Friday, February 27, 2009

Night, Darkness and Chaos: James Black

(excellent James, excellent)

Oh yes, I was reading and checking my collection of old films: German Expressionism.
But hope is there, and has the face of Webre and Salla, and perhaps Greer. (I don't know about the last one because he seems to be shifting also...)
If we are nice, says Webre, the Big Cosmic Brothers will put an end to the quarantine we are under, and we will all be happy in 2012...the Golden Age, promised by the same Webre.
Talking about Webre, and Salla, and Greer, consider that the trio, make us us imagine the Non-Humans as...Humans. The Aliens looking as Natives. ExoDisneyland.
Of course, the Galaxy is full of people like us...but, wait a minute. No Dark Shadows, No blinding and amorphous lights, no gelatinous horrors, not the Crawling Chaos?

At night, I walk in my place, with very old Oaks, and shadows.
When there is no Moon, in cold nights of Autumn, I watch the Night Sky.
No fear at all, because I know how to empty myself of myself and of any "self".
I know how to be a small point of awareness in the night. In a night that is NOT mine, in a Universe populated by Entities that cannot be seen, because If you do, and you are not Empty, The Medusa Effect will take care of you, and there is no return.
The Universe is an Unlimited Battlefield. The Endless War. The secret of this War is that 1=2. Yes, take a look again. 1=2.
Time? No, time is Ouroboros, produces itself in the Infinite Void.
Masks of course, masks under masks, but to look for a face is FUTILITY.
There is no Face under the Masks. Th MASKS are the FACE.
Entities in-between, waiting, just waiting the right moment. Not Grays, or Tall Whites, or nice Adamskian Venusians, of the naughty Pleiadeans of Billy Meiers. NO.
But I will not write about who or what they are. This night of late February is cold, so cold here, and the night seems to me darker than before. Darker than darkness itself.
Watching the cold, cold and dark sky, we can even find the secret of the Black Light, but NEVER try, if you do not learn to Empty your Self. Only Those who kill that shadow called "self" can cross the Daath Void.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

James Black on Disinformation and Chaos

Dear people, let me share with you some thoughts about all this Communication that is not Information.
Communication without content, insubstantial. The communication ITSELF is the message.
A foggy mass of...words, signs, confusion, contradiction.
Sometimes I think that this mass of contradictory, meaningless not-knowledge is the brainwashing itself.
Perhaps the Non-humans like all this very much.
But, the problem is this: how can we CLEAN the Virtual atmosphere?
How can we find MEANING, the lost meaning?
We must use the good old Occam Razor. We must stop the production of unnecessary entities. "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem".
If we do not stop the mass of meaninglessness, the whole thing will collapse.
Of course, if the Infosphere collapses and Chaos prevails, a few intelligent people will anyway have fun.

Please read this and tell me what you think about it. Is important at least for me.

James Black

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Contactees could win a million..!

This is James Black brilliant idea. People allegedly in contact with good, communicative aliens, just need to ask them to solve the Riemann Equation and win a million without effort.

The Riemann zeta-function ΞΆ(s) is defined for all complex numbers s ≠ 1. It has zeros at the negative even integers (i.e. at s = −2, s = −4, s = −6, ...). These are called the trivial zeros. The Riemann hypothesis is concerned with the non-trivial zeros, and states that:

The real part of any non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is ½.

Thus the non-trivial zeros should lie on the so-called critical line, ½ + it, where t is a real number and i is the imaginary unit.

A $1,000,000 prize has been offered by the Clay Mathematical Institute for the first correct proof.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

James Black comment on Salla's article.

James Black:
Poor little Aliens, they are so nice...of course they are uninvited guests, and they abduct people and are cruel with animals.
As Dr.Salla writes in his old Exopolitical papers, they sign secret and consequently illegal pacts with our authorities, without people's knowledge.
Also, the non-human entities, do not feel like presenting themselves.
These cosmic intruders will "colonize " us? Will they be the Big Cosmic Brothers?
We tell them this:
"Aliens, show your faces if you have faces. Tell us what you want here. Show us in what way you are friends."
If you don't, get out of here as soon as possible.
February 18, 10:11 AM

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mask behind the Mask.

NO, do not look behind the Mask, because you will find no face but another mask.
And in Horror, the Truth will be revealed.
There are no FACES, just MASKS and the King whose true name is VOID.

They come in the night like thieves, and thieves they are.
They have no name.
NO. They are not our brothers.
The name of the King is Void and the Queen is the crossing of the Abyss, in Daath.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Famous Exopolitician buying Sauna for "healing"

Anonymous sources told us that a famous co-founder of Exopolitics, bought a big sauna for he is going into healing hydrotherapy.
Same reliable anonymous source assures that the exopolitician healing techniques will follow the steps of another EXO-I-DON'T-KNOW-WHAT whose license was took away by the sinister Cabal that dominates us.
Both EXOS believe that aliens are good, pretty and nice...except of course a few criminal galactic elements.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

James Black answer to Dr. Salla's Censorship

Dear friends of TRUTH. Below is the message posted by Michael Salla in P4C. I am not afraid of opinions as he is.
He says that some people (ex-members) want to discourage P4C members. ON THE CONTRARY , I recommend you to REMAIN in P4C. The only one who sends people out of his forum for "healing" is Salla. The only one who bans "heretics " is the Exopolitician.
He wants you OUT is you have had some painful experience with Aliens.
Do not leave. Remain in P4C and see where Salla is going.
Salla as usual ,has no arguments, so he practices his Ad Hominem fallacy. He attacks the individual because he cannot deny the statement. He cannot give EVIDENCES of what he says.
Please take a look at what Wilkipedia says about Salla's reliability:

I never sent to you any difamatory or abusive message. You know this well.
Besides, I do not sell books, courses, tourism to Bolivia or Hawaii. I am not a UFO Profiter. I am just a friend of Serious Ufology. A friend of TRUTH.

