    confused. The evidence did not establish sexual misconduct in
    violation of Business and Professions Code sections 726, 2960(o),
    4982(k) or 4992.3(k)
                  Respondent abused his role as a therapist and was
    grossly negligent, in violation of Business and Professions Code
    section 2960(j), 4982(d) and 4992.3(d) in imposing his personal
    views of D.W. and D.S., as set forth in Finding III and V.
                  Respondent committed gross negligence, in violation of
    Business and Professions Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and
    4992.3(d) when he developed an inappropriate dual relationship
    with D.W. that included travel together to and around Las Vegas,
    as established bt Findings III.
                  Respondent committed  gross negligence, in violation of
    Business and Professions Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and
    4992.3(d), when he gave D.W. a massage in his hotel room in Las
    Vegas, as established by Findings III.
                  Respondent committed gross negligence, in violation of
    Business and Professions Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and
    4992.3(d), when he invited D.W. to his home in November 1992 and
    engaged in nude hot tubbing, as established by Findings III.
                  The evidence did not establish that respondent
    suggested that he perform a vaginal examination on D.W.
                  Respondent committed gross negligence, in violation of
    Business and Professions Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and
    4992.3(d), when he invited K.G. to his home in December 1991 and
    engaged in nude hot tubbing, as established by Findings IV.
                  It was not established that the act of inviting K.G.
    and D.S. for nude therapy sessions at Harbin Hot Springs amounted
    to gross negligence, in violation of Business and Professions
    Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and 4992.3(d).
                  Respondent committed gross negligence, in violation of
    Business and Professions Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and
    4992.3(d), when he bartered therapy for nude massages from K.G.,
    as established by Findings V.
                  Respondent committed gross negligence, in violation of
    Business and Professions Code sections 2960(j), 4982(d) and
    4992.3(d) by shifting the focus of D.S.'s therapy from her
    presenting problems to his interest in ET encounters, as
    established by Findings V.
                  While it may have been thoughtless, or possibly
    negligent for respondent to try to recreate a Native American
    ritual with D.S. present, it did not rise to the level of gross
                  It was not established that respondent discussed with
    D.S. details of his sexual relationship with his wife.
                  Determinations II - V, VII, IX and X, and each of them
    are grounds for discipline.
                  The Psychologist, Licensed Social Worker and Marriage,
    Family and Child Counselor licenses issued to respondent Richard
    Boylan are revoked.
                  Respondent shall pay costs to the Board of Behavioral
    Science Examiners in  the sum of  $9205/
                  Dated: (August 1, 1995)
                                          [Signature appears on document]
                                          MURIEL EVENS
                                          Administrative Law Judge
                                          Office of Administrative Hearings
Richard Boylan, Ph.D. (916) 455-0120
LLC 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA.
Regular columnist in "Contact Forum" UFO newsletter:(800)366-0264;
and Bob Dean's "Stargate Newsletter":