Michael "teaches " you to delete my "spam". ( Who he thinks you are?)
He pretends to tell you what you must read and what you must delete ? This is the worst form of CENSORSHIP. Crude censorship.
We are adults. Nobody must "protect our inocense" . Salla is not the Big Brother. We are FREE people and the Internet is FREE EXPRESSION.
Salla doesn't follow his own guidelines, since he wants to "clean" the forum, baning people with negative ET experiences.
He has, in his own words 0 tolerance with critics of the ET anti-human activities.
Just let me INSIST in this. Do NOT LEAVE P4C. Remain as members. Question censorship, ask Salla if he is preparing people for contact or for INVASION and COLONIZATION.



Dear p4c members, I wish to alert those active on the p4c forum that a
group of former members and others monitoring the forum are using the
email addresses of those actively posting to create unsolicited email
lists. They use the unsolicited lists to spam active members and
bombard them with all kinds of defamatory, abusive emails, etc., in an
effort to discourage people from participating in p4c. If you receive
unsolicited emails from a list of individuals discussing p4c or its
members then I recommend immediately asking posters to drop your name
from their list, and blocking those sending the emails or routing them
to your spam folder. You also have the option of reporting spammers to
their ISP when the email address reveal their ISP.

The practice of spamming p4c members has recently increased which is a
clear sign that the p4c forum is a cause for concern for some
monitoring our discussions. It's quite clear to me that those
responsible for the secrecy system do not want an informed groups of
individuals discussing ET contact issues in a rational goal oriented
way. If you have been included in one of these unsolicited email
lists, it's because someone wants to discourage you from participating
in the p4c forum.

The recent changes to the forum's goal and posting guidelines will
help restore a sense of civility and courtesy to the p4c forum so
constructive dialogue can once more take place.


Michael S.

(from James Black)

Dear friends of TRUTH and FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Looks like Dr. Salla hates freedom not only in his P4C forum but also in the whole Internet. He should be in China or in Castro's Cuba.

A good friend sent me the message below, with this intelligent comment:
- Hide quoted text -

Definately a dictator mentality!
Besides, Spam mainly deals with unsolicited sales adds, not emails to a group list you are partcipating and interacting on. What a dummy!>

"Dear p4c members, I wish to alert those active on the p4c forum that a
group of former members and others monitoring the forum are using the
email addresses of those actively posting to create unsolicited email
lists. They use the unsolicited lists to spam active members and
bombard them with all kinds of defamatory, abusive emails, etc., in an
effort to discourage people from participating in p4c. If you receive
unsolicited emails from a list of individuals discussing p4c or its
members then I recommend immediately asking posters to drop your name
from their list, and blocking those sending the emails or routing them
to your spam folder. You also have the option of reporting spammers to
their ISP when the email address reveal their ISP.

The practice of spamming p4c members has recently increased which is a
clear sign that the p4c forum is a cause for concern for some
monitoring our discussions. It's quite clear to me that those
responsible for the secrecy system do not want an informed groups of
individuals discussing ET contact issues in a rational goal oriented
way. If you have been included in one of these unsolicited email
lists, it's because someone wants to discourage you from participating
in the p4c forum.

The recent changes to the forum's goal and posting guidelines will
help restore a sense of civility and courtesy to the p4c forum so
constructive dialogue can once more take place.


Michael S.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Still Waiting: a list of UFO predictions.

(sent by James Black)

In our opinion, the UFO Phenomenon is much more complex that the EXO mythology.
This UNSOLVED phenomenon is with us from the beginning of historical times.
Also, we think that the Idea that soon there will be a collective UFO-Human contact is UNFOUNDED.
At the same time, nothing suggests that soon there will be a "disclosure".

In 1998, Martin S. Kottmeyer published a populated list of UFO predictions that never took place.
This is important reading for Ufologists, because show us the distance between fantasies, wishful thinking, easy marketing and REALITY.
Follow the link, please. Thanks for your interest.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Conspiracy Paranoia: Contradictions

There are several problems that conspirationists face. Let us see the nature of these problems.
Someone writes that NASA pics of Mars are faked, because the government doesn't want you to learn that there is intelligent life on Mars.

Very nice, but...IF this is true, THEN not only NASA is in the cover-up. Every magazine, every University, every astronomer, every scientist belongs to the "cabal".

This, of course, implies that there is a TOTAL CONTROL over the gov., the Media, even the Internet.
Consequently, only a couple of Lawyers tell the truth about Intelligent life in Mars. The rest of the world either belongs to the Cabal OR they are repressed.
But...if the repression is so massive...why those few EXOS are totally free to write and tell us what they say they "know"?

Needless is to say that any rational person will see these massive contradictions.
If what they say is true, the whole world is a giant conspiracy, and if they think so, well...they need a doctor as soon as possible.

( PD: Attacking me is just the "ad hominem" fallacy that shows that they have no answers, so they choose personal attack.)

http://groups. group/rationaluf ology
http://ufoculture. blogspot. com/
http://rationalufol ogy.ning. com/

Deadline: Create YOUR OWN CONSPIRACY now..!

Dear friends, follow link and you will find the CONSPIRACY GENERATOR. In seconds you can invent your own conspiracy.
Enjoy and have FUN..!

http://www.publicey generator. html

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,

"Occam's Razor"

http://rationalufol ogy.ning. com/

http://ufoculture. blogspot. com/